Chapter 25

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I have been wanting to surprise Luke for awhile now to thank him for everything that he's done for me. With Beau and Daniel on the other side of the country, and Jai and James with their girlfriends, I thought today would be perfect.

I pack a bag of a swimsuit and towel incase we decide to go to the beach. One of my favorite qualities about Luke is that no matter what we are doing, we always have the best time.

After thinking about whether I should knock or not for about a minuet too long, I decide against it. I don't want to ruin the surprise. After looking in the living room for him, I decide to go to his bedroom to check if he's there. His car, along with one I haven't seen before, is in the driveway. Maybe one of the other boys got a new car.

I walk in the room and my jaw drops. Olivia is standing there, kissing my boyfriend. I thought he hated her. I though he though she was crazy. He probably thinks I'm the crazy one here, thinking that we could actually be together.

He must have heard me run out because he is chasing me down the staircase calling my name.

"Andrea! Let me explain!" He begs as I reach my car door.

"What is there to freaking explain luke? I saw you with Olivia! You know that I've been cheated in before! You have too! You know how it feels. Why would you want to or somebody in that pain? Do me a favor Luke, don't talk to me again." I spit. Maybe I was a little harsh, but he's my everything. Was my everything.

"Get the f*** out of my house right now." I scream at Olivia. She said she came here to find James. She said that she got our bedrooms confused. Why did I believe her? The best thing I had going for me is gone.

"But Luke, I planned it this way. This is how it's supposed to go. We are supposed to be together. I don't love James. I only love you." She says with her creepy eyes.

I look towards the door and see James standing there. This isn't my day. Why does Olivia have to come in and mess everything up?

"Olivia. Leave now." James says calmly.

"James, I don't want a thing to do with her. She put this on me! Fifteen minuets ago, Andrea did the exact thing except she was kissing me! James, I'm so sorry. I pulled away as soon as I realized what was happening. She kissed me. I love Andrea and because of Olivia, she is fu***** gone." I say trying not to cry, but I can't help it. I can't picture a life without Andrea. I love her so much, but she gone. I have a pretty good feeling that she isn't coming back either.

"Luke, it's fine. I know that Olivia is crazy. She's Samantha's sister, so I took her out a couple time to be nice. I don't like her. I met this other girl, Mya, that day at the beach. I went back afterwards for the towel Olivia forgot, but needed up getting her number and no towel. Come on, we have to find Andrea. You can't just let her leave like that. She isn't gone, you just have to find her." James says. I'm glad that he's here for me.

"Samantha! I can't keep up!" I say, trying to catch my breath. We decided to go running. Bella and Daniel do it together all the time, and Sam is a runner too, so I thought that it couldn't be too hard. But, I was wrong. I can't keep up with her, she's way too good. I guess that's what happens when you are into a runner. Samantha and I met at a race, of all places. She thought that i was going to be running too, but I was just cheering for Bella and Lauren. Daniel said that he was too sore from legs day at the gym to run, but my opinion is that he was too scared to be beaten by two girls who are twigs. Bella and Lauren ran the whole thing together, but Bella sprinted harder at the end and won for girls. Lauren got second, and samantha was only a couple seconds behind them.

"Jai, it's not that bad, just don't think about the run. Think about your family. Think about the fans. Think about ideas for your next video. Think about life." She says. I try to and it helps a little bit.

"Thanks... But it... Doesn't help... With the fact that... You're practically sprinting." I somehow manage to say through puffs of breath.

"It's all about what you're thinking. If you think negative, you're going to get negative results. If you think positive, you get positive results. It all depends on your prospective." She replies. I wonder how longs she been doing this. She seems to have a lot of helpful tips. I begin to think positive, and the run gets better.

We get back to my house, and we are both sweating. I pick her up and throw her in the pool. She screams and gets out.

"Jai, I love you so much. I want a hug." She says. I try and run away from her, but that obviously isn't going that well. She catches me and pushes me into the pool. Since she's so thin, I hurry up and grab her and pull her in with me. I think I'm in love.
triples update to celebrate 600+ views! thanks so much to every one who reads and votes!

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