Chapter 16

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"Lauren!" I scream. "Lauren! I tell louder, but she isn't listening. She's with Cameron. She's kissing him. I lost her. I lost the best thing in my life. I lost Lauren.

I quickly jerk awake. I am covered in sweat and can't catch my breath. "Beau, are you okay?" Luke asks me.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine. Thanks." I say. He gets up and walks back to his room.

"I'll be right down the hall." He says before he finally leaves my room. I slump my head back down to my pillow and pick up my phone. I love you xx, I text to Lauren. I know that it's almost three in the morning and she is asleep, but I needed to say it. I need to ask her to be my girlfriend. Skip did such a good job at it that I'm scared she won't think it's good enough. She might be expecting what Bella got, but I can't just copy him. It wouldn't be fair to him.
After about another hour of thinking about Lauren, I finally fell asleep. I wake in the morning to the smell of pancakes. Why is someone cooking pancakes?

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen. I see Lauren and Bella in there making breakfast. Jai and James already have their plates and are chowing down on bacon. Lauren walks over and says good morning. I tell her that I'll be back and go to brush my teeth. The last thing I want is to be kissing her with morning breath. I don't want to ruin my chances with her.

I come back out and plant a kiss on her lips with my now minty breath. I pileup my plate with eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Daniel comes down stairs with what seems to be already brushed teeth and kisses Bella. Luke follows behind him texting someone with a smile on his face.

"Hey Lauren, do you have any plans for tonight?" I ask her.

"No, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Bella and Daniel we're going to hang out." She says while putting more bacon on the skillet. I take a fresh piece and split it with her.

"Well, now you do. I'll pick you up at seven." I finally have the perfect plan on how I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I just hope it goes okay.
I pull into Lauren's driveway and knock on the door. She opens it. She looks amazing. Her brown hair is in a French braid and she's wearing high waisted jeans with a tank top. I told her the date was nothing formal, like the last time. "Hey Beau, hands to yourself. Behave you two" Bella calls out the door.

"Same for you and Daniel." I say back. She rolls her eyes and tells us to have fun.

We walk to the car and I go ahead to open the door for her. She says thank you and I close it behind her. I get in the driver's seat and start the car. She doesn't ask where we are going, which I am very sunrises about.

I pull into our driveway. The car ride wasn't even a mile long because we are neighbors, but I didn't want her to have to walk.

We open the door and the boys are gone. A St..Bernard puppy comes running up to Lauren with a note tied around her collar. She takes the note in her hands and reads it out loud.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, just incase she didn't read it clearly.
I know I said I probably wouldn't update, but I came stop myself from doing it today. lol but happy Easter everyone. I hope you had a great one.

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