Saving those we Love! 2015 Infernites Max, Yaksamon, and Canoweissmon are born!

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(A/N- Chapter 25, how I've longed so dearly to get you published and uploaded onto Wattpad! Well, everyone, with this chapter, the first arc of this Story is complete! Before I begin this chapter proper, I want to give a shoutout to Artopossom, a truly great friend of mine here on both Wattpad and Discord, for enabling me to use his OC, Queen Nixel, for the big battle scene in this chapter, and all of you for being so patient with each and every chapter as I write and publish them. Thank you all, and I hope every single one of you enjoys Chapter 25 of MGG; GoW, otherwise known as the final chapter for the Path of Beginnings Arc, and everything else that lies in wait for this story! Also, a bit of a trigger warning for this chapter, there will be the implication of death, and vampirism. Lots, and LOTS of vampirisms. Viewer discretion is advised, but not as much as it was regarding the previous chapter.)

 'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who live in this city refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


Last night, Casey and her friends had another encounter with Aleena and the Nixels, but this time, she wasn't alone. She came with the Glowkies, Major Nixel, and a Digimon known as Ajatarmon, who had feelings for one of Casey's newer friends at school, Jackie Qiang, who had met the Weldos- A tribe of construction worker Mixels who built the city of Mixopolis back on Planet Mixel. But, as Ajatarmon was defeated by the 3 black and yellow Mixels, Casey Almenera and the 2014 Infernites were yet again kidnapped. Henry, distraught by this since he's now aware that Aleena Blackwood, the person whom he once considered a friend is actually on the side of the Nixels, seeks to rescue them alone in comparison to how he had help from Gammamon, the 2014 Infernites, the Roark sisters, Angoramon, and the Cragsters when it first happened, and decides he alone shall stage the final battle against her. However, The Chosen Ones are unaware that this 'final battle' wouldn't be their last, but most definitely their toughest. One that'd require Gammamon and the 2015 Infernites to draw forth brand-new powers comparable to miracles...


"Omigosh, Omigosh, Omi-G-O-S-H!" Alya cheered happily as she was hanging out with Hannah and Rose, who had brought Spugg and Scorpi over while Amber was at school with Kiyo, Maya, Francis, Abraham, Bianca, Katie, Sadie, Cassie, and Jackie, trying to discuss a plan on how to rescue Casey and the Infernites. Scorpi let out a small squeak of curiosity. They all knew about the Mixel fangirl and her partners getting taken by Aleena and the Nixels, so what had her in such high spirits? Alya then showed the group of 4 a small letter that she had attained in the mail a while back. Spugg tilted his head at the letter, as the Lixer puppy couldn't exactly read the cursive writing. "You got invited to CL's exclusive tasting party for their desserts?" Hannah asked, as her friend nodded. "Yeppers!" Alya beamed. "Working with Ms. Juniper Beckett on the Phantom's Den is starting to pay off!" Rose just lightly smiled. "Well, be sure to bring back some stuff for us. From what I've heard; the people invited don't exactly get to bring guests with them." She then explained, as Alya's head lowered. "Well, I'll try. And to think I was gonna try to find a way to bring the Cragsters and Angoramon with me..." She said, before her mood perked back up. "Well, the party isn't until tomorrow night. I may as well spend the rest of the day getting everything around the house done, and then tomorrow with me getting ready for the tasting party. Tomorrow Night'll be the best night ever! And who knows? Maybe being a pâtissier chef is my true calling! " Alya happily shouted, as from the hallway, Angoramon and the three Rocky mixels were listening to the conversation. Something about CL seemed suspicious. And maybe there was a chance, however slim, that the Glowkies, Aleena, and the Nixels were behind this, as from a nearby rooftop, a familiar imp Digimon was watching the trio of little girls and the duo of Lixer and Spikel, as well as the rabbit Digimon and the trio of Cragsters...

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