The Freezing Titan! Frosticons Max Vs Kinkakumon!

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'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who dwell within this lively city began to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


It had been two weeks since Francis had been targeted by the Sewn lip man, and had turned to Casey, the Infernites, Gammamon, Kiyo, Jellymon, the Frosticons, Angoramon, Alya, Rose, and the Spikels. But when Jellymon had a run-in with a group of Nixels after an argument with Flain, she met the Klinkers, a tribe of mechanical mixels lead by Gox, and with their help, unveiled the Sewn-lip man as a champion-level Digimon known as Clockmon, who steals the time of humans, and was sent by Aleena and the Nixels as a means of covering their tracks. However, When the group confronted Clockmon, the silhouette of the White dragon appeared again, and smacked Clockmon away, but reflected the effects of his Chrono Breaker attack onto him, causing Clockmon's time to move forward, deteriorating his body, leaving Betel Gammamon to save him, alongside Flain and Krader, who both finally did a proper Mix instead of a Murp, by slowing the clock hands on his lower body and turning them counter clockwise, while everyone else handled the swarm of Nixels that had out the mechanical Digimon's targets, such as Francis. But now, Kiyo was about to have his own realization, similar to how Jellymon did...


"So, the School's gaming club is holding a Smash Bros. Tournament tonight at 8 at your place?" Casey asked, as Maya then nodded, as the duo walked to their next classes together. "Yeah, it is. You see, the gaming club's one of the extracurricular activities I'm a part of, and it just so happens that I'm the chairwoman of the club. Heck, I've even made it so people who aren't part of the club can join!" Maya smiled, as Casey just sheepishly smiled. "I-If you're thinking of having me participate, I'm no good at the game. I may have taught Gammamon and the Infernites how to play the game last week, but Henry always kicks my butt. He's just too dang good with Olimar." She admitted, as Kiyo walked by the duo. "Girls, you're on campus." He told them. "I know you're excited, but please save the talk of the Smash Bros. tournament for after school..." Casey nodded.  "Sorry, we didn't mean to get so caught up on talking about Smash ultimate..." She said, as Jellymon flew over to them, snickering. "Oh, Darling's been HOOKED on Smash recently!" She cackled, as Kiyo's black backpack, covered with all sorts of Anime pins, began showing movement from the inside, as Flurr's head popped out. "Yeah!" The Frosticon leader nodded. "Although, he quit a while after hearing some rumors on a group forum for the game..." The blue dragon added, as Kiyo sighed, while the lunch bell then rang.

The cafeteria was clamoring with the loud, scattered voices of countless other students, with Kiyo, Casey, Maya, Jellymon, and Flurr sitting in the vacant courtyard in front of the cafeteria. "Well, from what Jellymon and Flurr had said earlier, I bet you can guess that I'm no stranger when it comes to fighting games, Casey. And when you consider Smash Brothers, it's such a classic! How could I not get into it?" He asked with a smile, but it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. "So, I recently done a few online matches, quickly earning me the title of the 'Unhittable Champion', due to my skill of never getting hit once by my opponents in the game, but when I joined a forum for Smash, I heard about this rumor going around the internet that even Nintendo tried to cover up. Apparently, when players hit a 20-win streak, they're greeted by Mewtwo, who asks the player if they're prepared before challenges the player, and what's more, the people who fought Mewtwo in the game have been disappearing one after another... At any rate, I'm not touching a game like that again. Nobody should!" He exclaimed, before a bunch of screams erupted from the cafeteria. Worried about whatever it could be, Kiyo, Maya, and Casey ran inside the cafeteria, only to see a group of kids panicking about a broken orange-and-brown Nintendo switch on the ground. "What happened?" Kiyo asked, a bit nervous. 

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