Rescue mission to Save Casey and Co.! New Mix! New Infernites on Halloween!

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'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who live in this city refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


It had been a few days since the Roark siblings had to deal with Dracmon's prank of making Alya's hands slowly vanish, which lead to Casey, her brother, Gammamon, and the Infernites helping them confront the Hologram ghost and the small Nixel army it had put under its spell with the aid of Alya and Amber, and the sisters' new partners- Angoramon, and the Cragsters. Albeit, the Almenera siblings didn't know it, nor did the Roark siblings, but they were being monitored. Not only by Aleena (strangely enough), but also by a small group of red mixels...


Today began like any other day in the city of Santa Monica, but all the kids who were attending Angelwood Middle School were walking onto Campus wearing costumes of all sorts. That was because today was none other than Halloween. A day (and eventually, night) whereas people would dress up as whatever they wanted to be, like a monster, or a person. Heck, even an animal! But for Casey Almenera, she didn't exactly want to fit in by those standards. She'd rather follow her own interests. And her choice of Costume was something that was blatantly obvious. Well, blatantly obvious to those who knew her, at least....

"So, you're going to be dressing up as me for your school's Halloween Carnival?" Flain asked Casey as he, the other infernites, and Gammamon walked with her to school, confused, as she then nodded. "I mean, sure, it's not exactly perfect, but you know what they say, right?" She then asked. "Ice cream makes everything better?" Vulk guessed, as Casey lightly smiled in response. "Yes, they do say that, but no. They say that 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'." Casey then explained. "What's that mean?" Gammamon asked. "It means that sometimes, copying one's actions or styles can be a way of showing admiration and respect for them." Casey explained, as Flain nodded. "That is true. And to be honest, your costume of me is pretty good. But for the love of Maximum mixel, please tell me that the orange and yellow hair dye you used to make your hair look like an actual fire isn't permanent...!" Flain told her, as Casey shook her head. 

"It isn't permanent, don't worry. I had Hen to help with that. As much as I'm getting used to doing things on my own without help, since my mom, Camilla, works at a clinic not too far away from the house, and Henry doing a bit of home-schooling, hence why he usually stays at home, it doesn't mean I can't occasionally ask for help. But today is, like you said earlier Flain, Angelwood Middle School's Halloween Carnival!" Casey smiled, as Gammamon flew over to Casey's side. "Casey, what's Halloween like?" The little triceratops Digimon asked, curious. "Well, Gammamon, Halloween is where people dress up and get candy by going from house to house and saying, 'trick or treat'." The mixels fangirl explained, and upon hearing 'Candy', Gammamon's eyes starting to shine like stars. "Candy?! That means my champions, too!" Gammamon smiled happily. "Turkey or treatment! Turkey or treatment!" He then cheered, excited. 

Flain smirked, and then thought of something. "Hey, Casey? Maybe we could come with you to your school's Halloween Carnival?" He asked, as Casey turned to face the red Mixels. "Of course! Why else would I be walking to school with you guys? Besides, later, the whole school and the guests that the students are allowed to bring with them get to go to Lopez Ranch for the corn maze! And the group who gets through the corn maze first gets a huge thing of candy!" Casey shouted happily, as Henry, who was dressed up like Owen Grady from Jurassic World, calmly sighed. "Just remember, Hermana, if we get through the corn maze first, we're splitting the candy, alright? Besides, the last thing we want is you getting cavities." Henry told his little sister, who pouted in response. "I'm not a baby anymore, Henry. Besides, I was planning on sharing my chocolate candy with Gammamon.." She explained as Gammamon flew into the open part of her backpack. "But Ambs and I made costumes for you guys, the Cragsters, and Gammamon, though!" Casey then smiled. "C'mon, I'll show them to you when we get to Angelwood Middle School!" 

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