The Concert of Doom! Time to Rock 'n' Roll, Mixies!

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'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who live in this lively city began to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


Weeks had passed since Maya Kaminari and Kiyoshiro 'Kiyo' Shima had met their partners- The Electroids, the Frosticons, and Jellymon, and also had succeeded in getting rid of the virtual talismans that the Class Representative of Angelwood Middle School had created (and Volectro and Jellymon had accidentally turned those talismans into malware that halted the Flow of Wealth), that angered the Envoy of Wealth, Majiramon. Fortunately, when things seemed their bleakest for Casey and the others, Maya and Kiyo came through and saved the day with the aid of Electroids Max, the Frosticons, and Tesla Jellymon. However, with the original 3 Mixel tribes now back together, more and more mysterious puzzles awaited them, their human partners, and those closest to them, especially one young girl who always had music as a large part of her career.


"It's right up ahead, guys, C'mon!" Alya happily cheered as she ran ahead of the group of Humans, Mixels, and two Digimon, who were following behind her, while Flamzer was, once again, riding along in Casey's backpack. "Are you sure there's a ghost here, Ally?" Casey asked her, as the younger Roark sister nodded. "Well, there have been rumors, but Ms. Juniper Beckett, the editor-in-chief of The Phantom's Den, said there was a ghost at the Lake Shrine temple and retreat!" She explained with a bright smile. "Even then, this place is giving me the creeps..." Casey nervously spoke up, and as the group walked towards the shrine, Burnard saw a few plates resting on a flat surface within the shrine. And the best part? The plates were filled with all sorts of fruits, like pears and grapes freshly plucked off the vine! "Treats, treats!" The Chameleon-like Mixel laughed as he ran towards the shrine, before Henry picked him up in his arms.  "Hold up, Burnard." Casey's older brother told him. "Those are offerings. They differ greatly depending on the shrine, but you can see that the offerings are fruit..." He explained, as Burnard still kept trying to get one of the offerings.

 "...And meant for the deity who watches over the shrine, and the deity alone." He then told him sternly, as Burnard then nervously laughed. However, the leaves in the trees began to sway along in the wind, and while everyone else watched the trees sway in the breeze, Alya was taking photos with her camera (which was a hand-me-down from Amber when she was her age) of the shrine, until a blue nine-tailed fox with a fluffy white mane and mystical orange flames  that seemed to be flaring around its paws and tail tips stood on top of the shrine.

 However, the leaves in the trees began to sway along in the wind, and while everyone else watched the trees sway in the breeze, Alya was taking photos with her camera (which was a hand-me-down from Amber when she was her age) of the shrine, until...

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Alya looked up at the fox, hopeful for a brief moment, before she started feeling a bit upset. "Aw, biscuits... I thought it was a real ghost!" She mumbled. Casey just rested her hand on the young Roark child's shoulder. "To be fair, we should've expected it to be either a Digimon, or a mixel." She told her with a smile, as Flain looked over to Angoramon, who stared at the fox creature. "That is Youkomon. He's a data-attribute, Bewitching Beast type, Champion-level Digimon. Despite being a Digimon who's rumored to bring ruin and decay, he's usually very nice." The anthropomorphic rabbit explained, as Youkomon just scoffed. "Honestly, you're such a rude lot." He said, as Gammamon climbed up Casey's shoulder, and rested atop it near Flamzer (Who was, as you could probably guess, still riding in Casey's backpack)'s tail. "Ohh~!" Gammamon squeaked happily, as he raised his right arm. "Do you like your fruit off-er-ings?" The small triceratopsian Digimon asked, as Shuff then stepped forward to ask something.

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