Chapter 17

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(Guys, I feel like shipping Angel and Hailey in one chapter. OOPS I GUESS I SPOILED ONE OF MY PLANS! Eh- it's fine, I might not do it or get to that part. ALSO, there is a ton of cussing, be aware. The photo on the top is a little digital girl thingy I made and I might use that to kinda give you all an idea of what Angel looks like. That's not her though-)

I started talking to Cayden a bit more, turns out, my dad never ACTUALLY liked him. Guess I was mistake.. anyways, I love drama especially in my school! There's this one girl who started talking crap about her friends, I don't think I know her but I heard she was talking smack about me too so I might just beat her ass. I don't know if you guys like watching me fight people but if you do, THEN MAYBE I WILL. I can fight but I don't fight unless the person was asking for it, take Hailey for example. I beat her ass and grabbed her by that Dollar Store wig.

~The Next Day (At school)~

Apparently I was told that the girl talking smack about everyone is named Alicia. THE WORST PART IS SHE'S A NEW STUDENT THAT JUST CAME LIKE A FEW WEEKS AGO. She should NOT be talking smack about anyone if she barely knows anyone. I'm going to ask to be her friend so I can see how she's like and what she says since I'll be her first friend.

I finally found this rat in the girls restroom. So, I used this opportunity to ask to be her friend. I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder as she was washing her musty crusty hands full of shit and lies.

"Hey! I'm Angela or Angel, whatever you want to call me. Since you're new around here, why don't I be your first friend?"

This dumb bitch really did look me up and down before answering me. Like girl, I will smack the absolute crap out of you, all the shit in your ass is going to come out of your mouth once I'm done with you.

"Uhm.. sure..", said this utterly useless piece of my ass called a human. Her dumbass really shook my hand like DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT COVID-23!? We walked out of the bathroom together but then split up since she had science class at this time. I was relieved to know that we weren't in the same class for most of the schedule. Sadly, I have to be with her for P.E.


It was lunchtime and I told Keith and Ally that I got to be her friend and my plan to expose her. They agreed and I went to sit with Alicia at lunch. BUT AS SOON AS A SAT DOWN NEXT TO THIS GIRL, SHE STARES AT ME DEAD IN THE FACE LIKE WHAT DO YOU WANT? All day she's been giving me a side eye like FIX YOUR EDGES THEN TALK TO ME. Anyways, I was talking to her and she started staring at something.

"Alicia, what are you staring at?" I ask her.

She points to Hailey and says, "Her, that dumb blonde over there."

"You mean Hailey?"

"Yeah, her. She's so annoying! I hate her ugly face. It's so full on makeup." I kinda agreed with Alicia there but still, she cannot be talking. She needs that makeup more than Hailey does so she can't be talking.

(CLIFFHANGER, SORRY! Thank you all for the 697 reads on this story though! I never thought I could be a good enough writer to get to almost 700 reads. My goal is 1k so I have to update more often. THANKS YALL!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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