Chapter 14

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Inside of the cave was very colorful. I walked down the tunnel into a darker part of the cave. There was a small table with a note and flashlight on it. The note had something written on it. I couldn't tell because it was written in some weird symbols. I want to say it was cuneiform. A type of writing that was used in Mesopotamian times. Mesopotamia was the first civilization in the world. If I'm correct, this writing was used in Paleolithic times. Paleo means "Old" and lithos means "Stone". I kept the note anyway. I took the flashlight and turned it on. I continued down the tunnel. Suddenly, I fell into a deep hole. I thought it was a bottomless pit, but there was a cushiony bottom. It was a room with colorful lights, just like what I saw before I walked through the tunnel. That's when I saw him. He turned around, as soon as I blinked, he was gone. Then he appeared again, this time in front of me. He held his hand out and I grabbed it. In seconds, we were back at the cave opening. After a while, he taught me how to use magic. Apparently in the underworld, there are power elements. There are six different elements. He showed me that my element was corruption. Each element has three different tiers. I practiced my magic; he later then told me that my power was corruption tier 3. He showed me that his power was dark magic tier 2. There was one thing he told me to do. He wanted me to free him from my thoughts. I asked him how he got in my brain in the first place. He said when I was born, I was cursed by some underworld traitor. The curse was for him to get locked in my thoughts until I knew how to free him. I was flabbergasted. He taught me how to use my powers to free him. Once I got the hang of it, I tried to free him. There was this very bright spark of light and all of a sudden, I was back home. I wondered where he could be. Did I successfully free him? I thought for a moment, then I decided to look around the house for him. I had checked everywhere for hours. I then heard a noise from my dad's room. I knew my dad wasn't home so what was that? I opened the door to the dark empty room. There was nothing there. I heard the noise again, but louder. A shadow like figure appeared. My eyes weren't very adjusted to the darkness so I couldn't see anything. All I felt was a grab on my wrist. I was pulled closer to the figure. Turns out, I did free him. He was right there with me in his arms.

(I got carried away with this, but I was also lazy with it.)

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