Chapter 9

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(I'm starting to get really lazy with this story, I'm sorry. I'll try to think of new ideas for this story.)

I woke up. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked around. I saw Ally and Keith on both sides of me, sleeping. Then, I remembered we watched a movie together. I got up and walked to the kitchen to get a morning snack. When I finished my snack, I looked at the time. It was already ten o'clock in the morning! I ran and woke up Keith and Ally.

"W-What?" said Keith, with his eyes still closed.

"It's 10 o'clock in the morning!" I yelled at him and Ally.

"Wait what!?" screamed Ally.

We ran to my dad's room and kicked his door open. I loved kicking his door open! He was still asleep. We all looked at each other and nodded. We ran and jumped on his bed. For some reason, he was still asleep! We kept jumping but nothing happened. I started to get angry at him, and I kicked my foot up his ass. He jumped up and was fully awake. My friends and I laughed at how he wriggled like a worm.

"What was that for!?" he asked.

"You didn't wake up when we jumped on your bed three thousand times!" said Keith.

He groaned and got out of bed reluctantly and headed to the bathroom. After about five minutes, he came out.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked him. I was excited because all the food that he has ever made is delicious! And they say girls belong in the kitchen!

"Whatever you want me to make." he said.

I thought for a long moment. Then, I finally decided to make my choice.

"Why don't we just head to Dunkin Donuts?" I spoke. He agreed with it, and I took Ally and Keith to their own rooms. I gave them the most perfect outfits I could choose. I picked an outfit for myself as well! I decided to change what shoes I'm wearing today. I chose the red and black checkered high-tops. Once we were all ready, we got into the Paw Patroller, and Robo-dog drove us to Dunkin Donuts.

» After that «

We ate our Dunkin Donuts at a table and left. We drove back home. It was because Ally had remembered we had a Saturday club to go to. We got inside and into our rooms. Then, we put on our uniforms and went back to the Paw Patroller and Robo-dog drove us to the club. The club was called "The world-wide problem-solving club." Our topic for the club was how to stop world hunger. We basically researched ways to end world hunger. The last time we were here, Caleb had found a website that would help end world hunger. You are probably wondering, who is Caleb? He's the son of a friend of my dad. Anyways, it wasn't full proof, but it was the closest thing we had to ending world hunger. I think this was the best topic we ever had. The last one was about how to dissect a frog, and I purposefully skipped that day.

(It's 9:10 PM where I am right now. I think I am done with this chapter. Have a great day/night!)

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