Chapter 5

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It was time to go back to school, sadly. I did the normal same routine I always do. I was not ready to go back to school. I knew Hailey would start spreading some rumors about me. But is it really my fault? I mean, the note said she wanted to fight, I wasn't going to fight her anyway, but since she asked me to, I gave her what she wanted, and that was a big black eye.

⋙ On the bus ⋘

"Hey did you hear?" said Ally.

"Hear what? What happened?" I asked.

"Everyone in school is hyped because you're the leader of the PAW Patrol's daughter!" Ally said with excitement.

"Oh, that's nice!" I replied.

She shrugged her shoulders, and we talked about other things during the bus ride. When we got to the school, everyone walked up to me with questions. I didn't answer any and continued to my locker. Keith was there and we talked about why everyone was so hyped and headed to class. Surprisingly, Hailey didn't come to school today.

» Dismissal «

I was waiting for my bus to be called until I got a text from my dad.

"I'm picking you up today. I have to go on a mission in Barkingsburg and I think you would want to come along."

I was so excited, so I ran outside where the pick-up students were and waited. About 3 minutes later, the Air Patroller came. The door opened and my dad came out. I walked back inside the Air Patroller with him. If you were to see the looks on everyone's face when they saw the Air Patroller.

⋙ Barkingsburg ⋘

We got off the Air Patroller in the HQ and got geared up. After the pups were assigned what to do, we got into the Mission Cruiser. We reached the castle where Queen Mia and the Earl were standing waiting for us. Not to mention, Princess Catharine was there too. Catharine and I are friends, every time my dad went on a Mission PAW to Barkingsburg, she would take me to her room, and we would play until the mission was over. She hugged me and she dragged me out to the garden to play a treasure hunt game. She said that she has one of the butlers hide candies around the garden, and that it was up to us to find them and eat them.

» 30 minutes later «

We had found all of the candies and ate them. After we finished eating all the candy, the mission was over, so I had to leave. We got back into the Mission Cruiser, back to HQ, back inside the Air Patroller, back home. It was literally as soon as we landed, my dad got another call from Mayor Goodway saying that Harold Humdinger is robbing the museum. I decided to come along since I didn't have anything else better to do. When we got there, Hailey was there too! They were breaking down the museum! Rocks were flying everywhere; Chase could only use his net to catch so many. Marshall was spraying water at them. Zuma was using his buoys to block them. Skye's copter had a net to catch bigger rocks. Rubble was using his crane to knock the rocks into tiny pieces. Rocky was building something to catch all the rocks, I didn't know what he was building, but he was building something. I was trying to get people out of the way of the rocks. As I was doing that, a huge rock was coming towards my direction. BOOM! I was knocked out.

⋙ ??? ⋘

I woke up. I wasn't sure where I was at first, but then realized that it was the same place I was in my dream. This time I could actually see, and I wasn't in a cage. The same person I saw in my dream appeared again. This time I could see full details of what he looked like. Blonde and brown hair, light brown eyes that were staring directly at me, pale skin. I noticed he looked like a vampire, like me.

"W-Who are you?" I asked him.

He walked closer to me. Then he nodded. I was really confused; I didn't know what he was doing.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's your name little girl?" He told me.

I hesitated to answer his question, but then I answered him.

"I'm Angel." I told him.

"Hmm" he said suspiciously.

He then walked around me in a circle. He started touching my hair, and for some reason, I didn't stop him. He sniffed my hair.

"Angela Zachery, am I right?" he said.

I just nodded, too afraid to say anything to this strange man.

"Let me guess, your father is Ryder Zachery?" he said again.

"Yes, how do you know so much about me?" I questioned him.

"Well, are you sure you really want to know?" He asked me.

"Yeah!" I spoke.

"Okay well, you might not believe me but, I'm your second father." he said.

I was shocked, I didn't know how to answer him. All I did was think about my life's choices. How could he be my second father? I was really confused. I was more confused than I was before.

"But, how?" I asked.

"It's a long story." he told me.

"Darling, can you do something for me?" he asked me.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Can you hand this note to your father for me?" he said, while passing me a folded piece of paper.

"Of course!" I said, taking the piece of paper from his hand.

"Good girl! Now, you should get going." he said.

He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden, I woke up on the ground surrounded by the pups and my dad. My dad hugged me tightly as when he saw I woke up. He asked me if I was okay, and I told him I was fine. I then remember I was still holding that note so I gave it to him.

Ryder's POV

I hugged Angel as tight as I could knowing that she was okay. She handed me a note that was in her hand, so I took it, opened it, and read it.

Dear Ryder,

I know you haven't seen me in a while but I'm fine. I have been watching over Angela through her head. I hope you know that I miss you and love you still. I will come back to you someday though. 💘

Sincerely, Your one and only love, Cayden

I smiled to myself. I folded up the note and put it in my pocket. I took Angel and the pups home and got her ready for bed. I went to bed myself, knowing that my lover is alive.

Angela's POV

I was in another dream again. This time the same man was there, waiting for me.

"You're here!" He spoke.

"Yeah, but why?" I asked him.

"This place is your thoughts; I have been here ever since you were a baby." he told me.

"That's not creepy at all!" I said, sarcastically.

"It's really not." He spoke.

"I was using sarcasm!" I told him.

He chuckled.

"You sound just like Ryder. By the way, did you give him the note?"

I nodded and he smiled warmly at me. We talked until it was morning.

"I think it's time for you to wake up. Goodbye Angel." He told me.

"Okay! Bye!" I spoke. 

And with a snap, I woke up, in my bed.

(Sorry this chapter was so long and boring I kinda got carried away. 1220 words)

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