Chapter #46

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Chapter #46
Louri’s POV
“Good morning Curls.” John says walking into my office with two coffees. “Morning Captain.” I grin and he looks confused. “I'm Lieutenant dumby.” He says. “Nope, read this.” I say handing him his promotion papers. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” He yells excited. “Yes I am, the Brig signed it this morning your new position comes with a promotion.” I tell him with a smile. “WIll you do it?” He asks. “I’d be honored to.” I tell him as I stand and he engulfs me in a hug. “The ceremony is this weeked I’ve already called our parents they are on their way and will be staying with Scarlett, Devon, and I.” I tell him. “Oh my god Louri this means so much that you are going to do the ceremony.” He says. “Our parents should be landing just before lunch so Scarlett is making a big meal for us.” I add. “They’ll be here today?” He asks with a giant smile. “Yes they will. Congratulations my friend you deserve this.” I say.

“I haven’t seen my parents in two years.” He says as we all drive to the airport Devon insisted he come and I can’t say no to him so of course Scarlett’s with us. “Two years? I don’t think I could stand being away from Devon that long.” I say. “Me either.” Scarlett adds. “Well I’m an adult he’s a kid.” He says. “Still he’s our son and no matter how old he gets he’ll always be our baby.” Scarlett says. “I agree with Scarlett.” I say as I park in the back to avoid paparazzi they scare Devon. “Is Pop pops coming?” Devon asks. “Yes Budds Pop pops is coming too. So are your Aunties Shanna and Carly.” Scarlett tells him. “Hehe Carly’s coming?” John asks stopping in his tracks. “Yeah of course she is you’re getting a promotion.” I tell him as he rocks back and forth on his heels. “John what is it?” I ask getting worried. “Here hold Devon.” He says handing me my son. “John what’s going on?” I ask. “I slept with her right before my last deployment and never called her back.” He says. “YOU WHAT!!!!???” I scream. “Mama don’t yell.” Devon says hiding in my shoulder. “Sorry Buddy.” I say now I know why he handed me Devon. “I will let Carly deal with you.” I tell him as we continue to walk into the airport. When we get in we are greeted by bright flashes. “SCARLETT OVER HERE!” I hear them yelling. I put my hat on Devon to help block out the flashes. “Here Scarlett take Devon I’ll take care off them.” I say handing him to her. “I’m scared Mommy.” Devon whimpers. “BACK UP PLEASE YOU ARE SCARING OUR SON THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I’LL ASK!” I yell distracting them enough for Scarlett and Devon to get away. “NO! NO!” I hear John screaming I look over to see him curled in a ball. “John. John it’s just cameras.” I say but like the asshole the paparazzi are they swarm us like we’re prey. “THE LIEUTENANT'S HIT I NEED A MEDIC!” He starts screaming the flashes not helping. I lose it when one tries to get John to answer a question and I stand up and deck him. “BACK THE FUCK UP NOW!!” I scream, they all look at me shocked. “I TOLD YOU TO FUCK OFF!!” I yell and they all leave seeing that I am trying to help the panicking Marine behind me. “John, look at me. John please.” I urge but nothing works and he starts to hyperventilate. “I’m getting you out of here Marine.” I tell him as I pick him up and run back outside in the restricted area that I have access to thanks to my job. A TSA worker comes over with a bottle of water. “Here Major. When I have flashbacks my husband always splashes a little water on my face and it helps I’ll make sure your family is informed of what happened and direct them to you.” She says and when I reach for the water bottle I see the tattoo. “You’re a Marine.” I say. “Semper Fi.” She says. “Ho ra.” I reply as she goes back inside. I pour some of the water on Johns head. “Curls?” He asks. “Yeah John I’m sorry I should’ve warned you about the flashes.” I tell him. “I thought we were back there I thought..” He says before breaking down and I just hold him as he sobs into my chest. Why did she look so familiar?
Scarlett’s POV
I managed to get Devon away from the paparazzi and he had stopped crying by the time we got to the gate our family will be coming out of. “Holy shit Major Evans decked one of the paparazzi.” I hear someone say. “Well did you not see the Marine behind her she was clearly defending.” I hear another person say. Oh fuck. “Mrs. Johansson.” I hear a soft voice behind me and when I turn I see a TSA worker. “What happened?” I ask concerned. “It seems that after you got your son away from the paparazzi the Lieutenant that was with you started having a PTSD episode and when a paparazzi tried to get in his face the Major your wife decked him and had to carry the Lieutenant out. I told the Major I would take care of you and your family personally.” She says. “Ok thank you. Um, what's your name?” I ask. “Tanya Ma’am.” She tells me holding out her hand to shake and I do. “How were they when you saw them?” I ask. “The Major has a some bruised knuckles and the Lieutenant wasn’t doing great but I gave the Major some water to splash his face with because that’s what my husband does for me and I hope it’ll work.” She tells me. “Thank you for helping them. And I do the same when Louri has nightmares and can’t wake up I keep a glass of water on my bedside table for that exact reason.” I tell her. "POP POP!" Devon squeals pointing to my Dad who is first out of the gate and runs over when he hears Devon he is soon followed by the rest of our family and two people Chris is talking to who I assume is Marie and Mike. John's parents. “Hey my little Munchkin!” Dad says excitedly picking up Devon. “I thought Louri and her friend John were coming.” Dad asks, looking around. “There was an incident with the paparazzi.” I tell him and his smile fades. “Is she ok?” I hear Lisa ask concerned as the rest of the family reaches us. “I don’t have all the information, let's get your bags and head to the humvee. Yes, Louri signed out a humvee.” I say.
Louri’s POV
“They should be on their way now.” I tell John. “Ok, hey thanks for getting me out of there.” He says as we sit against the front of the humvee. “I would never leave you in a situation like that, you know that. Do you want to talk about it?” I ask. “I was back in Afghanistan. It was the last tour I did with the 4077th when you got that scar right in your hairline.” He says. “Yeah I remember that.” I say rubbing the scar. “You were unconscious. I thought you weren’t going to make it. What happened on that tour is the real reason I transferred. I couldn't bear to see my best friend die.” He says. “I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.” I say patting his back. “Hey there they are.” He says as our family comes out the door. “I didn’t know Chris was coming but that’s an extra bonus.” I say.

Well that was interesting. But be on the lookout for a new book from me. Anygays see you in the next one.

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