Chapter #13

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Chapter #13
Louri’s POV
January 1st 2014
Scarlett and Chris have just begun filming the newest Captain America movie. I still haven’t been cleared by medical to go back on active duty so it’s just boring desk work which thankfully I can do most of it from home or rather Scarlett’s trailer. I got to meet some of the newest members of MARVEL. Sabaston Stan is very kind, so is Antheny Macky. I’m currently just laying in bed hoping to get some sleep which has been hard to come by ever since my last tour. I keep waking up sometimes multiple times a night from a nightmare. I am slowly starting to feel sleep take over me and it soon does.
[“EVERYBODY DOWN!!” I scream as the gunshots ring out. I return fire as the gunshots don’t stop and the mortars start landing all around us.] “LOURI WAKE UP!!” I wake to Scarlett’s panicked voice and I jolt up in bed. “It’s ok you’re safe I’m right here.” Scarlett says in a soothing tone. “Thank you for waking me.” I tell her. “One of the crew heard screaming coming from the trailer so I came to check on you and saw you were having a nightmare.” She tells. “Ah that explains the wig.” I say pointing to the red hair on her head. “Maybe I should dye it, it would be so much easier.” She says. “But they change your hairstyle in every movie so I don't think it would be easier." I tell her. "Yeah you have a point there. But the wigs are so itchy." She says. "Baby I am not the boss of you so if you want to dye your hair it's your decision I will support you either way." I tell her with a smile. “Thanks Babe.” She says leaning in for a kiss so I lean in as well. Once we pull apart I can see there is something she wants to tell me. “What is it?” I ask. “Am I really that easy to read?” She asks. “To me yes I don’t know about other people but I can see straight through you.” I tell her with a grin. “Ok well I know you wanted as little much spoilers as possible but I had to kiss your brother and I thought you should know.” She tells me. “Oh don’t tell me why I want to find out when I watch the movie.” I tell her and she lets out a long breath. “Ok I won’t.” She says her smile is coming back. “You look hot by the way.” I say making her blush. “Thank you, you're not so bad yourself.” She says and now it’s my turn to blush.
Time skip to the week of the premiere. And we are currently having a meeting with Tina and the rest of the team about what we are going to wear for the premiere. “I still don’t see what’s wrong with my dress blues.” I whine like a child. “Because they don’t go with Scarletts outfit.” Tina says. “Ugh fine but I will not wear a dress.” I yeld. “Lucky for you we already have this wonderful  black suit tailored to fit you.” Tina informs me. “Uh how did you know my measurements?” I ask kinda creeped out. “I gave them your measurements Babe.” Scarlett says from the chair next to me. “Oh that makes sense.” I say nodding my head “Good now that that’s settled let’s talk limousines.” Tina says clapping her hands. “What’s wrong with my truck?” I ask and Tina just glares at me. “You are not arriving to the premiere in an old truck.” She states insulting my truck at the same time. “Hey! I have worked hard on that truck it is in pristine condition. And it’s not old it’s a classic.” I defend my truck. “Ugh let me see a picture.” Tina says. “I’ll do you one better come with me, a picture doesn’t do my baby justice.” I say standing up. We exit the building and go to the parking lot and walk to my truck.

“I just had her repainted and redid the outside and the inside is all original

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“I just had her repainted and redid the outside and the inside is all original. Now tell me what’s wrong with my beautiful 1957 Chevy.” I say leaning up against the truck. “I thought your truck was blue.” Tina states. “That’s my other truck.” I state. “How many do you have?” She asks. “Just the two I normally drive my Ford pickup but it’s just so nice out that I thought that I would drive this baby.” I say. “Ok it is a nice car but..” She starts. “Whoa, I am going to stop you right there. This is more than a car it’s something that I have spent the last decade working on when I got her I got her from a junkyard and cleaned and fixed her up to be the beautiful work of art she is today.” I say proudly. “Ok it is beautiful but are you willing to let someone else drive it?” Tina asks. “Tina, she doesn’t even let me drive it.” Scarlett tells her. “Why would someone else need to drive her anyway?” I ask. “Because there is an after party after the movie and it’s illegal to drive drunk.” Tina states. “Than I guess it’s a good thing that I planed on being the designated sober person isn’t it?” I say. “Fine you win, you can use the truck.” Tina finally gives in. “Thank you. Fast forward to the day of the premiere. Scarlett, why are there so many people here?” I ask as I walk into the living room. “They are here to get us ready for the premiere.” She says while a woman does her hair. “Ah good Captain follow me.” A random person says grabbing my arm and draging me to a chair next to Scarlett. “Hi my name is Jamie and I will be working with you tonight.” He introduces himself. “Uh hi Jamie nice to meet you, what do you want me to do?” I ask him. “Nothing just stay still.” He says. “Ok then I will just let you do your thing.” I say. After Jamie is done with my hair and makeup he tells me to go get changed into my suit that Maria will help me with. “Louri I’m Maria please follow me.” She says, leading me to the guest bedroom. “Holy shit that’s what I’m wearing?” I say when she pulls the suit out of the garment bag. “Yes Miss Johansson picked it personally.” Maria says as she lays out the suit shirt and tie and puts the shoes on the floor by the foot of the bed. “I will leave you to get changed so you have some privacy.” Maria says as she leaves, closing the door behind her. I get the suit on and just as I am lacing up the shoes I hear a knock on the door. “Who is it?” I call out. “It’s just me Babe.” I hear Scarlett’s voice come through the door. “Come on in.” I tell her. and when she does my jaw literally drops. “Fuck you look amazing.” I say as she closes the door behind her. “Thanks you look pretty great yourself there Captain.” She says sending shivers down my spine every time she uses my title. “Will you help me with my tie?” I ask standing up grabbing the red tie that goes with the all black suit. “Of course, come here.” She says holding her hand out for the tie and I give it to her. “Where do you keep your ring Babe?” She asks and I look at her confused since I’m wearing a lot of them 9 to be exact. “Your acatimy ring Babe.” She says. “Oh it’s in the nightstand on my side of the bed why?” I ask her “Because I know how much you would rather wear your dress blues and you always wear that ring and I thought it would go well with the suit.” She explains. “Yeah I didn’t think about that. I’ll go get it since you are wearing heels and I don’t want you to have to go up many sets of stairs.” I tell her earning a smile. “Can I kiss you or would that mess up your lipstick?” I ask. “We are wearing the same shade so it shouldn’t be a problem.” She says so I lean in and connect our lips for a short but loving kiss.
“Alright Beautiful I’m going to get my ring and meet you back in the living room.” I tell her before giving her another quick kiss. “Oh look at you, absolutely stunning.” Jamie says as I enter the room with the ring box in hand. “Oh my god.” Tina exclaims. “What?” I ask since she is staring at me. “Are you proposing?” She asks, pointing to the ring box. “Oh this is my Marine academy ring I’m not proposing yet.” I say with a smile. Little do they know Ma, Melanie, and I are actually going ring shopping tomorrow. “Ok I’m ready, how about you Baby?” I ask as I slip my ring on my right pinky. I took off my everyday rings so that it’s just my academy ring. “Yes I’m ready. Let’s get some pictures then we can go.” She says so we take a few pictures before heading for the car. Tina will be in the car behind us. We get there and there are so many cameras it’s kinda intimidating. Questions also being yelled at us after stopping every once and a while to take pictures we finally get inside. We are seated with me in between Chris and Scarlett. The movie plays and it gets to the scene that Scarlett has to kiss Chris so I give a playful slap on the back of the head. “What was that for?” He whines. “For kissing my girlfriend.” I say as Scarlett tries not to laugh. The movie ends and I am the first to stand and clap yes I’m that bitch fuck off. “That was amazing you two, especially you Baby.” I say turning to the two. “Thank you Babe.” Scarlett says.

Well get ready for ring shopping. Anygays see you in the next one.

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