Chapter #37

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Chapter #37
Chris’s POV
“Melanie how is she?” I ask as she walks out of my sister's room. “Well from what I saw they did a lot of  damage.” Melanie says. “Oh you’re new.” Melanie says to Greg. “I’m Greg Ma'am. I'm part of the 4077th. We are taking shifts so that we all can know what's happening with our Major.” He says. “You look like you are guarding her room, you can stand down Marine.” Lizzie says with a laugh. “I am guarding her room Ma’am.” He says with a tear in his eye and I jump out of my seat. “Why is she still in danger?” I ask worried. “No but we will be guarding her for four days one day for each one when we couldn’t because she would do the same.” He says and I nod knowing he’s right.
Louri’s POV
When I wake back up I hear Scarlett talking to Ma. “How do you put up with my crazy daughter?” Ma asks with a chuckle and Scarlett laughs lightly. I act like I’m asleep so they can have this time. “She may be crazy but she’s my crazy, stubborn, pigheaded Marine that’s pretending to still be asleep.” Scarlett says. “How did you know?” I ask when I open my eyes making Ma burst out in laughter. “Because you do it at home all the time when you don’t want to get up.” Scarlett says and she’s not wrong. “And I’m not stubborn.” I say. “Yes you are.” Ma and Scarlett say in unison. “Ok you two are never allowed to be alone together ever again because you are just mean. Now where is the gremlin?” I ask Scarlett, making her glare at me. “Hehe Ma help, I think my wife is going to kill me.” I say making Scarlett stop glaring and laugh. “Ok let me rephrase where is the Little Marine?” I ask. “Babe you’re holding him.” She nods to Devon who is snuggled into my right side. “Oh that explains the pressure on my side.” I chuckle. “It’s not causing you pain, is it dear he just really wanted his Mama?” Ma asks. “A little but it’s worth it. I never thought I would come home. I thought I-I. I can’t say with him in the room even if he is asleep I don’t want him to wake up and hear anything.” I say. “Should I take him to the hallway so you and Scarlett can talk?” Ma says. “No! No I just. Let’s let him sleep, we know he will wake up if you pick him up.” I say quickly. “It’s ok dear I understand.” Ma says. “Thank you.” I say tearing up. “What is it Babe?” Scarlett asks gently, wiping my eyes making sure not to touch any of the cuts or bruises. “Nothing I took care of it, you're safe again.” I say brushing my hand through Devon’s hair. “Louri you’re scaring me, what are you talking about?” Ma says. “It’s nothing the threat has been neutralized.” I say. “Babe?” Scarlett asks. “Let’s not talk about it please ok you and Devon are safe. I made sure of that ok.” I tell her. “What do you mean you ‘made sure of that’? Louri what did you do?” Ma asks. “I gave an order and it was carried out ok so just stop I will tell you when I’m ready so stop pushing both of you!” I snap, waking up Devon. “Mama?” I hear his little voice. “Hey buddy did you sleep well?” I ask in a happy tone as he rubs his eyes and nods his head. “Good I’m glad. Mama really missed you Buddy.” I tell him fighting the tears behind my eyes. “I missed you Mama. I thought the bad men were going to make you break your promise.” He says and my heart sinks. “Huh Buddy what are you talking about?” I ask and Scalett’s head drops. “Scarlett please tell me he didn’t see.” I say looking at her. “He did. I thought he was still asleep but my um..” She says scratching the back of her neck. “Your what Scarlett?” I ask. “Her screams.” Lizzie says from the doorway. “I heard raised voices so I came in.” Lizzie says as she walks  to the foot of my bed. “So you saw too?” I ask and she nods. “Until Chris turned off the TV he couldn’t hear and see what they were doing to you anymore.” Lizzie says wiping tears from her face. “See what?” Ma asks. “You don’t want to know Lisa.” Scarlett says, crying. “What are they talking about Louri?” Ma asks thank god my mother didn’t see she probably would have had a heart attack. “They um live streamed the first 30 minutes of my torture on the news.” I say and Ma’s hand flys up to her mouth. “Excuse me.” Ma says running out of the room and I don’t blame her. “I’m sorry I thought she knew.” Lizzie says. “No Tina and my PR team along with the Corps PR team made sure it was taken down so there is no way of finding it.” Scarlett says. “Thank you Baby.” I say grateful that she did that. “I didn’t think you would want the world to see it.” She says and she’s right I don’t. “Plus it means he can’t find it by accident in the future.” Scarlett says pointing to Devon who is playing with my dog tags. “Good. Hey Buddy you know that I will always do whatever I can to come home right?” I ask him and he nods. “Buddy, can you go with your Auntie Lizzie? I need to talk with Mommy alone.” I say but he shakes his head and tries hugging me making me whence in pain. “Buddy please it’s important the minute we are done you can come right back.” I say and he nods and Lizzie comes and picks him up and takes him out of the room and closes the door. The minute the door is closed Scarlett falls apart. “Agh come here.” I say moving over a little causing pain to radiate through my body. “I don’t want to hurt you.” She says looking at me. “Scarlett everyday they would toss pictures that were taken from a snipers scope of you with Devon at the base 3 of the 4 days I was told in the morning that you would be dead by the end of the day. The pain of just that thought is worse than anything physical you weren’t the only one who thought they were going to lose their wife. I thought I was going to lose you both sometimes they would show me a live feed of you and Devon through that same snipers scope so that I knew it was a real threat. So you could launch yourself on me like you do at home when you want cuddles and it wouldn’t hurt me because I know that if I’m holding you you’re safe.” I tell her and she just looks shocked but crawls into bed next to me as I lift up the blanket knowing she gets old easily and wrap my arms around her ignoring the pain I just press the morphine button. “See I told you I would hurt you I saw you press that button.” She says trying to get up but I don’t let go. “Scarlett please I need you.” I say and she says something I didn’t expect. “Let go and sit up.” She says. “Huh?” I ask confused. “Marine.” She warns and I do as I’m told and she lays back this time with her arms open. “Lay down it will hurt less if I hold you than if you hold me.” She says, making me smile and I follow orders. "So all she has to do is call you Marine and you do whatever you're told?" Chris says walking in. “Ok whatever happened to knocking?” I ask. “When you were captured in 2006 when you came home we never knocked then either.” Chris says and Scarlett looks at me. “You’ve been taken before? Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks hurt. “Oh shit she doesn’t know about you know who either does she?” Chris says. “Chris the minute I can get out of this hospital I am going straight to the craft store and buying every little bit of glitter they have and ruining your house.” I tell him. “I should go.” Chris says. “Yes you should now.” I say angry at him. “Oh and thanks for bringing up painful memories Chris!” I call out to him as he leaves and he hangs his head low. “Is there something I need to know?” Scarlett asks. “I almost married someone else before we met.” I say. “WHAT? YOU WERE ENGAGED?” She shouts. “Scarlett please don’t yell.” I ask. “Wait what are you doing?” I ask as she gets up and starts grabbing her things. “I need air how could you keep something that big from me?” She asks hurt. “Scarlett let me explain!” I call out as she leaves. Fuck this is going to hurt like hell good thing the doctor said it was ok for me to wear shorts since there’s little damage to my legs well except for my broken knee. I swing my leg over the side of the bed and stand up gritting my teeth due to the pain. I rip off my IV and all the wires I am connected to and they start going off and nurses come running in. “MAJOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED?!” The nurse screams and is shocked to see me standing. “MOVE NOW THAT’S AN ORDER!” I say walking passed the nurses. “Ah good Greg, help me go after Scarlett.” I say and everyone just looks at me with wide eyes. “Ma’am you should really go lay back down, I'll get her.” He says. “I GAVE YOU AND ORDER MARINE!” I yell doing my best not to fall over damn knee if it wasn’t broken and in this stupid brace I would be running after Scarlett. “I heard a commotion. LOURI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED!” Scarlett yells as she comes round the corner. “You ran off and wouldn’t let me explain so I was coming to get to you so I can tell you everything.” I state as I sit in one of the chairs in the hallway. “How are you going to explain that you lied to me?” She says pissed. “I never lied.” I say. “You’re right you just completely forgot to mention that you were engaged before! What was I your rebound?!” She yells as I see Tom come running looking angry as hell this isn’t going to be good. “SHUT THE FUCK UP SCARLETT YOU KNOW NOTHING!! SHE DOESN’T EVEN TALK TO US OR HER FAMILY ABOUT HER AFTER WHAT HAPPENED IN 2006!!” He yells and Greg just ushers us into my room after picking me up and tells the nurses to get out that they can put the monitors and IV back on in a minute before he leaves. “TOM THIS DOESN’T CONCERN YOU!!” Scarlett screams in my face. “IT DOES ACTUALLY BECAUSE SHE WAS ENGAGED TO MY SISTER!!!” He screams as tears run down his face. “But you don’t have a sister.” Scarlett says confused. “Not anymore because Jessica died!” He yells. “DON’T SAY HER NAME!!” I scream. “NO IT’S TIME YOU FACE IT YOU HAVEN’T SAID HER NAME SINCE THE FUNERAL!! SO SAY HER FUCKING NAME LOURI SAY IT!!!” He screams and Scarlett is just frozen in shock. “I CAN’T!!” I scream back. “SAY IT LOURI IF YOU REALLY LOVED HER THEN SAY HER NAME!!” He screams in my face. “OF COURSE I LOVED HER HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT I LOVED JESSICA!” I scream before breaking down. “That’s it Lor let it out.” Tom says rubbing my arm gently. “THEY TOOK HER FROM ME TOM THEY TOOK JESSICA RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!” I scream.
Scarlett’s POV
My wife is breaking down and hurting and I can’t move from my spot. “THEY TIED ME TO A CHAIR AND TORTURED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND I COULDN’T DO ANYTHING! WHY DO YOU THINK I FOUGHT ALAN SO HARD ON THAT FUCKING BEACH HUH?! BECAUSE I COULDN’T GO THROUGH THAT KIND OF PAIN AGAIN! I just couldn’t” She cries out. “I know you were outnumbered, there was nothing you could do.” Tom says, crying. “Why don’t you hate me because I do? Why don’t you blame me, it's my fault that your sister never came home, it's MY fault!” She cries out and I can’t take seeing her like this.”STOP! Please Louri Babe stop you can’t carry every death on your shoulders. Is that why you traded yourself for everyone else so you wouldn’t go through that again?” I ask and she nods. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I am just so ashamed. Three months that’s how long it took for them to find us but only one of us came home alive. Tom, can you please tell her the rest? I can't do it, my body is so exhausted from getting out of bed and I don’t have the energy to do it please?” She asks him and he nods before laying the blanket over her and she is asleep before her head hits the pillow. “The 4077th was part of the rescue team that went and got them when we found out where they were being held. When we got there it was too late for my sister. Louri was holding her body and sobbing. It took three men to get my sister's body from Louri. You were never a fucking rebound. You were her life raft when she was drowning. The only part of my sister that I still have is Lor. That's why our relationship is so much stronger than she has with the rest of the unit. She asked my permission to marry you because she didn’t want me to think she was disrespecting my sister’s memory.” Tom tells me. “I’m horrible this is the second time I’ve said things that have hurt her since she got back.” I say as I sit on the foot of her bed. “Scarlett, she loves you so much that the first thing she said to me when we found her was ‘Is my wife and son ok?’ She was more worried about you than the fact that the wound on her side was being closed up by duct tape.” Tom says. “She’s strong.”  I say looking at her. “Yeah she is and if you ever hurt her the enter unit will come for you.” He says completely serious. “I won’t I will take care of her.” I say not taking my eyes off her. “I know you will I’ll go tell the nurses they can come fix whatever knucklehead messed up.” Tom says making me chuckle.

I warned you it would be emotional. The next one will not be emotional too. Anygays see you in the next one

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