Chapter #18

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Chapter #18
Louri’s POV
2 ½  months into the deployment
“Captain, there's a phone call for you!” Sargent Wilds calls out. “Ok I’m coming!” I say making my way to my office/room. “This is Captain Evans.” I say through the phone since it’s a satellite phone and I don’t have a caller ID. “Hey Marine.” I hear Scarlett’s voice for the first time in 2 ½  months. We have written to each other but never managed to be able to have a call. “Oh God I’ve missed your voice Scarlett.” I say to her through the phone. “I’ve missed your voice too Louri, how are you?” She says. “Covered in motherfucking sand and I just got out of the shower and I still have sand in my hair.” I say hearing her laugh on the other end is another thing I’ve missed. “What about you, how are you doing?” I ask her. “I’m good, I miss you. I’d give anything just to be in your arms right now, sand and all.” She says with a laugh. “I have good news.” She says excitedly. “I could use some of that right now what is it?” I ask as I lean back in my chair. “It worked.” She says happily. For a second I’m confused then it clicks “YOU’RE PREGNANT!!?” I yell excited jumping up from my seat after months of IVF. “Yes I am.” She says. “Oh my God that's amazing!” I say happily. “How far along are you, do you know?” I ask excitedly. “Three months.” She says her excitement matching mine. “WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!” She screams excitedly through the phone. “We are gonna be parents holy shit.” I say laying down on my bunk it’s a good thing I have my own little pod that serves as my office and room. “You’re going to have to tone it down on the cussing you know.” She says laughing. “I can try but no promises. I’m gonna be a Ma.” I say as I start to cry tears of joy. “Are you crying?” She asks knowing full well I am. “I’m just so fucking happy.” I tell her. “You should be getting a copy of the ultrasound in the mail soon. I’m just glad I got to tell you over the phone.” She says. “I’m gonna check my mail right now bare with me.” I say jumping out of bed and out of my pod and straight to the mail room. “Excuse me but is there any mail for me?” I ask the Corporal at the desk. “Um yes a letter from holy shit Scarlett Johansson came for you today.” He says with a shocked look as he hands me the envelope. “Thank you Corporal.” I say as I leave. “Ok Baby I’m back. I’m walking back to my pod when did you mail it to me?” I ask seeing that this letter is postmarked from last week. “I sent it last week it should be there. And that Corporal sounded very surprised when he saw the name on the envelope.” She laughs. “Yeah, that's Corporal Klinger, he's new. He will learn eventually. Oh my God.” I say opening the letter finding the ultrasound inside. “I am assuming you have it.” She says and I can hear the joy in her voice. “I do I can see them do we know the gender yet or is it too early?” I ask. “The doctor told me the gender do you want to know?” She asks excited. “Yes yes I do.” I say quickly. “It’s a boy.” She says. “A boy? We are having a son?” I ask as the tears of joy come back. “Yes we are.” She says calmly. I open the door to my pod and pull the phone away from my face a little before screaming. “I’M HAVING A SON I’M GONNA BE A MOM YAHOO!!!!” I scream and my whole unit comes running towards me. “Babe, I just informed our families today, not the world.” Scarlett scolds me over the phone. “Sorry but you don’t have to worry they won’t say anything without permission. Henderson’s Mom still doesn’t know that I’m your wife let alone Chris Evans' little sister.” I tell her as I go back into my pod. “Ok as long as it’s only your unit and CO that you tell before we do a press release.” She says. “I’m sorry I won’t be there for that Baby.” I say. “I know but it’s just gonna be a written release it’ll be fine.” She reassured me.  “When are you due?” I ask my smile coming back. “Around the same time as the premiere.” She tells me. "So I will hopefully be there." I say. "Yeah, hopefully." She says with a lot more hope in her voice than in mine.
6 months later
I am currently on a cargo plane on my way home from my tour. I can't wait to see Scarlett and the rest of my family again. “We land in 5.” I hear a voice call out. The second I’m off the plane I make a run for Scarlett who is standing just to the side of the crowd of families. “Hey there, beautiful.” I say after hopping the fence with my bags pretty impressive if you ask me. “Welcome home Captain.” She replies before pulling me into a kiss. “And how is the little one doing?” I ask, putting my hand on her stomach. “They are doing good I have my next doctors appointment this afternoon I thought it would be a nice welcome home surprise.” She says putting her hand over mine. “That sounds amazing.” I say. “Let’s get out of here huh?” Scarlett suggest. “Yes please I want to shower and put on normal clean clothes.” I joke as we walk to my truck. “Have you been driving my truck?” I ask confused. “It made me feel closer to you plus we’re married and you added my name to the title so technically it’s my truck too.” She defends. “Ok fair but can I drive I’ve missed driving my own car?” I ask making grabby hands at the keys. “I swear you are a giant child at heart.” She laughs handing me the keys. “Maybe but you love me.” I say as we get in the car. “That I do.” She says leaning over giving me a kiss on my temple. “What time is your appointment?” I ask as we make our way home. “12:00.” She says. “That’s in an hour and a half.” I say. “It’s not my fault your plane was late. I waited an hour for you.” She says poking my arm. “Yeah yeah whatever, at least I have time to shower.” I say. “Yeah you kinda smell like desert.” She jokes. “Rude but true.” I laugh as we pull into the driveway. “Home.” I say with a smile. After my shower I changed into a clean pair of shorts and one of my U.S.M.C shirts. When I get down stairs I find Scarlett in the kitchen eating something that looks like those meals that I would eat on tour. “Did you take that out of my pack?” I question. “Blame your son.” She says with a smile making me chuckle. “Ok but those things taste horrible.” I say. “Well I think it’s not that bad for something that you just have to add hot water to.” She says with a shrug. “Ok well are you ready to go, your appointment is in 20 minutes?” I ask. “Yep lets go.” She says throwing away her trash. “Oh and the cast is coming over for dinner but they don’t know you are home yet they think you come home next week except for Chris and the rest of the family of course.” Scarlett informs me as she directs me to the doctors office. “This is it.” She says pointing to a building to our left so I pull into the parking lot and park. “Hi I have an appointment for 12:00.” Scarlett says. “Name please the nurse at the desk ask. “Johansson-Evans.” Scarlett answers, making me smile. “Of course Ma'am, if you will follow me the doctor will be in shortly.” The nurse says as she leaves us alone in the exam room. I go to mess with the ultrasound machine but Scarlett stops me. “Don’t mess with that Babe.” She says. “Ok fine I say as I make my way t the chair next to the little examination table she is on. Then the door opens and the doctor appears. “Welcome back Scarlett Oh you must be Louri.” She says as she enters. “Yes I am.” I reply shaking her hand. “Well I’m Dr. Montgomery, your wife's doctor. It's nice to finally meet you.” She says sitting at the little stool by the ultrasound machine. “Well Scarlett, how are you feeling today?” She asks as she starts her exam. I kinda tune it out until I hear a steady beeping coming from the machine. “Is that?” I ask. “That is your son’s heart beat Captain as you can see they are strong and healthy. Scarlett you should be due any day now.” Dr. Montgomery says my eyes never leave the screen that shows the ultrasound. “Would you like a print out?” She asks and I can’t find any words so I just nod vigorously tears forming in my eyes as I run my fingers across the screen. “Here you go I’ll give you guys a minute alone.” The doctor says before leaving the room. “Best welcome home ever.” I say as I turn to Scarlett as she pulls her shirt back down after wiping off the ultrasound gel. “I thought you would like it.” She says with a smile. “Like it I love it I heard his heartbeat I saw him move.” I say as I walk over and help her down. I lean down so I’m at the same level as her stomach. “Hey there little one I’m your other mom and I can’t wait to meet you.” I say placing my hand on her stomach as I stand back up. “Let’s go home, I need cuddles.” Scarlett says cutely. “Let’s go.” I say grabbing her hand as we walk out.
We get home and go to the sofa I lay down and open my arms and Scarlett lays down with me. “We need a name. Have you thought of any?” I ask. “There is one that popped into my head when she said it’s a boy.” She tells me. “Oh what is it?” I ask. “Devon.” She says turning slightly the best she can in my arms to face me. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry.” She says, stroking my cheek. “No it’s ok it’s happy tears. I like it.” I say. “So then Devon it is.” She says nodding. “I’m surprised that was the first name you thought of.” I tell her. “Honestly so was I but then I remembered everything you told me about him and I want our son to be named after someone like Devon.” She says. “You remember my rambling about him from almost two years ago?” I ask shocked. “Yeah I may not have met him but I feel like I know him because of the way you talked about him.” She explains. “Thank you.” I say. “There’s no need to thank me.  I really like the name Devon Johansson-Evans it has a good ring to it, don't you think?” She says with a smile. “Yes it does.” I say just before the doorbell rings, making me jump. “Babe are you alright?” Scarlett asks with concern in her eyes. “Yeah I just got a little startled that’s all. I’ll get the door.” I say as we get off the couch and Scarlett goes to the kitchen to check on whatever is in the crockpot. “HOLY SHIT IT’S ELIZABETH OLSEN!!” I yell as I open the door the volume of my voice causes her to jump. “Um yeah I must be at the wrong house sorry.” She says shyly. “Oh Scarlett’s in the kitchen I was just a little surprised. I’m Louri.” I greet and her eyes go wide. “But I thought you don’t come home till next week?” She says as I let her in. “Nope I just got home today Scarlett wanted to surprise both the cast and me.” I say with a smile as we enter the kitchen. “Hey Liz sorry about her yelling at you she did the same thing when she met me.” Scarlett says making me blush. “Oh look Elizabeth brought wine why don’t I pour you and I glass.” I say to Elizabeth. “Please call me Liz or Lizzie.” She says handing me the wine. “Ok LIz go ahead and sit down and make yourself at home.” I tell her as I get two wine glasses and a cork screw. “Oh and it’s a non-alcoholic wine so Scarlett can have some too if she wants.” Liz informs us. “You want a glass Beautiful?” I ask Scarlett. “Yes please.” She replies so I grab a third glass and pour us all a glass. “Here you go ladies.” I say handing them their glasses as we all sit at the table. “Such a Gentlewoman.” Liz complements. “Sorry Liz, I'm taken.” I joke. "Damn right." Scarlett adds and we laugh at how possessive Scarlett can get but I’m the same way so I'm not complaining. Then a very loud and hard knock on the door makes me nearly jump out of my seat which Scarlett and Liz both notice. “I’ll get it.” Liz says and I nod and hear Scarlett say ‘thank you’. “Ok Babe I know that you are a little jumpy after tour but this is the worst I’ve seen you. Are you going to be ok with the cast being here? It's going to be loud and I just want you to be comfortable.” Scarlett says, rubbing her hand up and down my back. “I’ll let you know if it gets too much Baby don’t worry about me.” I say with a small smile. “Ok but come to me if you need me even you just need a hug because I know physical touch helps you.” She says comfortingly. “I will. I love you.” I tell her. “I love you too.” She says as we lean in connecting our lips. “Louri?” We hear Robert say shocked. “Hey Robert.” I say turning around in my seat. “I thought you come next week.” He says with a smile. “Surprise.” I say standing up to give him a hug that he returns instantly. “Welcome home we all have missed you and this means Scarlett can stop moping around.” Robert says with a giant smile. “I didn’t mope around.” Scarlett says standing. “Yes you did.” Liz says coming in the kitchen with Chris Hemsworth. “Oh my God you’re home!!” He yells running at me nearly knocking Robert over and embracing me in a bone crushing hug. “Hey big guy I need to breathe.” I say patting his back. “Sorry I just missed you.” He says putting me down. “I’ve missed all of you too.” I say backing up a little wrapping my arm around Scarlett’s waist. “Does this mean Scarlett will stop moping?” He asks jokingly. “Alright let’s not gang up on my wife.” I say as we all laugh at Chris’s comment. “Alright let’s go to the living room while we wait for the others to show up.” Scarlett says as she shoos everyone including me out of the kitchen. “So does your brother know you are coming home today?” Chris H asks. “Yes he does.” I answer as Scarlett joins us in the living room. “Dinner will be ready in an hour.” She says. “WHERE IS MY SISTER!!!??” We all hear my brother yell as he enters the house and I’m surprised when I don’t jump. “Living room Chrissy!” I yell making everyone look at me confused. “I’ve been calling him that since we were kids and I’m the only one who can call him that.” I explain. “Welcome home!” Chris says as he tackles me in a giant hug. “It’s good to be home.” I say.
The rest of the evening was lovely. I met Paul. And Scarlett made my Ma’s roast. It was amazing. It was great to see everyone again.
“It’s so good to be home again.” I tell Scarlett as I wrap her in my arms as we lay in bed. “It’s good to have you home.” She says as she leans up to connect our lips in a loving kiss. “Good night Beautiful.” I say as she lays her head on my chest. “Good night Babe.” She says tiredly and soon falls asleep.

Yay Louri is home. Anygays see you in the next one.

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