Chapter #26

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Chapter #26
I get downstairs and when I reach the dinning room Scarlett is alone and crying what the fuck happened I didn’t hear any yelling. “Scarlett what’s wrong where did everybody go?” I ask her as I go to her side to comfort her. “You um you left the baby monitor on.” She says and I swallow thickly. “Oh.” Is all I can manage to say. “Did everyone hear me?” I ask hoping they didn’t. “Yes I’m sorry I should have turned it off.” She says. “No no it’s fine I just I’m sorry you had to hear that story that way. It’s true though you did save me you just didn’t know it.” I say wiping away her tears. “The tour when you got that injury I remember Chris calling me to tell me you got hurt. He told me they were taking you to Walter Reed Hospital I was in New York at the time and I remember taking the first flight I could get to D.C so I could be there when you got there. You uh you made Captain after that tour.” She tells me. “Weren’t you dating that Josh guy at the time?” I ask. “Yeah I didn’t tell him why I had to get to D.C so fast I just packed a suitcase and got on a plane. It wasn’t till after I landed that I explained to him why I had to get to D.C. The doctors said that it was a miracle that you even made it to the M*A*S*H, let alone the hospital.” She says still crying. “I had something to fight to come home to.” I tell her and she smiles at my comment. “You never told me.” She says as her crying and breathing calms down. “I didn’t know how.” I tell her honestly. “Do you tell Devon stories about when you’re on tour a lot is that why you shut off the baby monitor when you go to him?” She asks as I get in the chair next to her. “I do mostly ones that have to do with Sargent Devon so he can know about the man he’s named after and also so I don’t wake you.” I tell her. “I’m glad you came home to me.” She says as she lays her head on my chest. “I’m glad I came home to you too.” I tell her as I wrap my arms around her. “Are you seriously getting Devon his own custom set of dress blues?” I ask to lighten the mood making her chuckle. “Why wouldn’t I?” She asks raising her head. “It’s a little much don’t you think I mean he’s only 6 months old.” I say and she looks me dead in the eye before responding. “And your point is?” She asks me, and she says I’m stubborn. “Ok if you want him to have his own set then he gets his own set.” I conceded. “That’s what I thought.” She says laying her head back on my chest. “You’re cute.” I tell her giving her a kis on the top of her head. “Oh shit Greg!” I shout jumping up to get my phone. “What’s wrong with Greg?” She asks. “You said everybody heard what I said right?” I ask and I can see it click in her eyes. “Oh shit.” She says. “Yeah I’m going to call him to make sure he’s ok.” I tell her. “Ok I’m going to put the dishes in the sink so we can deal with them tomorrow while you call him. I’ll meet you upstairs.” Scarlett replies and I nod as I walk out to the back porch to call Greg.
"Come on Babe, we are going to be late to your own promotion ceremony!" Scarlett calls out from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I say as I make my way down the stairs. “Not the first time I’ve heard that!” She calls back. “Scarlett, that's just dirty.” I say as I meet her in the living room with Devon who is in his custom dress blues in my arms. “Awe you two are just so cute.” Scarlett says when she turns around. “Thank you, you look stunning yourself. Shall we go?” I ask as I make my way to her. “Yes well shall.” She says and with that we are off.
I am sitting on the stage along with the other people who are getting promoted or being awarded a medal. “Captain Louri Evans-Johansson!” The Brig calls for me and before I can even get to the Brig I can hear my family cheering Scarlett’s the loudest. “THAT’S THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD AND MY WIFE!!” She yells. “WHOOO HOOOO THAT’S MY SISTER!!” I hear Chris yell. “Looks like you have yourself a cheer squad.” The Brig jokes. “Yes Sir.” I say giving them a little nod since I can’t really wave at them. “Ladies and gentlemen it’s my pleasure to be here with you today to celaberate the promotion of this amazing Marine next to me. Today you are no longer a Captain. Ladies and gentleman it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Major Louri Evans-Johansson!” The Brig says placing the oak leafs on my shoulders after removing my Captains bars. “Go to your family, Major congratulations.” The Brig tells me as we shake hands. After I get off the stage I am nearly tackled by a very excited Scarlett. “Congratulations Babe I’m so proud of you.” She says as she pulls away from my chest so that I can see her face. “You know you weren’t supposed to scream the way you guys did.” I tell her with a chuckle. “Hey you made Major I can scream all I want.” Scarlett says back. “I really am proud of you Louri you deserve this.” She says as we walk to the rest of my family and the MARVEL cast apparently. “Where’s my Little Marine?” I ask. “Here you go Major.” Robert says, handing me Devon. “Thanks for coming, guys.” I tell them as I hold Devon with one arm and use the other to wrap around Scarlett’s waist. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Hemsworth says. Everyone gives me a hug or handshake. Before we all go our separate ways. “So when do we have to be in New York?” Scarlett asks. “After new years.” I say. “So we have 2 months.” She says. “Yep” I say popping the ‘p’. “So we should probably start packing huh?” She asks. “Can we wait till tomorrow it’s been a long day?” I ask holding a sleeping Devon. “Of course and Mom said that she would take care of getting Devon’s room for us so all we need is to bring clothes.” She tells me. “That makes everything easier thank her for me.” I say putting Devon in his crib. “You can thank her yourself when she picks us up from the airport.” She says. “Um about that.” I say scratching the back of my neck. "What did you do?" She asks. "Nothing bad I just thought we could drive make a road trip out of it." I say nervous. "That actually sounds nice and you just want your truck too don’t you?" She says seeing straight through me. "Maybe I do." I say with a smile making her chuckle lightly as we leave Devon’s room.
2 months later December 19th
“Ok that’s the last of it.” I say putting the last suitcase in the bed of the truck. “Devon is nice and secure in his seat.” Scarlett says. “Alright you ready Baby?” I ask as she fastens her seatbelt. “Yeah it’s been a while since I lived in New York.” She says with a smile. “So when do you have to have to go to Atlanta for the new Captain America film?” I ask once we are on the highway. “February 15th.” She tells me. “Oh well at least we’ll have Valentine's Day.” I tell her. “Yeah we will but what about Devon’s birthday? He will be with me in Atlanta.” Scarlett asks. “I’m pretty sure I can arrange to have leave then so I’m there don’t worry.” I tell her grabbing her hand with my free one.

New York here we come. Anygays see you in the next one.

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