Chapter #45

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Chapter #45
Louri’s POV
Today the cast is coming in with their signature props just for Devon and I think that’s just so nice of them. “Mama. Mommy.” Devon says shocked when the cast comes in. “We are looking for a Devon Johansson-Evans.” Robert says in his Tony Stark voice he even has the arc reactor on his chest under his shirt all lit up so you can see it. It looks like they all are in costume, even Lizzie. “That’s me! Mama, Mommy that’s me!” Devon yells excited. “Oh my gosh Auntie Lizzie is really Wanda Maximoff!” He says bouncing slightly. “Lizzie is my undercover name.” Liz tells him in her Sokovian accent. “Wow.” Devon breathes out. “Greeting Lord Devon. I am Thor Odinson.” Chris says in full character. “Can I hold it?” Devon asks, pointing to the hammer. “If you think you are worthy.” He says placing it on the little table that Devon has. “Mama! Mommy! Look, I did it!” He says excitedly holding up the hammer. “Looks like you’re the next king of Asgard.” Scarlett says. “No, that's Thor’s job Mommy.” Devon says in a duh tone giving Chris the hammer back and Chris does a little bow. “Why does Captain America look like Uncle Chris?” Devon says. “Because your Uncle Chris is secretly Captain America.” I tell him and his jaw drops. “That’s so cool.” Devon says. “Would you like to hold the shield?” Chris asks in character, and Devon nods his head rapidly. “It’s almost as big as you Bubs.” Scarlett laughs. “We get some pictures with everybody after visiting for a little bit before everyone has to go and some of them have to return their costumes.
“That was so cool the Avengers came to see me.” Devon says happily. “Yeah they did, that's really cool huh?” I say. “Yeah. You want to know what’s cooler?” He asks me. “Oh yeah what’s that?” I say. “Mommy’s the Black Widow.” He whispers in my ear. “I know.” I whisper back. “You do?” He says  out loud. “Of course I do.” I chuckle. “Mommy, Mama knows your secret.” He says to her and even though she heard the whole conversation she acts surprised. “She does huh?” She asks. “Yeah she knows you're the Black Widow.” He says. “Oh well then I guess that means I can give you these then, since Mama knows.” She says handing him the widow bites from Iron Man 2. “Really I get them?” He asks. “Yes you do there all yours.” She says. “This is the best day ever.” He says clutching the widow bites to his chest. “Ok little Marine I think it’s time for a nap.” I tell him seeing he is getting tired due to all the excitement. And he sleeps like that holding the widow bites. “How did you manage to get those?” I ask. “Oh I’ve had them since I filmed Iron Man 2.” She whispers back. “Huh well I think he likes them.” I chuckle softly. “Yeah I think you’re right.” She says running her hand through his hair. “He’s going to be ok Babe you heard Dr. Blake he’s gonna be just fine.” I tell her. “I know. It’s just that we could have lost him, Louri. Dr. Blake said so himself if Lizzie hadn’t brought him in when she did.” She says, wiping away tears. “But Lizzie did bring him in, in time and he will be fine. He’s getting the treatment he needs.” I tell her, putting my hand on her face. “Maybe a visit from an old friend will help.” John says from the doorway. “Oh my god John it’s been so long." I say as I greet my old friend. “Sure, you’re married with a kid now.” He gestures to Scarlett and Devon. “John this is Scarlett and this little one is Devon. Scarlett this is John Teters, we enlisted and went to boot camp together.” I say. “It’s nice to meet the one who managed to tie this one down.” He jokes, shaking Scarlett’s hand. “Oh shut up John. I wasn’t a complete whore.” I defend. “Oh let’s see there was Laura, Emily, Elenor, Jade, Lindsey.” He lists till I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. “Ok I think we get the point I was a massive whore.” I say, taking my hand from his mouth. “Wait, those are the women you’ve slept with.” I say. “Oh yeah you’re right. You never remembered their names in the morning.” He called me out. “You are going to get me in trouble, Scarlett is right there.” I say. “She remembered my name.” Scarlett says. “That’s because I’m in love with you, not the ladies I brought home from bars.” I say. “Yeah Curls over here was quite the ladies woman back in the day.” He says. “Curls?” Scarlett asks. “Yeah Curls because of this mop on her head.” John says ruffling my hair, making me glare at him. “So how did you manage to get Curls to settle down?” John says as Devon wakes up. “Who’s that?” I hear his small voice ask. “Devon, this is your Uncle John. Can you say hi?” I say. “Hi I’m Devon.” He says waving one hand as the other still clutches tight to the widow bites. “Are you a Marine like Mama?” He asks, looking at John’s uniform. “Yes, I am little guy. I’m a lieutenant.” He says coming to the side of the bed. “So Mama outranks you?” He asks, making me grin. “Yes she does. You’re a smart kid.” He says to Devon. “Well I’ve got to get to my new quarters and get my things set up. I’ll see you at work, Curls. It was nice to meet you Scarlett and it was nice to meet you too little guy.” He says picking up his bag. “Wait you got transferred to Camp MaCarther?” I ask shocked. “Yep I’m just a desk jockey though I won’t be going on any deployments.” He says. “Well it’ll be nice working with you again. I’ll see you at work then.” I tell him as I give him a hug before he leaves.

New character and a cute chapter. Anygays see you in the next one

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