Chapter #4

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Chapter #4
Scarlett’s POV
I quietly open the door to the small bedroom in my trailer so not to wake up Louri. I grab the clothes I need then I get out of the Black Widow suit and take a quick shower and get dressed before texting Chris.
[Me :She is still asleep. I'm going to order some Chinese take out since that’s her favorite. What do you want?]
[Chris E :I’m glad she is still asleep and I like General Cho chicken.]
[Me :Ok, just come on over to my trailer when you are ready the door isn’t locked just make sure you are quiet.]
[Chris E :I’m on my way now. I will be as quiet as possible.]
I put my phone down and let out a large sigh. I order the food and just as I get off the phone Chris walks in and sits on the couch without saying a word.

“Chris talk to me.” I encourage placing my hand on his shoulder. “It’s just she’s my little sister and seeing her like that was horrible. I’ve never seen her like that before Scar. I had no idea she even lost someone.” He says as he cries silently. “I didn’t know either. She always has that brave front you know? I have only seen her have a panic attack once before when we were having coffee one time and a car gengine backfired and she had a small panic attack but it was nothing like today. I didn’t know what to do than to just hold her close when she launched herself into my arms.” I tell him letting my own tears fall. “I should have told her to go to the trailer before the explosions were going to happen. I’m her big brother it’s my job to protect her and I failed.” He says as he completely breaks down but not loud enough to wake Louri well, hopefully not loud enough. “Chris she’s 26 she will be 27 in November she is a grown woman you can’t protect her from everything. And unfortunately it’s her own mind she is battling with right now. All we can do is be there for her.” I tell him as I pull him into a side hug. “When did you get so wise?” He jokes trying to lighten the mood. “When I got to know your sister. When she had that panic attack at the coffee shop she told me about her PTSD she didn’t go into detail about what her traumas are and I wasn’t going to ask. But I learned a little bit about PTSD and she told me that physical touch helps her when she has these ‘episodes’ as she calls them. I just never thought it was this bad.” I tell him. “Traumas as in plural?” He asks worry laced in his voice. “Yes Chris plural. She has been on more than 3 tours I’m sure they take a toll.” I explain he just nods. We hear a knock at the door making both of us jump slightly. I get up and answer it, finding the delivery boy on the other side of the door with our food. “Thank you have a great night.” I tell him paying for the food and giving him a good sized tip. “You too Ma’am.” He says before leaving. “Gimme I’m starving.” Chris says reaching out his hands and doing a grabbing motion. “You are a giant child.” We hear Louri say from the bedroom doorway. I put the food on the table as I make my way to her and just hug her without a word burry my head in her chest, and I can’t keep the sobs in anymore and she just holds me as I cry. “Scar it’s ok just let it out.” She says running her hand through my hair as I find comfort in her arms. “I’m sorry I should be comforting you not the other way around.” I chuckle lightly. “It’s alright Scarlett don’t apologize for having emotions.” She says looking me in the eye I just nod. “I uh ordered food from your favorite Chinese place.” I say wiping away my tears. “That sounds good. Thank you.” She says pulling me in for another hug then we hear the door open and close. “The fuck?” She questions confused. “Well at least he took his food.” I laugh. “Is he ok?” She asks as we sit at the table. “He will be.” I say putting my hand on hers on the table and it feels like sparks go through my whole body then my phone buzzes.
[Chris E :Good luck. She likes you too ;) ]
[Me :I don’t know what you’re talking about.]
[Chris E :Sssuuurrreee.]
“Is that him?” Lor asks. “Yeah.” I mumble
[Me :Where did you go?]
[Chris E :I’m taking the truck and heading home.]
“He said he’s taking the truck and heading home.” I tell her. “He does know I came here with him right?” She laughs. “Well I think he has left by know let’s just eat before the food gets cold.” I tell to which she nods. “I’m gonna put something on the TV is that ok?” She asks. “Yeah that’s fine.” I say not paying attention to what she is putting on. “Ok I’m gonna put on my favorite.” She says and I just humm in agreement. “I’m glad you remembered my order.” She says as she sits down that’s when I hear the intro to Iron Man 2. “Really?” I ask. “What it’s a good movie, and there’s this really pretty actress in it. She plays this bad ass character named Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow. That is my favorite superhero in the MARVEL comics. And this actress does an amazing job at bringing the character to life.” She says with a giant smile while I blush so hard that I probably look like a tomato from her complements. We finish the food and watch the rest of the movie. “See badass.” She says moving closer to me. Is Chris right does she feel the same. “We need to talk.” I state. “Yeah I think we do.” She says with a sigh. “So um I guess I’ll start.” I say and she nods for me to continue. “As you know Ryan and I are getting a divorce.” I continue. “Yeah you said I’m not aloud to kick his ass.” She laughs. “Yeah no ass kicking. I uh um I don’t know how to say this.” I say. She places her hand gently on my cheek and looks me in the eye before she speaks. “It’s ok take your time I’m not going anywhere.” She tells me with a small smile. “I love someone else.” I blurt out and her hand slowly retracts back to her side. “Oh.” She breathes out almost defeatedly as she drops her head. “You it’s you.” I say and her head snaps up so fast I thought it would break. She doesn’t say anything she just looks at me like a deer in the headlights. “I love you.” I finally manage to say. She doesn’t say anything she just crashes her lips against mine and I can feel all the emotion behind the kiss no words are needed. We pull apart when air becomes a problem. She cups my cheek gently before she breaks the silence. “I have been in love with you since to day I met you.” She says. “Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask confused. “I didn’t know if you felt the same and I didn’t want to ruin the friendship we have if you didn’t feel the same. “You were my maid of honor when I married Ryan.” I state. “I just wanted you to be happy even if that wasn’t with me.” She says not breaking eye contact. I don’t say anything I pull her in for another kiss. “I love you Louri Evans.” I say as we pull away. “And I love you Scarlett Johansson.” She says tucking a strand of hair out of my face. “Where do we go from here?” I ask nervously. “We can go at your pace since this type of relationship is all new to you.” She says in a soft voice. “Can we go to bed?” I ask and she raises an eyebrow. “Not necessarily for sex just sleep.” I say. “Yeah I’m still pretty tired from what happened earlier today.” She replies. I get up and hold out my hand for me to take which she does. “Sex isn’t off the table for me.” She says as we get into the small bedroom. “I didn’t exactly that sex was off the table.” I say as I pull her in for a kiss that soon gets heated. “Strip.” I say and I have no idea where this confidence is coming from. “Yes Ma’am.” She then quickly takes off her shirt then pants leaving her in just a sports bra and underwear. “Fuck me.” I breathe out seeing her very muscular and toned body. “I’m trying baby.” She whispers in my ear as she grabs the hem of my shirt sending shivers down my body. “Is this ok?” She asks before she removes my shirt. “More than ok.” I breathe. After all our clothes are gone she picks me up easily and gently lays me down on the bed with her hovering over me. She uses one of her knees to spread my legs before she presses her knee against my core. “Oh fuck.” I moan out as a wave of pleasure goes through my body. “Oh I’m only getting started Baby.” She says in a seductive tone. I pull her down for a kiss as she holds herself up with a leg on one side of me and her arm one the other as her free hand slowly goes down my body to where I need her most but she stops just before she reaches my core. “Are you ok with this?” She asks softly. “Yes.” I breathe out then without any warning she slips one finger in and starts to pump in and out curving her finger hitting my g spot every time as her. “FUCK YES!” I moan out loudly. She pulls her finger out but then quickly slips two in adding to the pleasure I was already feeling. She starts to kiss down my neck soon finding my pulse point. “Oh god Louri!” I moan. She starts pumping her fingers faster as I can feel my walls clench around her fingers and the knot in my stomach getting stronger. “Oh fuck Louri I..” I moan “Cum for me baby.” She says in my ear. “LOURI FUCK!!” I scream out in pleasure as I come undone. She helps me ride out my high by gently continueing pumping her fingers in and out. When she pulls them out completely I let out a little whimper at the loss of contact. She then sucks her fingers clean while making eye contact moaning as she does oh god. “You taste good.” She says smiling down at me before leaning down to connect our lips. I moan as I taste myself on her lips. “That was really good.” I breathe out. “I aim to please.” She replies with a smirk. “Come on lets get a shower.” She continues I just nod tieredly. “Do you want me to carry you?” She asks in her sweet gentle voice. “Yes please.” I say. She goes and starts the shower before she comes back and picks me up and takes me to the small shower we laugh at how we both barely fit in it as she gently washes my body then hers before turning off the shower and wrapping me in a towel and wrapping herself in one as well we do our night time rutines and she puts back on the fitiges she had on earlier and I get dressed in some cofortable clothes. “Alright let’s go to sleep this time.” She jokes as we get under the covers. I lay my head on her chest and she wraps her arm around me holding me close. “So does this mean you are my Girlfriend?” I ask. “If you want me to be than yes.” She says looking at me with a smile. “You’re my first.” I admit. “First what?” She asks. “You’re the first woman I’ve had sex with.” I say shyly. “I’m honored.” She says as she traces imaganary shapes on my back. “Can we keep ‘us’ between you and me? I don't know if I’m ready to come out to the public yet.” I say to her, “Hey look at me. I want you to be comfortable in a relationship with me and if that means keeping it secret than that’s what I’ll do. I just want to make you happy and safe.” She tells me sincerely. I lean up and give her a loving kiss. “Thank you Babe.” I say. “Babe? I like that.” She smiles. “And you don’t have to thank me. I’m your partner Baby. I will always protect you.” She tells me making my smile grow.

That was longer than expected but, anygays see you in the next one

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