Chapter #30

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Chapter #30
Louri’s POV
Today is Devon's first birthday. I wake up to a slight weight on me when I open my eyes I see Devon is laying on me but I don’t remember bringing him to bed with us. I can feel a pair of eyes on us. “Good morning Baby.” I whisper so I don’t wake up the birthday boy god I can’t believe he’s one already. “Good morning Babe.” She whispers back. “I don’t remember him coming to bed with us last night.” I say as I gently start to rub his back. “He woke up in the middle of the night and kept saying ‘Mama’ so I brought him in here and the second I set him down he climbed right on top of you and you wrapped your arms around him in your sleep it was cute.” Scarlett explains and I just nod. “I can’t believe he’s a year old already.” I say turning my head to look at Scarlett. “I know. It feels like just yesterday that we held him for the first time.” She says. “At least this time I’m not the crazy wife running into the hospital at 2 in the morning screaming pregnant lady in labor to make a hole.” I chuckle lightly. “Yeah that’s true.” She says. “Scarlett I am a little worried about him though. He’s never been this clingy to either of us like this. I don’t mind spending time with him I’m just worried.” I tell her my eyes going back to Devon. “He hadn’t seen you in person for 3 months Babe. He missed his Mama.” She says and she’s right I’ve been clingy towards both of them the past two days. “Mama” Devon says when he opens his eyes and sees me. “Devon.” I reply. “W-w Mommy?” He says. “Right there Buddy.” I say sitting up and pointing to Scarlett. “It sounded like he was trying to ask where you were.” I say with a smile. “Yeah it did. Happy Birthday Sweetie.” Scarlett says giving him a kiss  on the head making him giggle. “Yeah Happy Birthday my Little Marine.” I tell him with a smile. “He has no idea what we are talking about.” I chuckle and my chuckle makes him giggle again. “Well he is only a year old, but he knows who we are, that's what matters to me right now.” Scarlett responds. “Yeah we have a little genius on our hands.” I say tickling him, making him let out a loud giggle. “Come on, let's go downstairs. I know how to make pancakes without lighting myself on fire or blowing anything up now.” I say proudly. “I’m still getting the fire extinguisher.” Scarlett says. “Devon you trust Mama right?” I ask. “Safe in arms.” He says and I freeze. “What did he just say?” Scarlett asks. “He said. “Safe in arms” like from the lullaby I sang to him. How could he remember that I haven’t sung in three months?” I ask confused. “I would sing it every time we had to end our calls because he would cry and reach for the computer as if he was reaching for you.” Scarlett explains. “Oh Buddy, is that why you have been so clingy?” I ask giving him a kiss on the head. “Maybe it is.” Scarlett says as we make our way to the kitchen. “Ok Devon I’ve got to put you down so I can make food.” I say as I put him down in his seat but he starts to cry. “Devon it’s ok see I’m right here. Mommy’s right there we are both here.” I say to him and it seems to help and I start to cook the pancakes. “What are you looking for?” I ask Scarlett as she goes to look for something under the sink. She doesn’t say anything she just pulls out the fire extinguisher with a smirk on her face. “Haha, very funny.” I tell her with a chuckle. “Just in case you light yourself or the kitchen on fire.” She laughs and that causes Devon to laugh with her. “Oh you find this funny do you?” I say to Devon but I can’t help but smile at his happy expression on his face. “You know we love you.” Scarlett says, looking at me. “I wove vo.” Devon mumbles. “Holy shit Louri, did you hear that!?” Scarlett asks excitedly, pulling out her phone to record him. “I did. Devon can you say that again? Can you say I love you?” I ask excitedly as Scarlett records us just in case he does say something. “Wove vo.” He says a little louder. “Scarlett, did you get that?” I ask excitedly. “I did!” She is just as excited as me. “I’m such a proud Mama right now. He has been talking pretty well and at only a year old he must have his Mommy’s brain, but Mama’s vocabulary.” I say making Scarlett laugh and roll her eyes at the same time. “Oh shit!” I exclaim as I grab the fire extinguisher and putting out the flaming pancakes. “Take him into the living room so he doesn’t breathe in any of this smoke!” I yell out. After I’ve taken care of the fire I turn off the stove, take the pan off of it and put it in the sink and run some water over it just as an extra precaution then I walk into the living room. “Maybe we should order breakfast?” I say walking into the living room. “Already did while you were taking care of the fire.” Scarlett says placing her phone on the coffee table. “Ok, maybe my cooking skills need some more work.” I admit. “Yeah, just a little.” She replies, trying not to laugh but fails and bursts out laughing which causes Devon to laugh with her and I can’t help but laugh a little with them. “I need to shower. I smell like burnt pancakes and whatever is in that type of fire extinguisher I’ll be back in ten.” I say which just makes Scarlett laugh more.
“Ok that’s better.” I say as I walk down into the living room with the suitcase that has presents for Devon to find Scarlett with her phone out as Devon is walking to her but he stops and turns in my direction when he hears me I drop the bag and go to my knees. “That’s it Devon, just a few more steps come on you can do it. You’re my Little Marine, you can do it.” I encourage him as he wobbles over to me. When he reaches me I pick him up and stand. “You did it Buddy, I'm so proud of you.” I tell him using my free hand to grab the bag and bring it to the coffee table. “Scarlett, is it ok if he opens the presents from my unit before everyone gets here?” I ask as she puts her phone away. “I didn’t know they were from your unit, that's so sweet of them.” She says. “Yeah can you record it so I can send it to them through the group chat?” I ask and she pulls her phone back out. “Of course. Ok, it's recording.” She says. “Hey everyone I thought you would like to see Devon’s reaction to your gifts. So let’s get this open shall we Devon.” I say as I open the suitcase that I didn’t pack the suitcase that actually belongs to Tom. “Ok Devon, which one do you want to open first?” I ask and he points to the closest one to him. “Who’s it from?” Scarlett asks as she sets the camera up so it’s still recording but she can join us. “Oh this one says it’s from Grampa Sherman.” I say. “Ok Devon so here’s what you are going to need to do to open it ok do what Mama does.” I tell him with him on my lap as I sit on the floor the small present on his lap. I help him open it and see that there is a card that goes with the small wooden box. “Ok let’s see what this says.” I say opening the card.
(Dear, Devon You might not remember me but I am Colonel Sherman Potter. I'm your Mama’s commanding officer. I have been your Mama’s CO ever since she got out of boot camp. Your Mama is more like a daughter to me than one of my soldiers that’s why the present tag says Grampa Sherman. Inside this box you will find my original dog tags from when I was just a PFC. I have no children of my own until I met your Mama all those years ago. I hope giving you these tags shows you just how much I love you Devon.
Love Grampa Sherman.
I really do think of you as my own Louri and I don’t care if the rest of the unit knows. Love Sherm.)
I read the card out loud and tear up when we open the box. “We love you too Sherman.” Scarlett says to the camera and I just nod trying not to cry. “Ok let’s see who’s next.” I say clearing my throat.
“Oh this one is from your Uncle Greg and Auntie Grace.” I say as Devon picks up the small package and opens it it’s a Avengers shirt and when Devon sees Scarlett’s face on it gets excited. “MOMMY!” He yells pointing to Scarlett’s face on the shirt. “Yeah that’s me.” Scarlett says with a laugh. “That’s cute, thank you.” I say. We get through all the presents and end the video and Scarlett sends it to me and I send it to the group chat and my phone blows up with responses from the unit. “Ok I think he needs to wear this today.” I say holding up the Avengers shirt Greg and Grace got him. “Ok I don’t mind.” She shrugged.
The rest of the day was amazing. We had the cast and the family members that were in town come over and Devon loved it but he was always close to me all day which I don’t mind at all.

Hope you enjoyed that one we are going to have a time skip to the Captain America Civil War premiere. Anygays see you in the next one.

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