Chapter #25

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Chapter #25
Scarlett’s POV
I get to the grocery store with Devon. I got him out of the car and into the carrier. “Alright Buddy ready to get some groceries with Mommy.” I say to Devon getting a small giggle in return. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I say as I grab a cart and head to the sections I need to. “Oh my god it’s Scarlett Johansson.” I hear from behind me but I just ignore it since I have Devon with me. “The Captain’s wife?” A male voice asks and he sounds familar. “Excuse me Ma’am but are you Scarlett Johansson?” A woman around my age asks. “Yes I am but I’m with my son so if I could have some space.” I say as politely as I can. “Yeah Babe I don’t need the Cap hounding me for harassing his wife.” The man who I see is in uniform says and I definitely recognize his voice. “Wait are you one of Captain Louri Evans' men?” I ask him. “Yes Ma’am. Sergeant Greg Wilds at your service.” He says standing at attention holding his hand up in a salute. I awkwardly salute back. “Um at ease.” I say seeing that he was still at attention. “Sorry about my wife Mrs. Captain Evans.” He apologizes and that’s the first time someone has addressed me like that and it feels good. “Please just call me Scarlett and your one of my wifes’ men that makes you family. Tell you what Devon and I are here to get some extra ingredients for a BBQ we are having. Why don’t you join if you have the time.” I say with a smile. “I don’t want to..” He gets cut off by his wife. “We would love too. It’s about time I meet the famous Captain Evans that Greg never shuts up about every time he gets home from tour. I’m Grace by the way.” She says holding her hand out and I shake it. “Great, it starts at 1. Here is the address just come around into the backyard. Louri will love to meet you too. She is always talking about how she has the best men in the entire corps. She tells Devon about you guys all the time.” I say while handing Grace a piece of paper I wrote our address on. “Awesome see you then Scarlett you too little guy.” Grace says as they leave to check out their groceries. “Well I didn’t expect that, but I think Mama will like the surprise don’t you?” I say to Devon giving him a little boop on the nose making him giggle. After we get what we need and some things we didn’t we make our way home. “Haha Chris this will be amazing!” I hear Louri laugh oh no. “Babe we’re home!” I call out to her. “Hey Baby let me help you with those.” She says coming round the corner the entryway. “Thank you. Now what are you and your brother planning?” I ask with a brow raised. “Oh he was just telling me about how he is going to prank Macky when they start filming the new Captain America.” She says with a grin. “Now I need cuddles from my Little Marine gimmie.” She says making grabbing motions with her hands once she puts the groceries away. “Devon your Mama is a giant child.” I say handing him to her and she blows a raspberry at me. “You’re just proving my point Babe.” I say grabbing water from the fridge. “That’s a lot of groceries just how many people are coming?” Chris asks. “Oh I ran into a friend of Louri’s and their wife so I invited them. And Lizzie and her sisters.” I say. “What friend Louri doesn’t need friends she has me.” Chris says. “Devon your Uncle Chris is also a giant child.” I say. “True I am Dev.” Chris says making us all laugh and a little giggle from Devon. “Wait Dev?” Louri asks her brother. “Yeah it short for Devon or when he is being one it can also be short for Devil.” He says. “Excuse me what did you call my son?” I say to Chris pretending to be mad and Louri plays along. “Oooo Uncle Chris is in trouble.” She says to Devon. “I um I uh ah don’t kill me.” He rambles. “I’m just fucking with you Chris. But seriously Dev?” I say. “Uh huh no one fucks you but me.” Louri says completely serious. “Ew Scarlett no never ew.” Chris responds and honestly the ‘ew’s kinda hurt. “Don’t ‘ew’ Scarlett she has the body of a goddess.” Louri says making me smile at her complement. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that it’s just Scarlett is like a sister to me and she is legally as well. It just feels weird thinking about it.” He explains. “Hold our child.” Louri says as Chris says “Shit.” before running into the backyard. “DON’T EVEN THINK OF MY WIFE LIKE THAT OR I WILL GIVE YOU A WEDGIE YOU’LL NEVER FORGET!!!” She yells chasing him around the yard. “Like I said your Mama is a giant child.” I say laughing as I stand on the back porch as I watch Louri tackle Chris then throw him over and onto her shoulder flawlessly and I have to admit it’s hot. “Now apologize to Scarlett for even thinking about it.” She says completely seriously as she puts him in on of the lounge chairs. “Scarlett I’m sorry please tell my lunatic sister not to give me a wedgie because she is vicious when she does.” He says and Louri literally growls at him. “Louri no wedgies for now ok.” I say pointing a finger at her. “Ok no wedgies.” She agrees laughing at her brother. “Can I have Devon back now?” She asks. “Yes you can my giant child.” I laugh as I hand him over. “Devon I have to agree with Mommy I am a giant child.” She says holding Devon up in the air making him giggle. “I didn’t expect to see that when you invited us.” I hear Grace say from behind me. “Uh not to be rude but who the fuck are you?” Louri asks quite rudely but 8it makes Grace laugh. “Yep you definitely are Captain Evan. I’m Grace Wilds, Greg's wife he is just getting something from the car he should be here shortly.” Grace introduces herself and Louri’s posture changes from defensive to welcoming. “Sorry for being rude but yes I’m Captain Evans but please call me Louri. So you are the mystery guest Scarlett mentioned and may I say it’s so nice to finally meet you Grace because that one over there never shuts up about you when we are on tour.” Louri says pointing to Greg as he comes up the porch with two twelve packs of beer. “I don’t talk about her as much as you talk about Scarlett. And Captain I think that Sargent Devon would be honored to know you named your son after him.” Greg says and Louri tears up a bit. “Thanks, and how many times do I have to tell you when we are off duty it’s Louri not Captain.” She replies. “Yeah well it won’t be Captain much longer.” Greg says nudging Louri’s shoulder. “WHAT?” Four different voices say at the same time as Lizzie, Ashley, and MK join us. “They don’t know, do they?” Greg says. “No I was going to tell them after we ate.” Louri says in a scolding tone to Greg. “What is he talking about Louri?” Chris asks almost concerned. “Well in two weeks I will no longer be Captain Evans I will be Major Evans.” Louri says with a shy smile. “THAT’S FUCKING AMAZING!!!” Chris yells causing Devon to cry at the volume of Chris’s voice. “Shh it’s ok my Little Marine you’re safe. I’m here and so is Mommy see.” She says pointing to me since I’m standing right next to her it’s easier for Devon to see me and he looks in my direction following Louri’s finger and he starts to calm down. “Sorry little Dude Uncle Chris didn’t mean to scare you I am just very excited.” Chris says rubbing Devon’s back as Devon lets out a yawn. “Well I think it’s someone's nap time.” Louri says. “Well I’m going to put him down for his nap I’ll be right back.” Louri says before giving me a quick kiss and walking inside damn she has a fine ass. “Stop staring at my sister’s ass.” Chris says. “I wasn’t staring at her ass.” I try to defend myself. “Oh you were definitely staring and I don’t blame you Louri has a great ass.” MK says and I slowly turn to her and give her the Natasha Romanoff stare. “Excuse me.” I say crossing my arms over my chest. “I um. Uh Lizzie save me.” MK says hiding behind Lizzie. “I’m not getting involved.” Lizzie says walking to the beers that are now in a cooler and grabbing one. “You stare at my wifes’ ass?” I ask in full Natasha Romanoff character. “Well um maybe once but only once I swear.” MK rambles. “What’s happening out here?” Louri asks as she rejoins us. “MK told me she thinks you have a great ass.” I say. “But I do have a great ass. But MK this ass is for Scarlett only sorry.” Louri says going back to check on the grill. “Can we all stop talking about my sister’s ass please.” Chris says, making us all laugh. “Looks like the grill is ready, I'm going to get the meat. Scarlett, can you help?” She asks and I nod and follow her inside. Once we are in the kitchen Louri wraps her arms around me from behind as I open the fridge. “I heard everything through the baby monitor.” She whispers in my ear, making me blush. “Oh.” I reply. “Yeah the way you got all possessive was really hot and it makes me want to kick everyone out and take you upstairs so we can be alone.” She says, making my breath hitch before letting me go and getting everything she needs like nothing happened. After Louri finished cooking with the help of Chris and Greg we all sit down to eat. “So I’m assuming there is a ceremony for Louri’s promotion and that’s why you want a set of custom dress blues for Devon?” Ashley says. “Yes that’s correct.” I say and as if he knew we were talking about him we hear him start to cry through the monitor. “I’ve got it.” Louri says getting up. Ashley and I continue the conversation with everyone paying attention till we hear Louri through the monitor that she has always turned off before going to get Devon ever since I woke up to her singing. So we all stay quiet and listen. “Hey there my Little Marine. You want to hear the story of how your Mommy saved Mama’s life.” She says and all eyes are on me but I have no idea what she is talking about so I mouth “I have no idea what she’s talking about.” and they all nod and we go back to listening to Louri. “Well you see this was before you were born. It was before your Mommy and I were together. I was on tour your Uncle Greg the guy you met today was on tour with me.” When we hear that we all see Greg’s head drop. “What happened?” I whisper. “Just listen.” He whispers back. “Well your Uncle Greg and your Uncle Devon the man you are named after we went on patrol along with your Uncle Tom. I was driving the humvee when all of a sudden the humvee was flying through the air because Mama didn’t see the I.E.D that I drove over causing it to explode. We all made it out of the humvee but I had a pretty big peice of shrapnel in my chest that’s where I got this scar that you are always tracing with your tinny fingers. Well back to the story. I wasn’t looking good let’s put it that way. I ended up loosing consciousness, and I saw your Mommy. Your Mommy was telling me that I had to wake up and that I had to come home to her and my family. I was only a Lieutenant at the time. When I woke up Your Uncles Greg and Devon were carrying me. I don’t remember this part but when I got to the M*A*S*H your Uncle Devon told me that I kept saying your Mommy’s name over and over. So that’s how your Mommy saved me. I’ve never told her that. It’ll be our little secret. Now go back to sleep and have sweet dreams.” She says and we all are in tears. “I never knew that.” Chris says, wiping away his tears. “I think we should leave and give them some privacy.” Lizzie suggest. “Yeah I agree.” Grace says. They all say their goodbyes before leaving. Once they are all gone I cry a little harder. “Scarlett what’s wrong where did everybody go?” Louri asks as she runs to my side seeing my state. “You um you left the baby monitor on.” I tell her.

Well that was interesting. Anygays see you in the next one.

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