Chapter #29

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Chapter #29
Louri’s POV
Scarlett and Devon left for Atlanta nearly 3 months ago. Devon’s birthday is next week and I was able to get a whole week off so I can go down there and be there for his first birthday. I just got home from the base and the house is silent like it has been since they left but we have a nightly video call every day. Devon is getting closer to saying his first word everyday. I missed his first steps but Scarlett got it on video as fast as she could for me so I have a ten second video of him walking towards her. I watch it everyday and show it off as much as I can. I set myself up in the office by my computer waiting for the call to come in. “Hey guys how are you two doing?” I ask when I answer the call. “We are good he’s walking everyday aren’t you?” Scarlett says tickling him, making him giggle. “Fuck you are so cute.” I say to them both. “Fuck.” Holy shit he just said a word. “You said a word. Scarlett he said a word!” I say jumping up and down excitedly. “When did he start talking I ask. “That’s the first time and you owe me twenty bucks because I told you that would be his first word.” She says with a smile on her face. “It’s yours. I was here and I heard him say his first word the same time you did. I didn't miss it.” I say with tears of joy in my eyes. “Can you say Mama huh can you say Mama?” I say to him, “Fuck!” He says victorious. “Good enough for me, that's my boy!” I cheer. “Louri, this is definitely your son.” Scarlett laughs. “You said your first word Sweetheart yes you did” Scarlett says to him happily and he giggles. “Louri, are you crying?” Scarlett asks. “No, I got something in my eye.” I say wiping my eyes. “Uh huh sure.” She says. “Ok yes I’m crying I’m just so happy I got to hear him say his first word.” I defend myself. “I can’t wait for you to come down in a few days.” Scarlett tells me. “I can’t either. I already packed my bag.” I say with a chuckle. “Of course you did.” She says, shaking her head. After 30 minutes Scarlett had to go so we had to end our call.
Today I’m heading to Atlanta apparently the only word Devon says is fuck but I really don’t care I am just so proud that he is talking. “Excuse me but are you Louri Evans, Scarlett Johansson’s wife?” The person sitting next to me on the plane asks. “No I’m not but I get asked that a lot apparently I look a lot like her sorry to disappoint you.” I lie so I can go back to my book. “Sorry for bothering you then the resemblance is uncanny.” She says and I go back to my book I must have nodded off because next thing I know the lady from earlier is shaking me awake. “Major Evans wake up.” She says. “Huh I’m up I’m up.” I say taking in my surroundings. “I knew it.” She says. “Yeah sorry for lying it’s just I didn’t want the whole plane to know I’m here because I’m on leave and I just want peace.” I explain myself. “That’s ok I understand. Enjoy your leave and thank you for your service Major.” She says kindly. “Thank you for being so understanding.” I say as we shake hands making our way off the plane and to the gate. “Holy shit.” She exclaims as she looks forward. “What? Oh.” I say as I look up to see the entire MARVEL cast and Ma, Mom, Dad, and Karsten. “Looks like someone has a welcoming committee.” She laughs. “Well go to your family Major.” She says I nod and take off running towards them and I get tackled by Scarlett from the side. “I missed you so much!” Scarlett says as I am laying on my back and she is stradtling my lap. “I can tell. And I missed you too.” I say as I sit up and connect
our lips. Our nice sweet moment is ruined when we hear the flashes of cameras and reporters yelling at us. “They better have gotten a good picture that I can frame and put in my office or I’m gonna be pissed.” I say to Scarlett as we rest our foreheads together I get up picking up Scarlett as I do making her squeal and wrap her legs around my waist. “I need to go to baggage claim and get my bags.” I say and she looks at me confused. “Bags as in plural?” She asks. “Yeah one has clothes and one has presents.” I tell her with a big smile. “Ok well we are sending Vanessa to get your bags because Shanna is waiting for us with Devon.” She explains. “Oh so I don’t have to go to baggage claim?” I question. “No you don’t let's go to the car we left it on since Shanna and Devon are waiting for us away from all these cameras.” Scarlett says. “Ok then let’s go because I miss my Little Marine.” I say as I start walking to the crowd of people waiting for me. “Hey it’s so good to see you again.” Lizzie says giving me a side hug. “Are you going to put her down anytime soon?” My brother asks. “Fuck no I missed her and I’m not letting go.” I say making everyone laugh. “Oh so you are responsible for my grandson's first word to be a cuss word.” I hear Melanie/Mom say. “Yep and I owe Scarlett twenty bucks for it.” I say with a smile. “It’s good to see you dear.” Ma says giving me a kiss on my temple. “It’s good to see you too Ma.” I say. “Now I need Devon cuddles. Onward.” I say dramaticly making Scarlett laugh. Everyone follows us and we just ignore the paparazzi. “Seriously are you going to put her down at all?” I hear Vanessa ask me. “She better not I’ve missed this.” Scarlett says to her sister, making her raise her hands in surrender. “Thanks for getting my bags Vanessa I appreciate it.” I say as I walk towards the exit. “It’s no problem.” She says. “I see Devon!” I shout excitedly and take off running Scarlett still in my arms. “LOURI DON’T YOU DARE DROP MY DAUGHTER!!” I hear Karsten yell making Scarlett laugh since she knows I won’t. “DAD YOU WORRY TOO MUCH I’M PERFECTLY SAFE!!” Scarlett yells back. “Devon, look who it is.” Shanna says as she points to me and Scarlett. I got to the car and put Scarlett down on the hood of the car. “MAMA!” He yells out shocking all of us. “Yes Buddy it’s Mama. I have missed you so much.” I tell him when Shanna hands him to me. “And who is this?” I say pointing to Scarlett hoping he will say Mommy. “Mommy!” He says and Scarlett and Shanna are crying at this point and I’m at the verge of tears myself. “Why is everyone crying?” Robert asks as the rest of the group joins us. “He said Mama and Mommy.” Shanna says and I hear a chorus of awes and ooos. “Fuck.” Devon says just as excited. “Here we go again.” Scarlett chuckles. “Yep you are definitely my son.” I say making everyone laugh and I pull out my wallet and grab the twenty I owe Scarlett and hand it to her. “Thank you very much.” She says smugly hoping off the hood of the car. “Come here I need a hug from my two favorite people.” I say so Chris steps infront of Scarlett and hugs me. “Not you dumbass. I meant Scarlett.” I say to him. “Move Chris.” Scarlett says in a tone that scares the hell out of him and he quickly gets out of the way and Scarlett joins in on our little family hug. “Devon your Mama is mean to me.” Chris pouts. “Dumbass.” Devon says to him in reply and Scarlett gives me a death stare. “Ok that I am sorry for.” I say. “Our son has been able to say four words so far and two of them are cuss words.” Scarlett scolds me. “I am his Ma. What did you expect?” I ask and she just nods. “Let’s go home.” Scarlett says and I agree. “Bags are already in the trunk. See you three later.” Vanessa says as she heads to her car.
“I can get my bags Baby.” I say as Scarlett goes to get them. “But I think you would rather hold Devon right?” She asks. “Yeah you’ve got me there.” I say as she hands him to me and he immediately clings onto my shirt. We get inside and I try to put Devon down but he starts screaming but he stops when I pick him back up. “I think he missed you more than I thought he has never behaved like this.” Scarlett says, rubbing his back. “Can he sleep with us he is big enough now that it’s safe and I have missed him more than I thought I would until I held him again.” I ask. “I don’t have a problem with that.” She says. “Thank you.” I say as I begin to cry and I don’t even know why. “What’s wrong?” Scarlett asks putting her hand on my shoulder. “I just missed him so much I had never been away from him that long since he was born. I don’t know why I’m crying.” I say sniffing. “You’re his mom just as much as I am and I would probably be having the same reaction when I come home in three months.” She says and I look at her confused. “What do you mean?” I ask. “I mean he is gonna be a year old this week. He doesn't have to be with me 24/7 so what I’m saying is if you want he can go home with you when your leave ends.” She says completely serious. “Really are you sure Scarlett?” I ask. “Yes I feel like I have been hurting you by taking him away when he can be with you.” She tells me. “But I don’t want to do that to you either Scarlett because yes it hurt that I didn’t get to be there when he took his first steps but to be honest missing a lot of firsts is going to happen because of my job and it’s something I’m going to have to get used to. Besides I can’t take him to the base with me everyday.” I tell her before my phone rings. “Seriously.” I say seeing that it’s the Brig. “Who is it?” She asks and I show her the phone before answering.
“Major Evans, what can I do for you General?” I ask as I answer the phone.
“I’m sorry to disturb you Major, I know you just got to your family. I saw the video of Scarlett tackling you that was adorable so I have decided that my gift to your son for his birthday is to order you to finish out the rest of the 3 months that you were supposed to be in New York for. I order you to do it from down there with your family." He tells me.
"Thank you Sir for this. Thank you so much." I respond
"When I saw the video it reminded me of how hard it was for me to be away from my family and I didn’t want to do that to you anymore." He says before hanging up.
"What did he say?" Scarlett asks me. "I get to finish out my last 3 months of this assignment here. I don’t have to go back to New York next week." I say and her face lights up. “That’s amazing. That means when I’m done filming here we can go back home to L.A.” She says. “Yes it does. But what about our things that are still in New York?” I ask. “We can have it shipped home, including your truck.” She tells me. “You hear that my Little Marine Mama doesn’t have to leave you again so soon.” I say to Devon.

I told you it would be happy. Anygays see you in the next one.

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