Chapter #35

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Chapter #35
Louri's POV
"Major what do we do?" Johson asks as we are surrounded. "Let me do all the talking ok do all of you understand." I say to the unit getting a bunch of nods back. "HANDS UP DROP YOUR WEAPON!!" The man yells as I exit the building. I do what they tell me to. "If it's money you want then take me. I'm the wife of MARVEL star Scarlett Johansson and the little sister of Chris Evans!" I yell out. "GET HER!" The man yells at the others. "But you have to let the rest go and I will go without a fight!" I tell him he thinks it over before nodding his head. My hands are bound and a hood is put over my head.

When the hood is ripped off my head I find myself in a cave of some sort. "Did you let the rest go?" I ask in a demanding tone. "Yes all fifty of them. Now you are going to tell me what I want or else I will hurt you and make sure the world sees it." The man threatens. "I lied about you getting money. I know my family will want to give it to you but they also know that I wouldn't want them to. So go fuck yourself." I tell the man earning a punch in the gut as I am tied to a chair. "Fine if you aren't going to cooperate then I have no choice than to start the stream." He says as he types on the computer that the camera is connected to. He gets in front of the camera and starts to speak. "Hello world there's someone here I think you know. If you do what I will stop the pain and give her back to you. Boy's you know what to do." He says just before getting out of the way of the camera and his men start throwing punches. But I don't let them see my pain.
Scarlett's POV
"SCARLETT GET IN HERE!!" I hear Lizzie yell from the living room. "Lizzie what's wrong?" I ask and she points to the TV.
["Hello world there's someone here I think you know. If you do what I will stop the pain and give her back to you. Boy's you know what to do."] A man says as I see my wife tied to a chair being punched repeatedly but trying not to show pain but I can see it in her eyes. "Oh my God." I breathe out as I fall backwards onto the couch and tears fall from my eyes. "STOP!!" I scream at the TV as the barrage of blows to her body and face continue till she is knocked unconscious.
["Ah a pitty I guess we will just have to use the jumper cables later unless the Evans family or Mrs. Johansson give us what we want. The soldiers we let go have the information needed to get in contact with us." He says before I hear Louri's voice. "Hey fucker! You aren't getting anything!" She yells causing someone punch her in the gut. "Oh good you're awake. Boys get me the jumper cables." He says]
"Ok Scarlett maybe you shouldn't watch this." Lizzie says reaching for the remote. "No I need to know what their demands are." I tell her grabbing the remote before she can. "Scarlett." Lizzie tries. "No Lizzie I'm getting her back even if it makes her angry for doing what they want." I tell her without moving my eyes from the TV then a very upset crying Chris comes bursting through into the living room. "Scarlett don't watch damn it turn it off you know she wouldn't want you to watch this." Chris says. "NO I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANT SO I CAN GET HER BACK!" I yell at him.
["Where is Camp Mason Major?" The man says. "Ha like I'm going to tell you." She says right before the jumper cable makes contact with her abbs but she won't let him see her pain. "Now a question for your wife." He says and my heart beats faster if thats even posible. "LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!!" Louri yells through gritted teeth. "Mrs. Johansson I want one million dollars by the end of the week or else the torture will continue till her body fails and she dies." He says making my stomach drop. "NO!! BABY DON'T DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!" She screams before the jumper cables make contact again and this time she can't hold in her screams. "AAAGGGHHH!! DON'T! WATCH THIS PLEASE!!! AAGGHH!!!" She screams.]
"CHRIS!!" I yell at him as he turns off the TV. "THAT'S MY BABY SISTER I COULDN'T STAND HEARING THAT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WANT BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU KNOW WHAT LOURI WANTS. AS MUCH AS I HATE SAYING THIS WE HAVE TO HONOR HER WISHES!!" Chris cries. "YOU WANT ME TO JUST SIT BACK AND LET HER DIE!!?? SHE'S THE MOTHER OFF MY CHILD CHRIS!! AND I'M GETTING HER BACK!!" I scream at him. "Why Mama hurt on TV?" I hear Devon's small voice from behind me and my face loses all color. "Devon sweetie, come here. Mama's going to be just fine ok. Mommy will make sure she comes home ok?" I tell the small child that is now in my arms. "Why Mama scream?" He asks and my heart breaks. How do I even begin to explain this to him? He's only a year and a half old. "Because someone hurt Mama." I tell him honestly. "Are they going to kill Mama?" He asks and I honestly don't know. "I don't know Devon. I don't know but I do know that Mama is strong and a fighter. Do you remember what she told you before she left?" I say. "That she will do whatever it takes to come home." He says, making me nod. "That's right she will. Mommy has to go to the base do you want to come or do you want to stay here with your Auntie Lizzie and Uncle Chris?" I ask. "With you." He tells me. "Ok buddy let's get ready." I tell him.

We get to the base and I walk straight to Jerry's office. "How do I get them the money to get her back?" I ask opening the door. "Scarlett, a rescue mission is already in process. I just need you to wait, ok we will get her back. And I can't let you give them that money because the U.S doesn't negotiate with terrorists." He tells me. "WAIT SERIOUSLY YOU WANT ME TO WAIT SHE COULD BE DEAD BY THE TIME YOU FIND HER!!" I scream causing Devon to cry and cling onto me tighter. "I WANT MAMA!!" Devon starts crying. "I know sweetie I know." I try to soothe him.
Hanson's POV
"All clear there's no sign of her Sarg." A corporal says. "Then we keep looking she would do the same for us." I order and they all nod.
3 days later. "Sargenant I'm sending you home, you have to inform the family we are declaring her KIA." The General tells me. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT I KNOW SHE'S ALIVE!!" I scream at him. "Look we all want her to be alive but no one can withstand 3 days of being electecuted I'm sorry." He says and I march out of his office and find unit 4077th in full gear. "Let's go find our Major." Greg says. "You know we can lose our jobs right?" I ask. "Yes we know but she would do it for us." O'Riely says. "Good as long as we are all in agreement." I say as I get my gear ready.
Louri's POV
It's been four days of tourture I'm surprised I'm still alive. I hear screaming and gunshots then silence but them I see a face I never thought I would be so happy to see. "Tom." I say to him. "Let's get you home." Tom tells me as I see the rest of my unit enter the room. And I am carried out of that god forsaken place to a humvee as the units medic goes over my inguries and gives me an anesthetic so I don't feel any pain and I slowly drift off to sleep knowing I'm going to see my family again.

And one of you thought I was going to kill her. You know who you are. Anygays see you in the next one you might want some tissues.

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