Moon & River (Seokjin)

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Some people may think of the moon as only a big bright ball in the sky and think it doesn't mean anything. In a way they are correct, the moon is a big bright ball in the sky but they're wrong about it not meaning anything. In fact, the moon means a lot and sometimes gives messages as to why the moon is important.

Each phase of the moon symbolizes eternity, it never dies it will always be visible somewhere. The moon controls the tides, the waters, the seasons, the rains, even navigation for some animals. The moon is the middle ground between the light of the sun and the darkness of the night and in most cases, this represents the domain between the concious and the unconcious.

In astrology, the moon is known to be symbolized as the soul, and inside the horoscope it determines that the moon is your inner compass that helps you find your path in life and warns you which paths to avoid.

As for the river, well it holds a different meaning from the moon. Rivers are constantly flowing. For this reason, they are a metaphor for energy. The river represents vitality and movement. People often affiliate emotions with water or bodies of water. Rivers are no different.

You might hear people say they are "drowning in their emotions". Emotions are energy emotions, and like the river flows, so do emotions. The river is often seen as a symbol of growth, fertility, and life.

A river is more than just water, it means more than that. It is a treasure, a treasure that keeps flowing no matter what. A river has no specific destination, but a river will always have a specific direction.

Patience was the girl who controls the river and everything that came with the river. At night, the river was calm, peaceful, and every night Patience sat in the middle of the river and looked at the moon. She's always found comfort in the moon, the moon was the only thing that made the night time a little less lonely.

Sometimes she talked to the moon wondering if it could hear her concerns and the emotions she felt being the only one having control over her river. Other times she would lay against the water and stare at it until it could never been seen again until the next night.

Up above, Seokjin noticed the girl who controlled the river and was honored that she felt comfort in him. Sometimes he found comfort in the river, at night he would lay across the moon and just close his eyes as he listened to the water flowing in every which way.

He found peace being able to see the river every night he arrived and seeing that same girl waiting for him, brung joy to his heart.

Tonight he decided that would finally go down to meet his river girl. He stood on top of the moon and gracefully took a step off peacefully floating down.

Patience noticed the figure floating down and immediately got up off the water and waited patiently for him to arrive. Seokjin's feet finally stood firm on top of the water and he soon started to make his way toward Patience.

Him and Patience soon stood face to face with each other and admired each other's beauty. "Woah" they both said at the same time making each other laugh.

"It's so nice to see you, I always thought it was emtpy on the moon but you proved me wrong" Patience said as she continued to admire the man who stood in front of her. She could see his face perfectly, and everything about him was perfect. She noticed that it was a glow around his figure and fell more in love that his light didn't dim with her.

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