Part 28: Crossing Hearts

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TW⚠️⚠️⚠️ blood, fighting, knife, gun, fighting, graphic descriptions & details, death.

Mindys POV
"God, why the fuck are you so obsessed with me?!" I yell while Liv chases after me. "Your my ex boyfriends sister! Why wouldn't I be?" Liv giggles as she picks up her pace. I look behind me and I pick up hand sanitizer on the floor, I stop for a moment and look at her. "What? Finally willing to put a fight Meeks?"She asks me, "Nah." I throw the glass bottle at her and the shards her in her eyes, as long as the sanitizer. "OH FUCK!!" She drops her knife and covers her eyes, screaming. After that I push myself to run faster, I do so and I end up downstairs somehow? "What the fuck-?" I say as I stop and look behind me, I've managed to lose her for now. I go to an old wooden chair and sit down on it, hoping to recatch my breath. "Jesus Christ Mindy!" Chad comes over to me, "Are you okay?" He asks concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, I didn't get stabbed or anything I'm just tired." I say, he nods and sits down next to me. "Have you seen Sam or Tara?" He asks, I shake my head and look at him. "What if they're hurt?" I ask him, he looks at the ground for a second and thinks. "Nah, they're strong. I know that they can make it." He puts a hand on my shoulder and I smile.

Sams POV
"Tara?!" I yell loudly, probably loud enough for the killers to hear me but I don't care, I need to find my little sister. "Tara?!!" I open a door and look inside, not here. I open about 10 more doors and look around for her, nothing. "Is she hurt? What if Amber went after her?" Is all that goes through my mind. I hear ruffling upstairs and realized I've never checked up there. I go up and see the first room with a hole in its door, I turn the knob and open it. I see Tara curled up into a ball, sleeping on Ambers dead body. "Oh T.." I go up to her and hug her tightly. "I killed her Sam- she's actually dead.." She cries and hiccups a lot. "You had to Tara, you didn't have a chance." I try comforting her." She looks at me teary eyed, with mascara smudged all over her face. "But why?" She says, I pull her into another hug and kiss her on the top of her head. "You had no choice honey." I say, holding her tightly. I hear her whine and I pull away from her, looking down at her massive stomach wound. "Holy shit Tara,We need to get you an ambulance." I say worriedly as I look at the deep wound. "I'm fine..I don't even feel it." She says, looking at her wound. "That's cause your in shock...When all of this is done it's gonna hit you harder than a truck." I say, dialing 911. She looks at me sadly and then she looks back to Amber, I turn her head to face away from her. "Don't look at her T." I say while talking on the phone. "Amber used to call me T too." Tara smiles at me. Not a happy smile either, a broken one. I frown at her and rub her back gently. Before I can end the 911 call I hear a door bust open and look at Liv standing in front of both of us. I stand in front of Tara and look at her, "You fucking killed her..?" Liv says, getting closer to us. "I knew you never fucking loved her Tara." Liv smiles and Tara grits her teeth, trying to keep her mouth closed. "You KILLED your girlfriend, how do you feel? Satisfied?" Liv walks closer to us. "SHE-" I cover Tara's mouth and shush her, pointing out that Liv's eyes are closed. "I heard that." She smirks and turns in our direction. Tara whispers to me and I look over to her. "How does she know Ambers dead if she can't see?" She whispers to me, "I don't fucking know? Ghostfaces are magical." I whisper back. "Actually, I know that Tara went after her on the tracking. And before Mindy threw fucking glass shards into my eyes I noticed she wasn't moving, I'm gonna assume she's dead." Liv says. Me and Tara look at each other and then back at Liv. "You guys aren't quiet or slick." Liv giggles and throws a knife in our direction, almost cutting our heads off. "Holy shit." I say, looking at the knife inbetween me and Tara. "What? Did I get one of you?!" Liv jumps and claps her hands. "Almost.." I say as I grab Tara's hand, we hide behind a table. "Come out come out wherever you are.." She walks past a table, spinning her knife and she hits a body. She stabs it and laughs. Tara watches in horror as she stabs Amber's dead body. "Ohhh...Silly me, sorry Tara." She giggles and gets closer to us. Tara decided to get up and she tries walking over to Amber. Liv catches her and yells, "JACKPOT!" Tara smacks her across the face with her backpack and Liv falls to the floor. Tara attempts to pick up Amber and does so, she brings her over to me. "What are you doing?!" I whisper yell to her. "I didn't hit a vessel when I stabbed her, she's just knocked out Sam! We can save her.." She looks at me smiling. "Tara, she's a killer. Even if we could save her she would be put in prison straight after.." I say, holding Tara's hand. "She didn't mean it though." Tara looks at her and gently tucks a piece of hair out of Ambers face. "Tara.." I look at her concernedly. A tear drops from Tara's eye onto Ambers robe, "I didn't mean to kill her Sam.." She looks at Amber with guilt. "It wasn't your fault, she was a psychotic serial killer." I say, "She cares about me." Tara says. "I know she did T. She did so much, but it's time to move on." I rub her shoulder gently. She sniffles and nods, we both look up and see Liv above us with her eyes open. "Found ya.." She says as she swings her knife at me, cutting my shoulder. "SHIT!" Tara picks up Amber and moves away from Liv. "SAM!" She yells for me to come over to her. "GO!" I say, Tara looks at Amber and her gaze softens. She kisses her forehead and puts her down gently, putting a blanket over her as she goes over to me and tackles Liv. "YOU BITCH!" Liv says as she cuts up Tara's cheek. Tara punches her and Liv tries stabbing her again, Tara stops the knife from stabbing her by holding Liv's hand away from her. Tara uses all of her strength to do this so I kick Liv off of her. "Two against one? No fair." Liv gets up almost immediately and lunges at us with two knives. We both close our eyes and hug each other but nothing happens. We look in front of us and see both Mindy and Chad. "Holy shit." Sam says. "Mindy.." Tara says, looking at her in shock. The twins give us a thumbs up as Liv pulls both of her knives out of them, making them drop to the ground. We look at their bodies and run, Liv chases after us and we tear things down behind us as we run. "OH COME ON SAM, TARA!" She yells as she cuts through the stuff we throw. We both run out of the house onto the long staircase. "Gotcha now.." Liv says as she races down the stairs. Me and Tara look at each other and wait for Liv to get closer to us. "You guys aren't gonna run? Deal." She says as we both trip her when she comes closer to us, but she ends up pulling our arms as we fall so we all tumble down the concrete staircase. We make it to the end of the staircase and we both get up, rubbing the back of our heads. "Fuck.." Tara says. I get up and walk over to Tara, helping her up. We both look over at Liv's body. "She has to be fucking dead." Tara says. "I think she is." I say, "You though wrong." Liv springs up and slices my leg, "HOLY SHIT-!" I yell as me and Tara back up from her, Tara looks at me then looks around, she find wooden planks from the house falling and she picks up two of them. "SAM!" Tara says as she throws on to me. I catch one and hit it over Liv's head, she goes tumbling backwards and Tara comes over to me. "Ready?" She asks. I nod. Liv looks at us in fear, "NO NO PLEASE DONT!" She yells. "On the count of three." I say. Tara nods and looks at Liv, "No, don't you THINK ABOUT IT TARA!" Liv yells.
"Three.." Tara says.
"Two." I say.
"ONE!" We both say as we charge over to liv, beating her senseless with the wooden plank until she drops her knife. Tara picks the knife up and looks at me as I drop the plank on the ground, signaling for her to do it. Tara sits on top of Liv and stabs her multiple times everywhere. The arms, the chest, the stomach, the shoulders, the back, the face, the eyes, the nose, the lips, her waist, her legs, her hips, and then finally her head. I look at Liv's now mutilated body and sigh. Tara drops the knife and gets off of her, also looking with me. Sirens flash red and blue on our faces, echoing through our ears as everything fades out. Suddenly Tara drops to the ground and passes out from blood loss, I look at her and hold her in my arms as ambulances rush to the scene, multiple paramedics going into the house.
I sit in the van of the ambulance and I watch as they put an oxygen mask on Tara, trying to get her to wake up. Soon she does, but she wishes she hadn't. I watch as the sun rises, Tara beside me as she gets bandaged up, she stares into nothingness and watches as they carry Amber out in a body bag. She leans on my shoulder and I lean my head on hers. "WE'VE GOT TWO SURVIVORS IN HERE!" The paramedics yell as we see Chad and Mindy walk out, Mindy slapping the paramedics hand away to not touch her since she's fine. "Holy.." Tara runs up to them and gives them a big old bear hug, they both hold Tara and smile. "I'm so sorry T.." Mindy says, still holding Tara. "I didn't have a choice." Tara says, sobbing into Mindys shoulder. I go up to the group and I also join their hug. We all watch as the two killers get put in body bags and get taken away, we all only feel sorry for one killer. I think you can guess who that is, Tara and Sam look at eachother in victory but both defeat. They've all lost loved ones, but will learn to gain from that. The group walks together side by side as the paramedics lead them all into separate vans to get treated.

The End.

Based off of true events, 2022 Woodsborro Killings.
Made by Gale Weathers.

Crossing Hearts

2690 words, I'll be making a new book yall dw i just wanted to traumatize people with this one😘

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