Part 27: Evil.

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TW⚠️⚠️⚠️ blood, gore, stabbing, knife, graphic graphic descriptions, sad.
I look at Amber, shocked. "Surprise Tara." She
says, "How could you do this to me? Your fucking sick!!" I yell at her while trying to break free from my ropes. "Oh come on, did you really not catch on?!" She says while she points her knife at me, smiling at Liv. "Jealousy was in every kill, Tara. I never wanted to kill Sam?!? I wanted you, I wanted you to recognize me. I guess I finally got what I wanted now." She giggles and Liv steps forward. "Not every love story has a happy ending." Liv says, she slices down my arm gently and I whine in pain loudly. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys? YOU WERE OUR FRIENDS." Mindy shouts. "Yeah, we WERE your friends. We aren't anymore." Liv smirks and pushes Mindys chair over so she falls on her back, she groans and Chad looks at her then to Liv. "I don't understand." Chad says. "You didn't understand anything baby." Liv says as she puts her hand under chads chin, then releasing it. Chad pouts and Sam looks at Amber. "What's wrong Sammy?" Amber says, walking over to her. "I thought you loved her." She says, looking over to me as my eyes flood with tears. Amber looks down to me and then up at Sam. "I do LOVE her Sam. Best for last though right?" Amber goes over to me and I turn away from her. "Oh come on Tara, look at me." She smiles, putting her finger under my chin to turn my face to her. "I don't love you." I look into her eyes, she doesn't look a tad bit guilty. "I know you still do Tara, it's the sad truth though. Isn't it?" Amber looks at Liv and then drops my face. Liv nods and they both line up together with a knife in both their hands. "Who first?" Liv asks. "The brain." Amber looks over to Mindy who's still struggling to get her chair back up. "NO NO NO, HOLD UP!" Sam yells at them. "What? You have something to say Loomis?!" Liv goes close to Sams face. "Yeah i do." She says. "What is it, you wanna join us?" Amber says jokingly. "Why not?" Sam says, I look over to her and so does Chad and Mindy. "Wait, what?" Liv says confused. "I'll join you guys." She says with not a bit of emotion in her voice. "Uhm. Okay?" Liv says, tilting her head. "Just kidding." Sam headbutts liv and she falls backwards onto the ground. How did I not realize that Sam was untying herself the whole time? Amber rushes to go out a knife in her back but Sam hits her on the side of the neck, she then goes over to me and unties me, going to Chad then Mindy. Both the killers get up and run after the both of us, we all split up again but not into groups, by ourselves. Mindy figured it would be smart since if 2 of us died then 2 would still be alive to call the police. "Fuck.." I say out of breath, looking at my phone to try and get signs. Nothing, my phone battery's at 9% too, that's just great. "Tara..? Where are you honey?? I'm sorry.." Amber says, I can tell she's trying to get me first. "Go away..!" I yell out as I start to run again. "Just come to me baby.." She says in a soft but creepy voice. I come to a stop and unzip my bag, looking for an item to defend me. I pull out a pocket knife and close it, zipping my backpack up again and putting it on my back. I struggle to move fast since my bags sitting on my shoulder, the injured one. I go into an old room with unsteady floors and lock the door behind me. Little did I know that Amber was in the same room, I look to my left and I get hugged tightly. "GOTCHA!" She says, jabbing a knife in my back. I let out a loud scream and try opening my pocket knife, stabbing it into her chest. She lets me go and moves back, holding her chest and coughing. I look at her, terrified. "Tara.." She says weakly. "Amber.." I say as I walk closer to her. "Did you forget that.." She looks at me. "We have a fucking vest under our robes?" She smiles. I look at her and shed a tear. "What's wrong baby..? Don't be scared of me." She says, coming closer to me to wipe a tear from my eye. She puts the knife to my cheek to catch the tears, I look into her eyes as she does this and she makes a pouty face. "What's wrong?" She whispers. "Stop please.." I whine and start crying, "Aww...Poor baby." She digs her knife into my cheek but not too deep, I flinch and try to pull away from her, "don't move.." She smirks. She then drags the knife through my skin and down my cheek, going to my neck. "This is how Anika died." She makes a stabbing gesture near my throat and I suck in hardly. "Of course...For you I'm gonna take it nice and slow." She smirks and gets closer to my face, putting her knife handle into my previous wounds. I whimper and cry out loud while she digs it in deeper. I put my hand on her arm which is holding the knife and try pushing it farther away from me. "YOU'VE ALWAYS LIKED THINGS IN YOU ANYWAYS TARA!" She screams in my face as I cry louder, she starts pushing the whole knife in and laughs harder. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!" I yell out loudly as I push her off with all my strength, since she was supporting my weight I fall when I push her off of me too. I cry and back away from her as I try taking the knife out, since the blade is facing out of my wound I grab it and my hand starts bleeding intensely. I take the whole knife out and cover my wound, I whine in pain and she starts coming over to me again. "I didn't want to do this." Amber says, keeping a straight face. "You didn't have to..!" I cry out. "Oh but I did Tara, you just don't get it!" She kneels down and points the knife to my eye. She then puts her hand on my neck and cuts my air off, "You better not move Tara." She giggles. I gasp for air and try keeping my head back, I put my hands on her arms and try to get her to stop choking me but it doesn't work. "Please.." I gag, she rolls her eyes and releases me, I then hold my throat gently and cough a lot. "Want me to plug your wound up?" She says. I sob out loudly and try crawling away from her, she looks at me as I crawl away to a fallen vase. "You're always crawling to me, why are you crawling away now?" She says as she stands and spins her knife, she gets to the ground and flips me over, putting her knife to my throat. "Don't worry, I'll make it quick." She says, I smirk and look at her. "So will I." I say as I smash a vase over her head. She falls backwards and I get up as fast I can, limping and grabbing a big glass shard from the vase. She gets up and rubs her head, groaning. "Awh, fuck you Tara. FUCK YOU!" She says as she stands up, "yeah, fuck me." I shove the glass shard deep into her neck and she starts coughing, she falls sideways and I flip her over this time. "You know, I was always supporting your needs" I say, crying as she looks me in the eyes. "I loved you." I shove the shard deeper into her and she holds her neck. "Tara.." She says, looking up at me. "Hopefully you're at peace soon." I say, taking the glass shard out of her and making her choke on her own blood. I watch as she dies slowly. She stops holding her neck and puts her hand on the ground, holding it out. I look at it and then back at her as her eyes flood with tears. I look at her and she tries putting her hand closer to mine, I hesitate before grabbing her hand and holding it to my chest, she smiles and I look at her with tears in  my eyes. "I did love you so much Amber. I loved you too much, and I still will love you. But unfortunately you needed this." I say as I kiss her hand, she nods and her grip on my hand gets weaker, as soon as it gets weak enough I let go of her hand and watch as she stops moving, I keep watching her until the blood out of her neck stops flowing out. I rest my head on her chest and curl up into a ball, crying until I fall asleep.

1544 words
I shed a tear out of my ass while making this bro
(After I'm done with this story I'm gonna make a wholesome Tamber story don't worry yall. 😭)

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