Jane Shepard (Mass Effect trilogy)

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(Jane's music theme)

Name: Jane Diana Shepard

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Name: Jane Diana Shepard

Age: 29

Specialization: Soldier

Love Interest: Kaidan and Jacob

Well, this is the first game character I ever created a background story. Nothing special at that time, really, just her origin, some events of her life and so on. On BioWare Social Network web-site we, the Mass Effect fanst had a group dedicated to female Commander Shepard and eventually this group became very popular... I personally never expected this.

So we played like this: tell us you FemShep's background story, where she was borm, how she lived before the game events, her hobbies and all other things

Anyway, about Jane now. She's a half Russian, in my language her full name sounds like Evgenia and short name is Zhenya. So Jane knows at least two languages (her mother's a Russian, her father's Canadian). Three languages even, she also can speak French.

Jane was born on Earth, but she has parents. She joined the military because she wanted to be like them... However at first she spend some time with the criminal gang... Something she regreted later.

Jane is a soldier, she has biotic powers, but prefers not to use them and even uses some tools to supress them (only in ME2 I used one biotic skill for avaluable for the Soldier class).

Jane was betrayed by both men she loved. At first Kaidan who claimed her a traitor, and then Jacob... Jacob actually was the first and maybe the only one teammate who wanted to talk about the player's character, to know what she (or he) feels, thinks and so on. This is why I paid attention to him. All others prefered to speak about themselves only.

Too bad Jacob's betrayal was ever worse than Kaidan's, so eventually Jane returned to the latter... I just didn't want her to be alone in this, and there were no additional variations for a female character (same sex romances are not for my characters, so I never even thought about romancind Liara, she is a friend and a sister, and that's all).

All three versions of Jane in the original Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3:

All three versions of Jane in the original Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3:

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