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Archie POV:

Finally. I finally found an opening. I ran out of the woods, just to see Auradon Prep again. The bear growls grew louder and louder in the distance, as Charlie flew past me.

"Run Archie run! The bear is closing in on you!" Charlie squawked.

"I need help, now." I said to myself, before letting out a loud howl, signaling everyone where I was.

"Archie, you're just telling the bear where you are." Charlie said hesitantly.

"Then so be it. I can hold it off til everyone get here." Archie replied.

The bear then slowly appeared out of the brush, creeping upon Charlie and I. I growl, showing no fear.

"I swear you'll be defeated." I growled, preparing to pounce. All of a sudden, a blue flash came in-front of me.

"Get away from him!" the blue one said. I immediately realized it was Evie.

"Evie! Move!".

Third Person POV:

Simba and Kyle ran as fast as they could to the howl. Kyle picked up Archie's scent, but also picked a second scent. Evie.

They both peeped over the hill, and saw the bear appearing out of the bushes in-front of Archie.

"Stay low to the ground. Try not to make a sound. Check the winds, shadows. Wait for the perfect moment to pounce." Simba whispered to Kyle.

While on the move he saw Evie run and stand in-front of Archie and everyone else.

"Evie." he said to himself.

Kyle slowly stalked the bear from behind, moving with the winds to keep his scent away. Just as the bear lifted his paw to snatch Evie, pounced.

"Kyle." Evie screamed in shock.

Kyle sunk his claws and fangs into the bear's back, making it squeal and cry in despair. Mal and Ben pulled Evie away from the two beast, before the bear fell to the ground.

"Run. Run away, and never return." Kyle growled, standing over the bear. The bear slowly got up, and limped towards the woods. "I said run!" Kyle then roared.

"Kyle. He's not coming back." Simba told him.

Kyle sat down looking back into the woods, thinking of what just happened. He fought Ben, and lost his right to stay in Auradon. He fought a bear, and saved his friends.

"Well kid, you did it. King of the enchanted forest." Archie said, sitting next to Kyle, as Charlie perched on the lion's shoulder.

"King? Oh no no no. I've never even lived in the enchanted forest. That's a title a wolf like you should have." Kyle said.

"Me?" Archie jumped in shock.

Fairy Godmother then appeared from thin air, with her magic wand in hand.

"Is everyone alright?" Fairy Godmother asked, looking around to spot everyone.

"Yes. Everyone's here." Mal replied. "Ben. Are you really letting him go?"

"I don't care about his decision Mal, I'm going." Kyle hissed. "Oh Fairy Godmother, you mind giving me a hand, with this transformation thing, please."

Fairy godmother then waved her wand. Bibbidi bobbidi boo. Kyle slowly turned back into his human form. Because of that, his battle scars started showing.

"Kyle. I was so worried." Evie ran up from behind Mal to hug Kyle.

"Evie." Kyle cried, hugging her back. "Look, I don't want to leave you, but it's what's best for Auradon Prep at this point."

"No it's not." Ben interrupted. "Kyle. You were right. My first impression of you was thinking that you were going to take over Auradon, because you were different. But then I realized I've let people with different backgrounds into Auradon, and they've actually changed Auradon, in a good way."

"What are you trying to say?" Kyle asked.

"What I'm saying is, being different is good. You never meant to harm any of us. Most of us just never gave you a real chance. And I saw your love for Evie. You deserve each other. She was the only person that fought for you." Ben explained.

"Eh-hem." Mal coughed, looking a little 'disappointed.'

"With the aid of her best friend Mal. If it wasn't for Evie mainly, someone here wouldn't be standing here today, and it most likely would have been you. I'm offering you to live in Auradon full time." Ben stated. "We can clear your criminal record."

"Before your arrest, we've been able to get your missing record cleared, but we're still trying to get to your birth-mother."

Kyle looked at everyone, then at Timon, Pumbaa, Archie, Charlie, and Simba.

"If you're happy here with her, stay." Timon said, with a smile on his face, jumping off of Pumbaa.

"We want what's best for you pal." Pumbaa added.

"And you can come visit whenever you want." Simba followed up with.

"Whenever?" Kyle asked.

"Whenever." Simba replied.

"Thanks dad." Kyle smiled, and hugged his dad, thanking him.

Kyle then turned back to the group and announced, "I'll stay, but, I'm going to visit my family for a week."

"Hey Kyle. No matter where you go, we'll stick by your side." Archie walked up to him and told him.

"Always at your service sir." Charlie added chirpily.

Kyle smiled at his two best companions, who stuck by his side through all of this, and wanted to do them a favor.

"Hey Fairy godmother. Have you ever heard about two kids going missing in the Enchanted forest years ago?" Kyle turned and asked her.

"Yes. We searched for hours, and we were unable to find them." Fairy Godmother replied with.

"Wait, Kyle, you don't have to do that for us." Charlie whispered.

"You're my best friends. Of course I do." Kyle replied.

"I believe their names where Archibald and Charleston Radcliffe. Their father was the one who owned 101 Dalmatians. 

Everyone looked back on shock on the wolf and the bird.

"I was told this literally yesterday. We were bored." Kyle said, while everyone was shocked. "Can't lie, I was shocked myself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plot twist." Carlos joked.

"Can they get turned back to human form?" Kyle asked FGM.

"Kyle, it's not that easy though." Archie told him.

"I think whatever happened in the past, should stay in the past." Ben said.

"Say no more." FGM smiled as he waved her wand and hit the two with a spell. The wolf and bird suddenly has dust swirling around them, raising higher than six feet. The two dust winds them disappeared, revealing two young teen boys, one's being obviously older than the other.

"Charlie, we're normal again." Archie said, looking at his hands, and feeling his head.

"I see that. Fingers instead of feathers. Toenails instead of claws." Charlie observed.

"You both can turn into animal form, whenever you want. Same with you Kyle." FGM stated.

"That's..... that's awesome!" Charlie jumped in joy screaming.

"Life's great again!" Archie laughed, spinning around in circles.

"Yea, life's great again." Kyle smiled, hugging Evie, looking at his two wild friends celebrating. "Life's great."


A/N: Sorry for such a long wait. Not sure how many chapters left after this.

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