Who are you?

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Third Person POV:

"Now, explain to me, who are you?" Ben asked the teen in torn garments, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Well, uh, I'm Kyle." the teen replied. "I'm new here, and that's about it."

"Who are your parents?" Ben asks, leaning forward more.

"Which ones?" Kyle asks.

Ben turns and looks at Fairy Godmother, who's more clueless than him.

"Any one of them." Ben replies.

"My dad's name is Simba." Kyle states.

The name "Simba" got Fairy Godmother's face lit up.

"Simba, of Pride Rock?" she asks him.

"Yes, who know him." Kyle asks.

"This can't be possible." she says. "Ben, do you remember two years ago when your father placed that Scar lion on the Isle?"

"Scar! He's alive!" Kyle screamed jumping out of his seat. "I thought he burned to death."

"Hold on kid," Ben starts, "Yes, Fairy Godmother, continue."

"His father, is a king. King among animals."

"Animals. We don't need a wild man running around our school." Ben says angrily.

"We have Zane, Tarzan's son. The new Isle kids, and we still have to watch over Mal and her gang." Fairy Godmother states.

"Plus your majesty, he fits your school system." the man in regular clothing says to Ben.

"Still don't know the purpose of school." Kyle adds to the topic.

"You were raised by lions for years!"

"You're acting like 2 years is a bunch of years. Plus, I'm still the same guy I was when I lived in... lived in..."

"See! You can't even remember where you lived."

"Shut up Jabari."

"You're Jabari, the third son of Jason, the head of the royal guards?" Fairy Godmother asks.

"Why yes, yes I am." Jabari answers.

"Jabari, look, we don't let random strangers into our school. Something bad may happen." Ben stands and says approaching Kyle.

"King Ben, you gave the VK's a chance. Can't you give him?"

Ben looks back at the kid, then at Fairy Godmother.

"Listen, you." Ben starts.

"The name's Kyle. I thought I told you."

"Listen Kyle. I will allow you to attend Auradon Prep, but you will be heavily monitored. You must abide by all rules, and never leave the school campus."

"Yes sir."

"Fairy Godmother, can you get someone to show him around the school, and please get him a bath first."

Kyle sniffs under his armpits, and quickly says, "I smell like leopard. I hate leopards."

Fairy Godmother told Kyle to follow her to his dorm room. On his way, the halls were quiet. Everyone was in class already. There were just one or two people you would see in  the halls. Mal and Evie were two of them.

"Mal, Evie, can you two do me a favor and show Kyle, our new student around?" Fairy Godmother asks.

"I thought...." Mal started but Evie cut her off.

"We'd love to." she says smiling brightly.

Mal and Evie were originally going to show the new Isle kids around Auradon Academy.

"Kyle follow me to your dorm." Fairy Godmother said. 

As they took the corner, Kyle looked back at Mal and Evie. Evie stood there glaring at him.

"Not already!" Mal exaggerated.

"Not what?" Evie asked.

"You, him!" she shouted back.

"Mal, you told me to move on from Doug. I have." 


A/N: Are Evie and Kyle meant to be? Or is it Mal and Kyle? Next chapter, they'll show him around.

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