Forbidden Places

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Kyle POV:

This Auradon Prep place is bigger than I imagined. All I heard is that this school was for special people. I didn't want to come to school again, but I had to.

Jabari found me about two weeks ago outside the borders of Auradon City, when I arrived out of Africa. He offered to take me in. At first, I thought I would be fine alone, but realized my struggles. Food, Water, Shelter would be scarce. Jabari acted as a brother figure towards me, already teaching me about the city life that I missed out on.

But a few days ago, I was already testing my wild antics, which may or may have not have got me in trouble in the law. I stole food. But it was bread. I forgot how it tasted. The police  caught me, last second, right at Jabari's doorstep. The first question they asked was why I wasn't in school. Jabari told them I was from some kingdom ruled by King Arthur. Still don't know who that is, because I sucked in History. So, I was told to attend Auradon Academy.

Mal POV:

I still don't know who this new kid is, other than his name is Kyle. And I don't get why Evie is so obsessed with him. I just think there's something special about him. Something different. He doesn't seem like anyone else here at Auradon Prep. I just hope it's not bad.\

Evie POV:

There's something going on in my head. My heart. It's about the new guy, Kyle. As I saw him, I knew he was mine. But, I don't want to scare him off, like what Audrey did to Ben. I'm going to fast. I'll approach him slowly.

Third Person POV:

 Kyle comes out of his dorm after taking a long, warm shower. Instead of his old, torn clothes, we wore a  blue dress shirt, with pants.

"There he is." Mal said popping out from the corner, with Evie.

"Oh, you two are the people that are gonna show me around this place, right?" Kyle asks in response.

"Yes, my name's Mal, and this is Evie." Mal introduces.

"You two related to any kings, or queens." Kyle asks them.

The girls look at each other, then look back at Kyle, wondering how to explain it to him.

"Ever heard of Maleficent?" Mal asks softly.

"Evil Queen?" Evie adds.

Kyle's jaw immediately drops.

-Meanwhile in London-

"Sir, sir, you won't believe who I saw running in the streets this morning." a young teen boy said, running into his boss's office, handing him a photo of the person.

"Hmm, I know this face. It's Harrison's boy. He's alive. After years of going missing, he's alive." the boss said, ending with a little evil laughter.

"Junior! Get Rio and Hunter. It is time." 

"Time for what?"

"What do you mean time for what. Don't you remember our aim from two years ago"

"Which was..."

"To end this youngster's life ourselves. To end his bloodline."

"Oh, that."


-Back at Auradon-

"And this is the museum, where most of the magical items are stored away." Mal explains to Kyle.

"Like Fairy Godmother's wand?" he asks.

"Yep, My magic mirror."

"Yep. My spell book is in there too."

"Magic Mirror. Spell book. Jeez, everyone gave up on magic."

"You see, King Ben's father, King Adam, wanted the next generation to be able to have a function able life, without magic, but with technology."

"But what if something happens, the return of a villain?"

"Yes, magic will be used."

Kyle steps out the museum before Mal, and Evie, to see a dark, unbalanced island in the distance.

"Mal, what's that over there?" he turns and asks her.

"That's the Isle of the Lost. My old home."

"It looks horrible." he says in awe. "Scar's over there?"

"Yes, but I've never met him." Mal says. "He was next in line after my mother."

"Ha, he always next in line! First his brother, now your mother."

"Um Kyle. Scar is the ruler of the Isle." Mal says. "My mother was defeated six months ago."

"By whom?"

"By me. She tried to steal the wand."

Kyle turns back and looks at the Isle, in anger.

"You must never go there. It's very dangerous. Especially with Uma on the Isle." Evie adds.

"Who's Uma?" Kyle asks.

"She's the daughter of Ursula, a sea witch." Evie answers.

"So, just villains and very violent criminals are over there?"

"And those who were exiled by the King. So don't cause any trouble, because I don't think Ben likes you." Mal adds.

"I guess that's the place." Evie says. "And you ever need anything, you can ask me."

Mal bumps Evie in the side. Evie jumps and quickly says, "Us, us, you can ask us."

"Alright. Thanks girls." Kyle says walking back to the dorms.

Kyle POV

Man, Mal and Evie are so nice. Mal is so bright for being the daughter of Maleficent, and Evie's kinda shy, but very sweet, for being the daughter of the Evil queen.

Auradon looks like a beautiful kingdom, but that island. Scar. It really must be horrible over there. I want to do something about it, but I can't. I'll just have to wait for what tomorrow brings.

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