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Third Person POV:

Not so long ago, south of Europe, was lands humans had never discovered. The pride lands of Africa. No man dared to step foot past Egypt, into the pride lands. Once you go in, you never come out.

There were African tribes out in West Africa, but even those tribes never dared to step foot far out in the wild.

Professor Harrison Smith had been studying biology since he was a child, and wanted to find lions. Lion were never seen be humans of this century. Only in books, and photos. They had been killed off centuries ago in Europe and Asia.

Without hesitation, he set off to find the lions, with his son, Kyle. Kyle was a born explorer. Never afraid to take risks. He was always seen as a leader by everyone around him. He would always help his father in missions. Never to say no.

Professor Smith was warned by city officials of London and the USA (United States of Auradon) multiple times to never travel past Egypt in travel, but he never listened. He wanted to be the first man to find species which was almost thought to be extinct for centuries.

Professor and his son traveled for three days on foot, beside the Nile river, with limited food supply, through the desert, just in hope to find grassland.

"Dad, can we just  give up up on this?" Kyle says breathlessly to his father.

"Give up. That's the first I've heard you say that." Professor chuckles back.

"I mean, we've been traveling for three days and no sign of any animals except for insects and crocodiles." Kyle tries to explain to his father.

But, professor wasn't listening, because he's stopped dead in his tracks on what he saw ahead of him.

"Son, look up."

When he looked up, he saw... the pride lands. The most greenest grass you would have ever seen. Beautiful hills, multiple animal herds, numerous water holes, and a very large rock structure, knows as Pride Rock

"It's so beautiful!" Kyle says in shock. "It's like animal heaven."

"Don't go wondering off, remember, they're wild animals." Professor reminds his son.

"Come on dad, we've reached this far, we're not giving up now." Kyle says running down the hill ready to explore.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to give up a while ago?!" Professor follows up, chasing his son.

The father son, duo thought this would be an easy trip, but little did they know, they were being followed, by a pack of six hyenas. Not every hyena died in the fire of pride rock, some were in the elephant grave yard at the time. These were the last.

Professor and his son were having a marvelous time looking at all the animals they've never seen before, but only heard of, like zebras, and giraffes, until they stumbled up on... a lion, drinking water at the water hole. It had a bright red mane, and multiple scars on his body from wars. It was Simba.

They watched the lion from behind a large rock, taking photos of it's every move. Once Simba started walking away, the hyenas took advantage.

The loud chuckles of the wild dogs caught the attention of the father son duo.

"Are those hyenas, the tailless dog?" Kyle asks  his father.

"Yes, so we should get moving. These animals are like terrorist. They hunt for sport at times." Professor answers back. "Let's find a tree to stay in."

Professor and his son starts walking towards the nearest tree. The hyenas attack. They run as fast as they possibly can.

"Climb the tree Kyle! Now!" But as he climbs up. Something comes down. A leopard. It hisses at them, but doesn't attack. Just stays put.

"We should have turned back!" Kyle screams at his father.

"Says the one who ran down here!" Professor snaps back.

The hyenas close in on the two. They didn't know if what to do, until they stopped a cave.

"The cave! Let's go in there!" Kyle shouts at his father.

They run for their life, faster than they have ever done before. Until a certain accident occurred. Professor tripped and fell down while running.


"No, keep running son."

"I'm not leaving you."

The hyenas caught us and surrounded the professor. That was the last time Kyle saw his father.

He dashed to the cave, hoping to find somewhere safe to hide in it. He ran in, but the cave was small, and had a dead end, he jumped up on a ledge he saw. Hoping it was high enough to be safe.

He sat there, crying his life out. He had nobody with him. He was far from home. He thought he was going to get killed.

The hyenas entered the cave. Kyle hushed his crying as heard them getting closer, every single step. Little rocks kept falling whenever Kyle moved. It gave away his spot.

The hyenas launched for attack, but they weren't ready to be attacked. Simba, the lion from the water hole attacked the hyenas. With shock and inexperience filled in the hyenas, they scatter.

Simba looks up at the young child, having a closer look at him. He thought Kyle was some sort of ape.

Timon and Pumbaa arrive on the scene, hoping that their friend Simba was okay.

Timon enters  the cave and says, "Hey Simba! What's all this about?! And who is that?!"

"I... I don't know who he is, or what he is. The hyenas were attacking him, looking like they were going to kill him, so I helped him out." Simba stutters.

"Helped him out! You don't know if he's here to kill us or something!" Timon answers back to Simba.

"How is he going to kill us, if he couldn't fight the hyenas himself?" Simba states.

"That's a good point." Pumbaa whispers to Timon.

"You got me there." Timon says. "Hey kid, what are you? Some kind of monkey? Baboon?"

Kyle just looked on the animals confused, frustrated. He didn't know what they were saying.

"He's a human." a voice from outside the cave says. It was Sarabi, Simba's mother.


"It's been a long time seen I've seen a human out here in the pride lands." Sarabi states. "The last human I ever saw was killed by Scar and the hyenas."

"How do you know about them? Why have I've never seen any before?" Simba asks her.

"They live far from the pride lands. They usually don't interfere with us animals out here." she answers.

"So, what are you saying? We should leave him?" Timon asks in a joking matter.

"Well, the hyenas killed the adult. I don't think he will survive long."

"Won't survive long! Simba, we should keep him!" Pumbaa says.

"Say what now?"

"Timon, we took care of Simba, raised him until he became on adult. Can't we take care of him too?" Pumbaa asks.

Timon pauses and thinks. He looks back at the young human body, them at Simba, and Sarabi.

"I agree with Pumbaa." Simba says. "He's old enough to survive on his own."

"Oh alright." Timon agrees, kinda looking annoyed. "But he doesn't even understand us!"

"Maybe Rafiki will know what to do." Sarabi says.

"You're right! Timon, Pumbaa, stay here with him. Mother and I will get Rafiki." Simba says, running out the cave, behind his mother.

"You're just gonna... leave us here?" Timon shouts shocked. "Well Pumbaa, we got another one to raise."


A/N: This is my first descendants/lion king book, the next chapter will be one year later, in Auradon.

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