Is it Love?

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Mal POV:

Evie has been out three hours and it's  almost curfew, 9:30. She said she was going on a nature walk with somebody, but she never told me who.

She out of the blue bursts through the door with her big, pretty smile on her face.

"What happened to you?!" I ask smiling back.

"M, I think... I think..." she mutters.

"Come on split it." I say.

"I think I'm in love!" she squeals.

I'm in shock. Evie's in love already and it hasn't even been a month since she broke up with Doug.

"Evie, you just broke up with..." I start, but Evie cuts me off.

"No, don't say his name. I don't want to remember him." she says in a strict voice.

"Okay bossy." I say backing up to my bed.

Kyle POV:

I have this strange feeling in me. I've never had it before, but it makes me happy. It's for Evie. Today, she made me very happy, more happy than I've been in a while. Is it love? I've never been in love before. It's strange, but cool I guess.

"HEY!" I heard a masculine voice shout. It was probably at me. I look around to see who it is. It was Ben.

"Oh, King Ben." I say breathlessly.

"It's pass curfew. What are you doing out here?"

"Ah, I was in the woods. Pretty nice place." I say.

"Go to your dorm room." he insists.

"Okay." I say turning away from him.

This dude is always on my tail, well, if I had one.

I look bad at him while turning the corner. He still standing in the hallway looking at me. Something's up with him for real now.


A/N: Sorry for not updating guys. School is causing me problems.

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