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A/N: I just want to say rest in peace Cameron Boyce. I grew up watching you and you are one of biggest role models and favorite actors. I will never forget up. Rest up.


-Same Day-

- 7:30 AM-

Third Person POV:

Evie sat there hopeless, crying out her emotions. He's gone. Lone gone, and she did nothing about it. She didn't stand up to anyone to try and save him. Instead, she let him go it The Isle.

Evie's mind and corrupted with sadness and anger, but Mal felt even worse. Mal felt like she could have done more, and that she should have stood up to Ben more often, and felt like she failed.

"I want to go get him." Evie told her best friend who was laying by her shoulder.

"So do I."

"Then let's go."

"Not now Eves. He left not long ago, we have to go like in the evening."

"But won't he be on the isle by then?"

"That ship usually leaves before dusk, you and I both know that."

"Then we have to get to the dock long before dusk to get him."

"I agree. Let's gather supplies."

-2:38 PM-

Mal and Evie both walk out their dorm quietly, not drawing the attention of anyone. Not a lot of people were inside today, due to the tourney tournament outside.

Both briskly walked through the school until they almost bombarded a conversation. It was with Ben, Fairy Godmother, and Jason, head of the royal guards.

"How did he escape? It's not possible."

"He' up to something. We must get to him now."

"Sir yes sir."

Mal and Evie move back behind the wall.

"He escaped!"

"He lived with cats. Reminds me of Scarlett." Mal joked. "But if he escaped, where would he go?"

"The border. The border of the USA (United States of Auradon). That's where all the guards and security are going too."

"Evie. We'll get him safe. Don't worry."


-6:30 PM-

Charlie, Kyle, and Archie cautiously walked through the streets of Auradon City, It was dusk, so they hoped not to be spot by anyone. They needed to get to the border of the city, so that they could go to Africa, but they knew it wouldn't be easy.

"If we're going to the border, we need someone to guide us out."

"So who's capable of doing that for us?"


"Jabari, the third son of Jason, the head of the royal guards?"

"That's the only Jabari I know."

Kyle led Charlie and Archie to the street where Jabari lived. They snuck around cottages, hid behind barrels, until they reached his front door.

"We're here."

All of a sudden, they heard singing in the distance, coming down the road. All three quickly hid behind nearby bushes, waiting for whoever to pass.

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, The lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle the quiet jungle, The lion sleeps tonight."

"I know that song. I always hear Timon sing it. As a matter a fact..."

Kyle then peeped his head over the brush as sees an astonishing sight. Timon and Pumbaa in a cage at the back of a van.

"How the..."

Another van was behind. This sight froze Kyle even more.

"A lion." Charlie gasped.

"Father." Kyle said right after.

"Father! That's your father!"

"I guess you can say adoptive father."

"Oh, because you look nothing alike."

"We have to get them."

"What, now?!"

"Yes, now."


A/N: Let's see how this turns out.

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