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A/N: Who saw the Lion King 2019 Trailer?


Third Person POV:

Archie and Charlie both woke early to accomplish the plan they planned with Kyle.

"Archie, do you think this plan will work?"

"I don't know Charlie. I don't know. We may need a backup plan."

They both head out towards Auradon Prep, keeping a low profile. They circle the perimeter until they get to Kyle's dorm. When they get there, they have a huge surprise waiting on them.

"Guards! Guards everywhere!" Charlie said in shock.

"These aren't just normal guards, these guards have a special ability. Magic." Archie says.

"These guards have access to magic?" Charlie asks in shock.

"Yes, they are S ranked. Always on duty for a level S or above emergencies and missions." Archie explains.

"Well, what now? We can't go inside because it's probably the same." Charlie asks.

"The blue haired girl, Evie! We go to her." Archie says.

"Let me check for guards first." Charlie tells Archie. Charlie flies up to the top of he trees and looks over by the girls dormitory. "Guards there too."

"Dammit. We'll just have to wait til they bring him outside." Archie tells Charlie. Charlie agrees.

Kyle POV:

I wake up early expecting Charlie and Archie to be by my window already, but no. Guards. Guards everywhere. Then I hear a loud knocking on my door. I open it to even more guards. They go on to tell me I should be ready in 5 minutes.

Well, I guess this is my fate.

Third Person POV:

7:00 AM

The guards guide Kyle out of Auradon Prep. There were crowds of people that gathered by the gates of the school just to see the one they despised the most. Kyle kept his head low, knowing everyone was looking on him disgustingly. He patiently waited for Charlie and Archie, but they were nowhere to be seen. Neither were Evie and Mal.

"I guess this is it, huh. I'll forever be on that damn isle." he says to himself.

Kyle appears at the grill of a truck with a cage on the back. The guards drag and shove him towards the cage, then in it.

"Start the truck Ron." One the guards shouts. and then engine of the vehicle started rumbling.

The people of Auradon prep started cheering in joy at Kyle's departure. All but Evie. Yes. Evie was there, but kept silent. She saw the one she loved being locked up prisoner. She couldn't take the site no longer and ran back to her dorm. Mal followed her.

Meanwhile, the two brothers sprint into action as the truck rolled off. The plan was for Archie to distract the drivers, while Charlie got the keys.

"Charlie. This better work."

"I know Archie, I know."

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