I Am

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A/N: I assume by time I upload this Descendants 3 would have aired. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Still can't believe they took down the barrier with Maleficent being alive and loose.

Also I have a wikia for Descendants The Lion King in progress.

Link:  descendants-the-lion-king.fandom.com/wiki/Descendants:_The_Lion_King


Third Person POV:

"Ben." Kyle said in shock.

He froze for a moment. The same person who wanted to send him away may have just saved his friends and his life.

"Lock up those five, and this time, we put them in an actual prison, not the Isle."

As the royal guards rounded up Norman and his crew, Carlos and Jay rushed and helped up Kyle, and Jabari.

"You alright dude?"Carlos asked, pulling Kyle up.

"No. And now I have to face by biggest foe." Kyle sighed, brushing off.

"And the 'Lion-Boy', leave him to me." Ben told his guards.

"Ben, leave me for later, you guys have to go help Mal. She's unconscious." Kyle approached Ben saying.

"She's unconscious?! This is your fault!" Ben scolded him.


"No!! If you never came here, none of us here would be in this would've happened!" Ben claimed. "You don't get it do you? Where ever you go, you bring trouble."

"No Ben, your citizens, some of the students of Auradon are trouble. They can't accept someone that is different from them." Kyle said defending himself.

"They accepted the VK's, who actually did something good for all of Auradon, unlike you." Ben backfired.

"Ben, you never gave him a chance." Carlos claimed.

"I gave him a chance. Multiple. And I told him one rule, stay out of trouble. He ruined all of his chances. He even put all the students in danger when he turned into a lion. That is why I exiled him." Ben explained to Carlos and Jay.

"Did he say Kyle turned into a lion?" Timon asked Charlie and Archie.

"Yes Timon, you heard right. He turned into a lion on accident." Archie explained.

"Magic." Charlie unnecessarily added.

"You see Timon, magic is real." Pumbaa said.

"Yeah but that's not the problem. We need to get Kyle and Simba home." Timon replied.

"I only came here to find love. Find a mate. I got it and there she goes. True love is slipping through my hands, because of someone's hatred." Kyle told Ben.

"To find a mate?" Ben asked, confused.

"Basically a wife." Kyle replied.

Jay and Carlos's jaws both dropped. Ben paused and looked Kyle in the eye.

"You came here to find a girl to marry?" Ben followed up asking.

"I already told Evie about this. We both know she can't leave Auradon, which is why I ask that you..." Kyle started, but Ben rudely interrupted.

"No! Where you not listening to me?!!" Ben screamed at him.

"I was going to ask if I could.... never-mind. Carlos, Jay. I need to get my father, and tell Evie goodbye." Kyle turned and told them.

"You're not stepping foot into my gates again." Ben followed up with.

"You have a lion in the area, and the only one who can talk to him is me. Just let me through Ben." Kyle turned back, and demanded Ben to do as he asked.

"I said no!" Ben replied, getting angrier by the minute. More hair started growing on Ben's skin. Kyle took notice and slowly moved back.

"Ben, you're being a hot-head. Let him go." Jay shouted over to Ben.

Ben ran up to Kyle, screaming is his face, "You think you can just show up and try to take everything from me?!"

"I never intended to take anything from you Ben, and I literally only on the run because I want to leave this place. Because all of you doubted me. Well, most. To this day I still don't know who threw those tourney balls at Evie. To this day, no one has really helped me understand how I turned into a lion. I'm better off dead, than even leaving trying to escape from somewhere that wants to kill me." Kyle calmly let out before walking away from Ben.

"Where are you going?" Ben turned back and asked Kyle.

"Somewhere far from here." Kyle replied.

"You don't listen do you?" Ben aggressively asked.

"And will you stop being an arrogant king with power and be a man for once?" Kyle shouted back, asking in a pissed tone.

"You couldn't even be a king." Ben growled.

"Is that a challenge?!" Kyle roared, releasing his inner Mufasa.

"I've been dreaming off challenging you." Ben evilly smiled, moving from left to right.

Kyle slowly stepped back from Ben. He bumped into Jay behind him.

"I wished I could say a fight with you is worth nothing." Kyle claimed. "Carlos, Jay, go help Evie and Jabari. Please. Archie, Charlie, Timon, Pumbaa, get Simba."

"We don't even know where they'd be." Jay replied."

"Their dorm. Now go." Kyle insisted.

"What about you?" Carlos asked Kyle before taking up his motorbike.

"Kyle, are you sure you'll be fine?" Archie approached from behind, asking.

"I don't know what I'm about to go into, but I won't kill him." Kyle promised.

"You promise that?" Jay asked.

"I do. Now all of you go. It's just me and Ben." Kyle answered.

"I believe you can't change this. Just remember violence may not be the answer, no much how much it may be the easiest way out." Timon reminded Kyle.

Everyone ran off leaving Kyle and Ben alone. Finally, two angry man-beast hybrids to go at it.

"You want to see the real me Kyle? Well here I am."

Ben grew more and more fur. He even grew a little more in size, tearing his shirt to shreds. Sharp teeth started to pop out and claws grew on his hands. A loud roar was then let out from what Ben had become. A beast. Just like his father.

"I am inevitable." Ben growled at Kyle.

"And I'm about to make you day." Kyle replied. Dust started rising, spinning in a tornado form around Kyle. After a few seconds, the dust slowly fell revealing a young male lion.

"Because I am Kyle, son of Simba. Protector of the Pride Lands."

The two stared off each other. Seconds grew into milliseconds. Then, they charged. The fight of their lives had begun.


A/N: Double Update! Kyle vs Ben, comment who should win. (Seriously, who do you wan to win.)

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