First Impressions

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Third Person POV:

It's a new day, as Kyle steps into his first class of the day, Magical History, which is taught by Fairy Godmother. He looks around and sees most of the other seats occupied, so he decides to sit at the back.

Chad Charming, son of Cinderella and Prince Charming, walks in and spots the new kid. he gives him a disgusted look, then walks away to the front of the class.

Doug, son of Dopey, one of the seven dwarfs, also walks into class, holding hands with a girl. They sat together at the front, near Charming, and looked extremely close.

The classrooms starts to fill up, then Fairy Godmother enters to start today's lesson.

"Good morning class, today's lesson will be about Spirits." she starts.

The word spirit got Kyle's attention quickly. The only spirits he's known about were the Great Kings of the Past, which Simba told him about.

"A spirit is the non-physical part of a person, which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul."

"So like the mind of a dead person?" a student asks Fairy.


"Do we see these spirits with our eyes, or do they appear in our minds?" Kyle asks from the back of the class. Everyone turns and looks at him. "What? It's just a question."

During the same time, Evie enters the class, late.

"Evie, you're late."

"Fairy Godmother I apologize. I lost track of time this morning." she explains in a soft voice.

"Alright, have a seat."

Evie starts to move towards her seat, but notices someone else is sitting in it. Another girl, Doug's girlfriend. Evie starts to search for another seat, laying her eyes on an empty seat, next to Kyle.

"Is this seat occupied?"

"I don't see anyone in it? Unless there's a ghost in it."

Evie giggles as she sits down next to him.

They sit next to each other, listening to fairy Godmother's teachings, not saying a single word.

"So, what's it like in Africa?"

"Very different from here."

"What are lions like? I've only seen them in books. Are they more vicious than tigers?"

"Not really. But I'd say lions are a little more peaceful majestic than tigers. Maybe better."

"Hmm. I thought they were murderous, killing beast."

"Like Scar." they say in union.

Both turn to each other.

"Evie! What did I just say?" Fairy Godmother breaks their conversation.

"That uh... spirits of your ancestors live in you." she quickly answers.

Fairy Godmother gives her an odd look. "You were listening, my apologies."

"How did you know?" Kyle looks back and asks Evie.

"Lucky guess." she says back proudly.

"Okay princess." Kyle says turning his head  to listen to Fairy.

Evie looks back at him in the corner of her eye, holding her head eye, and smiling.

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