Chapter 43

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"Aang, I know swimming is fun and all. But do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that? Cover up," Toph told Aang.

We were swimming in a small lake surrounded by cliffs. I was leaning against Sokka while he sharpened his sword.

"What? I'm wearing trunks," Aang responded.

"She's talking about your tattoos. Anyone can come here and see that you're the Avatar," I explained.

"There are walls all around us. It's completely safe," Katara said. "Or maybe you're just enjoying the view," I mumbled.

"What'd you say?" Sokka asked me, not hearing me the first time. "Oh, nothing," I replied.

I turned back to Aang.

"But I still think you should—" Before I could finish, Aang waterbended himself over to a tunnel and disappeared.

"Well, that didn't do much," Sokka said and I flicked him on the head.

"Do you want to practice fighting with your sword some more?" I asked him. "Sure!" He replied, immediately getting up.

Sokka and I had been practicing our swordfighting for the past few days, and I had to admit he was getting better every day. A few days ago he had even told me that his goal was to beat me in a duel.

I followed Sokka to a secluded area of grass away from everyone else so we could practice in peace.

We started our fight and this time he waited for me to take the first hit. I brought my sword towards him and he easily defended himself.

Our swords clashed and I felt my hand slowly slipping off the handle of my sword. For some reason, Sokka seemed stronger today, which threw me off.

As I grew more distracted, Sokka used this opportunity to knock my sword out of my hand. I went to grab it but he kicked it far away from me before tripping me onto the ground.

He stood over me with a smug smile and I rolled my eyes.

"I finally did it! I finally beat you," He said. "It doesn't count. I was distracted," I told him.

"A true warrior can never be distracted in battle," Sokka reminded me.

"So I won fair and squa—" Before he could finish his sentence, I leaned up and grabbed his arm to pull him down to the ground.

He landed on top of me and I smirked.

"Seems like I won this round," I said, looking up at him.

"Don't get off topic, Princess. You just don't want to admit that I'm better than you at something," Sokka said, looking back at me.

I noticed his blue eyes flickering to my lips but I ignored him.

"No you're—" I began but was cut off as his lips made contact with mine.

I immediately kissed him back and tangled my hands in his hair. My stomach erupted with butterflies, as they always did whenever Sokka kissed me.

A few seconds later, we pulled away, both of us breathless with our cheeks flushed.

"Actually, I won this round," He said, smiling.

I pushed him off me as my mouth slowly opened with realisation.

"What? That's unfair!" I said, crossing my arms. Sokka's smile widened and he ruffled my hair, ignoring my words.

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I was sleeping with Sokka's arms wrapped around me when I heard Toph speak.

"Guys, you're all gonna think I'm crazy. But it feels like a metal man is coming," Toph said.

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