Chapter 42

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After travelling for a few days, we had finally stopped near a small town.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch," Katara said, looking up at the meteors in the night sky. "Kind of makes you realise how insignificant we are," Sokka said.

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph said. Suddenly, a giant meteor flew above us and my eyes widened.

"You've never not seen anything like this," Sokka told her. The meteor fell to the ground and the explosion made the ground under our feet shake.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Katara shouted as we got on Appa. "Not if we can stop it," Aang replied.

Appa landed next to the explosion and Toph, Aang and Sokka jumped down.

"There's a creek over here. Mira and I will bend the water onto the fire," Katara said. We flew over to the river and bended two large bubbles of water above our heads.

We returned to the others and we bended the water over the fire, easily putting it out.

"Good work, everybody," Aang said, clapping his hands together.

Sokka walked back to us and gave us an odd look. I looked at him in confusion but he didn't say anything as we flew back to our camp site.

I could sense that something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was.

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"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night," Aang said before taking a sip of his tea. We had decided to go into town and get breakfast as that would be our last proper meal before our next stop.

"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love," Toph said. "Boo-hoo, poor heroes," We turned around at the sound of Sokka's voice.

Aang and Katara looked at eachother and then at me. I stood up and sat down on the step next to Sokka.

"What's wrong? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug yet," I pointed out, concerned.

"It's just that all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around, and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything," Sokka said.

"That's not true. You're amazing at a lot of things," I said. "No one can read a map like you," Katara said.

"I can't read at all!" Toph told him. "Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time? I mean, look at Katara's hair, right? What's up with that?" Aang said, grabbing a strand of Katara's hair.

"What? What's wrong with my hair?" She asked, covering her hair. "Nothing, I was just trying to—" Aang began but was cut off by Sokka.

"Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special, and I'm not. I'm just the guy in the group who's regular," Sokka said.

Katara stood up and sat down on Sokka's other side.

"I'm sorry you're feeling so down, but I hope you know none of us see you that way," Katara said.

Sokka stayed silent.

"I know something that's gonna make you feel better," I said, as an idea came to my mind.

"You do?" Sokka asked.

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"Shopping!" Sokka exclaimed as we entered the shop filled with weapons.

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