Chapter 16

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I decided to skip the episode about the two tribes. I tried to write it four times and I simply couldn't.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


3rd Person

Mira opened her eyes and looked around with a frown. She was sitting on Appa on her own. Where was everyone? She saw a storm cloud rush towards her.

Her father then appeared in front of her.

"Why did you leave?" He said, with an angered look.

"Your people needed you" Her younger sister glared at her.

"You will pay for this" Her brother threatened. Mira's eyes were wide, with tears building up in them

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" She shook her head as her siblings and father came closer to her.

"Why did you leave?"

"Your people needed you."

"You will pay for this" Her family repeated as the storm cloud engulfed them.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Suddenly Mira woke up with a gasp. She heard another gasp and turned her head to look at Aang, who's eyes were wide. Their sudden movements scared Momo. He jumped onto Katara and Sokka, waking them up.

"Huh! What's going on? Did we get captured again?" Sokka held his boomerang and machete, ready to fight.

"It's nothing. I just had a bad dre-" Aang told them. Mira cut him off.
"You had a nightmare too?" Mira asked him. Aang nodded. "Let's just get back to sleep".

"You don't have to tell me twice" Sokka turned around and continued sleeping. Katara looked at the two of them, concerned. "Are you alright, guys?" She asked. Mira nodded, reassuring her.

"You two seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. You want to tell me about it?" Katara said.

"We just need some rest" Aang told her. Katara still didn't look satisfied.

"You guys want to hear about my dream?" Sokka suddenly sat up. Katara frowned at him and Mira raised a brow.

"That's okay. I didn't want to talk about it anyway."



"Look at those clear skies, buddy. Should be some smooth flying" Aang sat on Appa and smiled down at the bison. Katara picked up a bag and put it upside down, crumbs falling out of it.

"Well, we'd better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, because we're out of food" Katara told Aang. Sokka put his hands up.

"Guys, wait. This was in my dream. We shouldn't go to the market" Sokka stopped us. Katara, Aang and I looked at Sokka with worried looks.

"What happened in your dream, Sokka?" I asked him. Sokka's eyes widened and he lifted his hands in front of him, shaking them.

"Food eats people! Also, Momo could talk! You said some very unkind things" I slapped my forehead as I continued putting things into my bag.


We landed outside of a port town to buy supplies for our next journey. I noticed a fruit stand and walked up to it. I picked up a melon and shook it in my hand, frowning.

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