Chapter 33

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"I am so glad that I can finally clean this stupid sand out of my hair" I said, brushing my fingers through my now clean hair.

We had finally found our way out of the desert and managed to find a water source. Aang and Katara were in the water while Toph and Sokka sat on the edge.

"Waterbending bomb! Yeah!" Katara jumped from the edge of the cliff and into the water. I quickly created a bubble around myself as the water splashed everywhere.

"Sure, five thousand year old maps from the Spirit Library. Just splash some water on them." Sokka glared at his sister as he picked up the maps that he was holding. "Sorry" Katara apologised, stepping out of the water.

She bended the water out of the maps and the five of us sat down in a circle.

"So did you figure out what route we're gonna take?" Aang asked Sokka. "Okay, we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here. And we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass."

"You're sure that's the best way to go?" Toph asked Sokka. "It's the only way. I mean it's not like we have Appa to fly us there" Sokka replied.

"Shush up about Appa. Can't you atleast try to be sensitive?" Katara whispered to her brother. We averted our eyes to look at Aang who was looking down at the ground. "Katara, it's okay. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse."

I frowned. Aang wasn't one to get over losing someone quickly, especially someone who had been his best friend for over a century.

"Oh, well, okay. I'm glad you're doing better." Katara sent a small smile in his direction. "Then to Ba Sing Se we go. No more distractions, not even to fix your hair, Mira" Sokka said, looking at me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hello there, fellow refugees!" We turned to see a middle-aged man waving at us. He was accompanied by two women. I noticed that one of them was pregnant, which I assumed was his wife.

I felt Sokka tense up next to me, clearly wary of the family. I looked at him and he rolled his eyes while letting out a groan.

"Hey, there. Are you guys headed to Ba Sing Se too?" Aang asked them as they walked up to us. "Sure are. We're trying to get there before my wife, Ying, has her baby" The man replied.

"Great. We can travel through the Serpent's Pass together" Katara suggested. The three gasped as their eyes widened. "The Serpent's Pass? Only the truly desperate take that deadly route" Ying told us.

"Deadly route? Great pick, Sokka!" Toph deadpanned, punching his arm. "Well, we are desperate." Sokka shrugged.

"You should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se" The man told us. "And it's hidden so the Fire Nation can't find it" Ying added.

"Hm, peaceful ferry ride or deadly pass?"

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A wall was opened for us by earthbenders and we walked inside of the hidden port.

"I can't believe how many people's lives have been uprooted by the Fire Nation" Katara remarked, looking around at the families. "We're all looking for a bit of life, safe behind the walls of Ba Sing Se" The man said.

We parted from the family and walked further into the port. The five of us waited in a queue for the ferry tickets.

"I told you already, no vegetables on the ferry! One cabbage slug could destroy the entire ecosystem of Ba Sing Se! Security!" An old lady shouted at a merchant. "My cabbages!" The man shrieked as a bear destroyed his cart full of cabbages.

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