Chapter 28

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A/N} I skipped Avatar Day because I just wanted to get to Toph's episode.

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3rd Person

"It's pricey but I really do like it" Sokka said, looking at a green bag. "Then you should get it. You deserve something nice" Katara told him.

"I do, don't I? But no. Its too expensive. I shouldn't" Sokka said. Mira sighed, before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sokka, you really should get something nice. I can pay for it if you want" Mira offered with a smile. Sokka turned to her with a wide smile.

"Really?" He asked. "Yes, really" Mira said. Katara and Aang sighed before walking away from the pair. They looked back at the two who were standing close to eachother, their faces nearly touching.

Katara and Aang exchanged looks before turning back to Sokka and Mira. "Sokka seems quite... lovestruck" Aang commented with a frown. "I agree" Katara muttered before turning back around.

"You know what? I'm gonna get it" Sokka finally decided. Mira nodded and began to search her pocket for money before he grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "With my own money" Sokka added before turning to the shop keeper. After paying for the bag, the two of them walked up to where Katara and Aang were. They were reading a sheet of paper.

"What's that?" Mira asked them. "It's a coupon for an earthbending school. The first lesson is free" Aang explained with a smile.

"Finally, we won't have to worry about finding you a teacher" Sokka said, placing an arm around Aang's shoulder. "Not so fast, Ponytail. This might not be the right teacher for Aang" Mira said. He looked back at Mira with a lazy smirk.

"I'm positive that this teacher is the one."

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"He's not the one" Aang told us as he walked out of the school.

I immediately looked up at Sokka with  a smirk. "Told you" I said, he huffed and rolled his eyes.
"I think the Boulder is gonna win back the belt at earth rumble 6" We heard a boy say.

"He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to even get a shot at the champ" His friend replied. Aang looked at them curiously before running up to the pair. "Excuse me. But where is this earthbending tournament exactly?"

"It's on the island of Noneoya- none o' ya business" The boy said. He and his friend laughed before walking off. Sokka chuckled from next to me. "Oh, I got to remember that one" Sokka said. I nudged him with a glare and he stopped laughing.

"Mira and I will take care of this" Katara told Aang. She smirked at me and I grinned. "Hey, strong guys, wait up!" I exclaimed as we ran after them.

They turned around and smirked at the two of us. "Hello pretty ladies" One of them said. "Hello to you too" I said before pinning him to a wall with my knives. Katara froze the other one using her waterbending.

"Now, care to tell us where earth rumble 6 is?" I asked with a sweet smile. They looked at eachother nervously before telling us where it is. Katara and I ran back to Aang and Sokka with grins on our faces.

"You ready to find an earthbendibg teacher, because we're going to earth rumble 6!" Katara said. Aang looked surprised. "How did you get them to tell you?"

"Us girls have our ways."

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"Hey, front row seats. I wonder why no one else is sitting here" Aang said as we sat down. Suddenly, I was grabbed by my waist as boulder landed next to me. "I guess that's why" Sokka said with a terrified look. He was still holding onto my waist and I looked at him with a red face. He stared back at me before his eyes widened. Sokka quickly let go of me and I leaned back against my seat.

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