Chapter 22

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Katara and I faced our two opponents. I smirked as I saw them shake. The student in front of me bended a whirl of water at me and I redirected it back at him. I froze him to the ground and I saw Katara do the same with her opponent.

"Nice try, Pupils Sangok and Innik. A couple of more years, and you two might be ready to fight a sea sponge" Pakku said and unfroze the ice the boys were encased in. "Would anyone care for a rematch with Mira and Katara?" The boys shook their heads and some of them groaned as they fell to the ground.

"You both have advanced more quickly than any student I've ever trained. You have proven that with fierce determination, passion, and hard work, you can accomplish anything. Raw talent alone is not enough" Pakku said. The three of us turned to look at Aang who was playing with Momo. "Pupil Aang!"

Aang sat up quickly. "Yes, Master Pakku?" He asked his teacher. "Care to step into the sparring circle? I figure since you've found time to play with house pets, you must have already mastered waterbending" said Pakku. Aang airbended himself off the ground.

"I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out!" Aang used waterbending to  cover himself with snow, making a snowman. The three of us shook our heads at him.

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I had decided to finally go see my sister. I've waited a few weeks because I was nervous but I decided that I should see her.

I walked up to the house that Yagoda told me Aiyana was living in. I took a deep breath before knocking on the wooden door. I waited a few seconds before the door finally opened. An older woman stood in front of me.

Her hair was grey from old age but her eyes and other features matched mine. "How may I help you, dear?" She asked with a soft smile. I cleared my throat nervously. "A-Are you Aiyana?" I asked her. She nodded.

"I'm Mira...your sister" I said slowly. Aiyana's eyes went wide as she stared at me. She stayed silent before she pulled me into a hug. "How I have missed you, Mira. Come in, come in. Have some tea" Aiyana said with teary eyes.

She pulled me inside and I looked around. It was an average house but there were a few paintings on the wall. "Here is the tea." Aiyana passed me a cup and sat herself down next to me.

"How are you alive? We thought you died" She immediately asked. "As you already probably know, Aang is the Avatar. We got stuck in a terrible storm and he went into the Avatar state and froze us in an iceberg" I explained. She nodded.

"You know, father missed you terribly" Aiyana told me. I shook my head with a small scoff. "I doubt it" I said. Aiyana didn't say anything so I changed the subject.

"So, who became chief after I left?" I asked. She took a sip of her tea before speaking. "Father led the tribe for a while until he passed in his sleep. Nanook was to be the next chief since he is just a year younger than you, but he was too heartbroken so he appointed Kaanaq as the next chief."

"Kaanaq later married a girl named Akna and they had three children together" Aiyana added. "And what about you? Did you get married and have children?" I asked her.

Aiyana shook her head. "No, I decided to become a healer and teach young girls to heal. One of them is Yagoda, you must know her" Aiyana said. I nodded.

"I heard you're the Guardian of the Avatar is that true?" Aiyana spoke. I looked at her in surprise. I knew I shouldn't have been shocked. Half the world probably knew that I was the Guardian by now. "Yes-" I was looking out of the window and what I saw stopped me.

"What's wrong?" Aiyana asked with a concerned look. "Soot. The Fire Nation is here" I said, my face turning pale.

"I'm sorry, Aiyana. I have to go, I will be back" I told her. She nodded and gave me a hug before I ran out of her house to find my friends.

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