Help Me Forget

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Carina, who had fallen asleep on the couch, woke up to some disturbed noises.

She opened her eyes only to find Dylan worriedly pacing around the room.

He had his phone to his ear but Carina was still sleepy so she couldn't make out what he was saying.

"What do you mean you don't know?! You're his fucking bodyguard!! It's your job to protect him!!!" he shouted to someone on the phone.

Dylan's veins on his hands had all of a sudden become very prominent. His anger usually had this effect on him.

Using this information, Carina figured he was angry. But he also had another look in his eyes. A look of worry.

Then, last night's events rushed through her mind. Was Victor okay?! Immediately, she stood up from the couch and headed towards Dylan.

"I DON'T CARE!!!" he shouted, causing her to flinch. But she needed to ask.

"D-Dylan" she called out, her tone carrying a slight fear. "What?" he snapped at her.

Carina took a step back as it became impossible for her to hold in her tears.

Dylan had never talked to her like that. He was the sweet and caring one in her life. She was hurt by him talking to her like that.

Dylan saw a couple of drops escaping Carina's eyes and realized straight away what he had done.

He took a deep breath before hugging Carina.

"Sorry. I'm just a little worried right now" he said, rubbing her back to calm her down. Carina hummed.

Then she pulled away and wiped her tears with the back of her hand before asking "What's wrong?"

Dylan sighed. "Remember how we came back to an empty home last night? Before finding a wasted Victor in the kitchen?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Well, it completely slipped out of my mind, but other than Victor, the house remained empty" he said.

Carina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She wasn't catching on to what Dylan was saying.

"Felix Carina, Felix. He's nowhere to be found" he said.

Carina's eyes widened on hearing that. How could they forget? Also, if Victor was in this condition, what state was Felix in.

Victor tried to kill himself last night. What if Felix did too? He didn't even have anyone to stop him. What if he was successful in......?

Carina was cut off her thoughts as Dylan's phone rang. "Hello?" he asked the unknown number.

"Yes, Dylan Whitelock here" "What?! Where?!" "I'm coming, I'm on my way" he said in a worried tone before cutting the call.

"Who was it?" Carina asked, looking at his worried face.

"The call was from Mariah Hospital. Apparently, someone admitted an injured Felix there today morning. They say he's been in an accident" Dylan said, water now gathering in his eyes.

"Hey, it will be okay. You know Felix's strong" she said trying to give him some hope.

Dylan nodded wiping off his tears. "I'm gonna head to the hospital. Can you stay here with Victor?" he asked.

Carina was hesitant about being left alone with Victor. But she knew Dylan needed to go to Felix. And if she said no, he wouldn't go.

Besides, she found out last night, that even Victor was hurt by hurting her. He wouldn't hurt her again right?

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