The Promise

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Carina woke up to an empty apartment. With her head pounding, somehow she made her way to the bathroom in the other room with just the blanket from the previous night wrapped around her.

As soon as she stepped in and saw the bed, all the previous night's memories came running back to her. She closed her eyes and just ran into the bathroom.

Carina was glad Victor wasn't there, she didn't want to face him right now. She stood in the shower, letting the warm water take all her worries away.

As Carina stepped out of the shower, she realized she didn't have a towel or any clothes with her. She had come here with a blanket under which she was completely naked.

And now that blanket was not lying outside the bathroom door where she had left it. That only meant one thing....... Victor was back!

Carina immediately went back inside the bathroom and slammed the door when she heard the bedroom door open.

"Carina?" came Victor's voice from right outside the door. Her breathing got heavy but she didn't reply. "Ms. Romanov" Victor said more sternly.

"Y-yes?" she managed. "Why'd you slam the door?" he asked. She hesitated before answering "B-because I'm n-naked and don't h-have any c-clothes. C-could you get me a t-towel please?" she asked.

She heard Victor chuckle before he said "As if I haven't seen you naked tesoro."

Italian. Victor called her sweetheart in Italian. Carina loved the language. She found it to be really sweet. And Victor's accent while saying it.... uhh! She was addicted.

But she still found herself scared of the man on the other side of the door. "Now come out and get your clothes yourself" Victor said while walking away. Carina heard the footsteps fading and opened the door slightly to peek outside.

She saw Victor sitting on the bed – the bed which was right opposite to the bathroom. As Victor smirked at her, she once again slammed the door shut.

"S-sir, could y-you just g-get my c-clothes from the o-other room p-please?" she requested. "Come and get them yourself darling" he replied.

No. Carina was not going out naked in front of him again. But Victor had played his cards right. If she didn't go out, she'd be stuck in the bathroom – naked – forever.

"I'm not gonna get your clothes Carina. So either you get them yourself or you can just stay there naked for I don't know how many hours. Cause I'm not leaving this room either" Victor said making himself clear.

Carina denied to go out, she just went and sat of the edge of the bathtub. Victor would need to use the restroom sometime. And when he does, I won't open the door before he gets me my clothes, she thought.


Half an hour had passed, and Victor was surprised by Carina's determination of not coming out without her clothes. But he knew how to bring her out.

Victor smirked evilly before picking up a remote. Every room in this apartment had a temperature control of its own. And right now in Victor's hand, was the temperature remote of the bathroom.

It was on 23 degrees right now, slightly higher than bedroom temperature. Victor pushed it down to 19 degrees. "Let's see how long you can go babygirl" Victor muttered to himself.

The temperature of the bathroom dropped. Carina could feel it. Normally, it wouldn't affect her much. But right now, she was naked, sitting on a marble floor.

She figured Victor was behind it, but what could she do about it. For the third time during her time in the bathroom, she got up too pee. The cold was getting to her.

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