xxɪᴠ: ʜᴇ'ꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ?!

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"There you are!" The white haired boy said as he quickly walked over to us.

"Bennett." Razor said as he turned to look at the boy.

Bennett looked over at me and said, "Hey your Hitsuji right?!" I paused for a moment before nodding. "Awesome! I've seen you around but every time I try and talk to you something goes wrong." The white haired boy rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. 

Bennett then spotted the wolf pup standing next to me feet and said, "Hey you found her Razor!" Razor quickly shook his head before pointing over to where I was standing. "Y/n bring back." Bennett let out and small 'oh!' before he looked back over to me.

"Thanks Y/n! We've been looking for hours now!" He said to me wide grin.

"Blood." Razor suddenly spoke up which made us both look over at him, "I smell blood." He explained to us as he looked around but his eyes quickly stopped when he saw my leg. Bennett followed his line of vision and gasped very dramatically. "You're hurt?!" He exclaimed worriedly as he quickly made his way over to me a bit closer then before. "You need to sit down! It's bleeding pretty bad!" Bennett told me which I complied to and sat down on a rock behind me.

"Wolfhook around here. I go get." Razor said before quickly running off.

Bennett sat down on the dirt in front of me looking at my wound.

His hand accidentally grazed over part of it and I slightly flinched since it stung.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Bennett said as he quickly pulled his hand away from my wound. 

Razor suddenly appeared again from the trees.

'That was quick.'

He ran over to me before crouching down in front of my leg. He then crushed the wolfhook berry with his hands and picked out a bunch of seeds inside the berry. I watch the process curiously as Razor started to crush up the seeds of the berry in his hands. He was about to touch my wound but stopped and looked up at me.

"Might hurt." He said before he touched the wound. I flinched once again as it stung while Razor rubbed on the whatever it was in the wolfhook seeds.

Once he finished he rubbed his hands on the grass while Bennett suddenly sprung up like he just got a great idea.

"I have some bandages! I can put that on it so the wolfhook stays there." Bennett said as he pulled out bandages from a small pouch on his belt. He then proceeded to wrap the bandages around my let and tying it tight so it would stay in place. "There we go!" He announced happily once he was finished. 

I then stood up to see if the bandage would stay and luckily it did.

"Thanks you two." I said with a small smile which made both of them look at me. "It was no problem at all!" Bennett answered me happily which Razor nodded to. 

I walked around a bit in a circle to get used to the feeling of the bandage on my leg.

I stopped when I suddenly heard the growl of my hungry stomach.

"Hungry?" Razor asked suddenly which made me turn over to look at the boy. "Very." I answered with a sigh. Bennett looked over at me before saying, "Wanna eat with me and Razor?"

I quickly nodded in response which made him grin right back at me.

"Great! We're gonna go catch some fish at a river and then cook 'em!" Bennett explained to me as he started to walk off with me and Razor behind him, I guessing towards the river. 

On the way there Bennett talked all about his adventures and Razor was leading us towards the lake but I could tell he was listening to the conversation. But I wouldn't exactly call it a conversation though as I was just Bennett talking and me nodding at whatever he said.

✩ʜɪᴛꜱᴜᴊɪ✩ (ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now