xɪ: ꜰʟʏɪɴɢ ᴡᴀꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ- ꜱᴏ ʏᴇꜱᴛᴇʀᴅᴀʏ

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I was sitting on the exact same post that I tried to jump off of the other day, waiting for Aether and Paimon. 

"Amber can I just go home?" I asked the female boredly. "No! I'm going to teach you how to glide!" I sighed an closed my eyes waiting for the duo to show up. 

Amber had been looking for them but when I told her they come up to the Barbatos statue at least once a day she dragged me up there and was scouting for them. 

"Hey, Aether!" She said which caught my attention. I opened my eyes and turned towards the male with a 'help me' expression. Aether sweat dropped before Amber continued, "Iv'e been looking for you everywhere! How's that wind glider I gave you last time?" She asked him with a small smile. "Pretty good." Aether responded simply. "Seems like it's really growing on you!" Amber said happily. 

'And why am I here again?'

"But then again you don't have a gliding licence, do you?" Amber asked the blonde.

'The heck is that-.'

"A gliding licence? Hmm... What's that?" Paimon asked confused. "Isn't it obvious?" Amber started.

'Dang savage Amber here-'

"You gotta have a gliding licence to legally glide in Mondstadt." Amber stated. "Oh... but Aether and Paimon have been gliding for ages now. This is the first we've heard about it." Paimon said confused. "Yeah, you've been gliding all over the place.... everyone's noticed!" Amber said. "Eh-he." Paimon said as she rubbed her neck. "Soooo.... You came looking for us because you wanted to give us a gliding licence?" Paimon asked the brunette. "No way! The Knights of Favonius have strict rules." Amber stated with her hands on her hips. "You need to pass an exam!  You too Y/n." Amber said. 

"Huh?" I asked confused "You wanted a wind glider right?" She asked me. "I mean I guess." I mumbled with a shrug. "You threatened to commit arson last time I said no and now you don't even care?!" Amber asked me confused. 

"Well since I'm traveling with Aether now can't he just like- carry me when he glides?" I asked as I waved my hand around. "W-well- what if Aether doesn't want to carry you all the time?" Amber asked me. "He doesn't?" I frowned and hopped off the platform I was sitting on before walking over to Aether. "You don't wanna carry me while your gliding? I'm really light." I asked him with puppy dog eyes. "N-no it's fine." Aether said with pink cheeks. "See." I said with a grin directed towards Amber. "There was no way he was going to say no to that." Amber said with a 'I'm not stupid' face.

I sighed and waddled over to where Amber was standing. 

"Pleaseeeeeee." I said as I looked up at the female with my hands clasped together and puppy dog eyes. "Eh- Paimon you tell her no!" Amber said as she squeezed her eyes shuts a pushed me over to the small fairy girl. "Huh?!" Paimon said confused. "Paimon?" I said. Paimon turned over to me with a bored face. "What?" "Can I just not get a glider please." I said clasping my hands together once again and puppy dog eyes. "T-too pure." Paimon said as she fell over onto Aether. 








"Well I think that settles it." I said with a grin. "You cheated." Amber mumbled under her breath. "Y/n I think your to pure for this world." Aether said as he patted my head with a now much more calmer face. "Huh? Oh I know."


"Y/n you can get off me now it's not that scary." Aether mumbled a deep shade of red as he held me above the ground. "The heck it ain't." I mumbled back as I kept my arms wrapped around his neck.

Let me explain the situation.... Once Amber had finally agreed to let me just not learn how to glide she had gave Paimon and Aether a book. They read it and showed up to where Amber and me were and the book turned out to be the wrong book or something. The reason she brought us to a cliff was for Aether to get his gliding licence. We'll you see- I have grown some sort of fear of cliffs since I keep falling off of them so I immediately jumped on Aether when we were at the top. 

He was holding me like you would a child with my arms around his neck with my head over his shoulder and and his arms holding my waist and my body up. 

"Paimon thinks Aether is about to explode." Paimon whispered to Amber as she looked at the blonde boy. Amber laughed slightly before saying, "Probably if she doesn't get off of him." "Do you have any ideas?" Paimon asked the brunette curiously. "I think this will work." Amber mumbled to the fairy before saying, "Y/n if you get off of Aether I will get you a meal at good hunter." She said to me. My head perked up and I jumped off of Aether and ran over to where Amber was standing. "Hey you did it! And only for the cost of a small meal." Paimon said to the brown haired girl. "That's the thing- Y/n eats more then five meal for one meal." Amber started to anime cry before saying, "My poor mora."

The was a moment of silence while Amber got herself together and Amber snapped back to reality. "Ah! Aether, are you ready? Also don't be nervous you just have to glide like you do in Mondstadt." Amber said with a small smile. "You just need to follow the marked route to finish." Amber said. "Shouldn't Aether do it twice and one time carry Y/n if he's going to be doing that often?" Paimon asked. "Actually yeah, we should probably do it twice. Ok uhm- Aether you'll just do the normal exam and I'll give you your licence if you beat the exam and then we'll just practice you carrying Y/n at the end." Amber said which Aether nodded at. "With that Aether are you ready?" Amber asked the blonde boy who nodded once again in response. 

"Ok. Y/n here, I'll help you get to the destination." I nodded and walked over to the female.

Amber and I have actually glided together where she was holding me so this wasn't a problem. After I had found out about wind gliders I wanted Amber to fly me over the city so we had to find out how she could carry me while gliding. 

Amber and me walked over to the edge a she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and then jumped off the cliff. Meanwhile I spread my arms out to catch more wind current because Amber couldn't.

After we landed Amber waved her hand around telling Aether he could go now. Aether glided flawlessly and landed in front of Amber and I with Paimon behind him.

"You nailed it! But it not surprise, given the way you handle you glider in a storm." Amber said with a smile.

'Storm? When did Aether glide in a storm?'

"Let's try gliding with Y/n now!" Amber said as she started walking back to the cliff. We all just followed after her. 

Once we arrived Amber said, Gliding with Y/n is easy. She also wasn't lying when she said that shes light." Amber said with a shrug. Aether walked up to me and stood next to me. "So first you need to stand on the edge of the cliff and then wrap you arms around Y/n's waist from behind." Amber said as me and Aether did as she told. "Then you just jump and glide like you normally do. Y/n make sure to spread you arms out." Amber said to us. "Ok." I mumbled back to the female. 




After Amber did a countdown Aether jumped off the edge and his glider came out and I quickly spread my arms out. We landed in the same spot Aether had landed before and Amber clapped before saying, "You did great! Now we need to go back to Mondstadt to complete Aether's exam." Amber said Aether nodded at.


Aether had got his licence but now there's something about a gliding criminal going on? Eh- I'll let Aether deal with that one.... 

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