ᴠ: ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴋɪᴅɴᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ? ᴡʜᴇɴ?

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'Oh fudge nuggets.'

I slowly looked up to see none other them the guy I had been stalking at a small Halloween dressed up fairy next to him.

'Wait what even are fudge nuggets?'

"Are you a bad guy?!" Paimon asked which snapped me back to reality.

"No- that requires to one get popular, two stalk someone, and three almost die. Wait- Actually yea I guess." I said with a shrug. 

Aether suddenly drew his sword and I just looked at him boredly as he stared at me for a few second. 

"Aren't you gonna fight back?" He asked confused. "No thanks, that's way to much work- Plus I already spent all my energy stalking you and stuff so-" "You were stalking him?!" Paimon asked confused as she stared at me with wide eyes. "Uhm, yes? Why wouldn't I? He fell from the sky." I said with a 'are you serious' face. Paimon turned to look at Aether still with wide eyes but also confused this time. "You fell from the sky?!"


After listening to Aether's explanation I now realized my sheep appearance isn't that weird. 

"Oh Paimon never asked for you name!" Paimon said as Aether realized this too and turned to me. 

'This is so weird- Iv'e seen Aether be an idiot when he was alone but now he's like super quite and calm-'


I jumped when I heard the yelled and turned to look at Paimon confused. "Huh?" "You never told us your name. It's the least you can do when you already look sketchy enough to where we can't see you face. 

'Oh yea I still have my hood up.'

"Y/n." I said bluntly. "Also speak for yourself you sketchy homeless fairy that just so happened to get fished out of the sea. I mean what are the chances you just so happened to get caught on Aether's finishing pole when you were about to drown hm?" I shot back at the small female. "Paimon was just lucky! Plus, why did you reveal yourself so quickly if you have been stalking Aether!" Paimon shouted back at me while Aether just watched from the back round. "Oh that." I said more calmly. Paimon crossed her arms, waiting for my answer. "It was just to much work to make up an excuse sorry." I said bluntly with a shrug. We all just stood there in silence for a second as Paimon tried to process that. "YOUR SO LAZY!" She yelled.

'Wait I haven't been back at Mondstadt in a few days maybe they found a cure for me while I was gone.'

"Are you even listening to Paimon?!" The said female yelled at me again which caused me to just roll my eyes. 

"Well, I'm heading back home." I said simply and started to walk off. 

"Hmph! So rude!" I could hear Paimon say from behind me. "I would have been rude to you too if you were screaming at me." Aether responded bluntly.

'Ok let's see, to Mondstadt.'

I wrapped the earth around my feet using my vision and started to head off in the direction that I hoped led to Mondstadt. I kept stopping multiple times when I saw something shiny in the grass or a random animal. Right at the moment I was using the earth to push me forward again until..... I saw another cliff. 

'Oh not again.'

I quickly braced my self and got ready to make the earth brace my fall. Honestly I thought this would be like something in a book where a character protects themselves from falling and lands in like a really cool pose but- it didn't happen. I fell on my face once again.

"Owwwwwwww." I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my face where it made impact with the ground. Which unknowingly caught a group of people's attention. 

"You again?!" I heard the same annoying squeaky voice I had heard half an hour ago. "Huh?" I said confused as I looked up and my confused face immediately turned into a disappointed one. "Huh? What's with that face?" 

'How can she see my face- Wait don't I have my hood-'

I felt my head and realized the cloth had fell off. 

'Oh well.'

"Also how do you have horns?!" Paimon said again. "I'm a sheep person duh-." I said with an eye roll which pissed off the young girl more. 

"Wait, Y/n!?" I heard a female voice say. I saw a brunette run up to me and hug me. "Wow you look like someone I know." I said as I squinted my eyes at her when she broke the hug. "You do know me I'm Amber remember." Amber said. 

She wasn't too surprised because I forgot people often just because it takes hard work to memorize someones face, name, personality, likes, dislikes, age, and looks. 

"How did you escape your kidnapper?! We sent a search party out but we couldn't find you!" Amber said as she started to check my face for scars. "You were kidnapped?!" Paimon exclaimed as Aether looked a little bit shocked too. "I was kidnapped? When?" I said confused as I tilted my head to the side. "So you weren't?! Phew, I though you were be held hostage or something!" Amber said with a relived face. 

"Wait- then what were you doing?" Amber asked as her face turned into a confused one. "Oh I was staling a pretty blonde boy with a braid" I said which by saying I unknowingly made the said boy turn a bit pink from that comment. "That pretty blonde boy is right here." Paimon said as she pointed to Aether. "Oh, hi pretty blonde boy." I said with a small tired smile which made the blonde boy turn a bit more pink. "Why were you stalking hi- you know what never mind." Amber said with a confused face. 

"Oh I never asked for you names." Amber said as she turned towards the two. "You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt.... Explain yourselves!" "We're not looking for trouble." Paimon said worriedly as she waved her hands around. "That's what all the troublemakers say." Amber said as she crossed her arms. "I'm Aether." The blonde boy said.

'Oh yea that's what his name was...'

"That doesn't sound like a local name to me." Amber said skeptically. "And this... mascot, what's the deal with it?" Amber said as she turned to look at Paimon. 

"Emergency food." Aether said suddenly which caught me off guard at his bluntness. I let out a small laugh at this which caused Aether to look at me and smile.

"Hey! That's even worse then being called a mascot!" Paimon exclaimed offended at Aether's words. "So to sum it up your traveling partners right?" Amber asked as she un-crossed her arms. "Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around Mondstadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible. Same for you Y/n." Amber said as she turned to look at me for a split second then she turned back to the duo. "It's not far from here, I'll escort you there. Come on Y/n." Amber said as I nodded and sat up from the ground and brushed off invisible dust from my jacket and put my hood back on. 

"Oh? Aren't you out here for some other reason?" Paimon asked the brunette confused. "I am. But not to worry. I can keep you both safe while doing that too." Amber said. "Besides.... I'm still not sure if I can trust to two just yet!" "Wow Amber you soooooo nice to new people." I said with a grin. "Oh uh- I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight." Amber said in a apologetic voice. "I give you my apologies, uh.. strange yet!... respectable travelers." Amber said. "That sounded so fake!" Paimon said skeptically. "Do you have something against the language usage prescribed by the Knights of Favonius Handbook?!" Amber said offended. 

'Well now I know what makes her mad.'

I walked towards the group before saying, "Are we going or not?" "Ah! Right! Sorry Y/n I forgot you were there." Amber said as she rubbed her neck. "Wow love you too." I said with an eye roll. 

"Lets start on our way to Mondstadt!" Amber said with a smile.

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