Enemy Again

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Tally P.O.V

I walked out of Shane's room. How can Tyler just fuck someone when he knows Sj is dying. I need Sj she keeps me out of trouble and if Tyler doesn't save her I'll lose her. I already lost my step sister I'm not going to lose Shane next.

I ran down the stairs. I went back to Tyler's girlfriend house only to find out he wasn't there. I followed the sent of him.

It led me to the woods and I saw him just standing there. Not doing anything. "What the fuck Tyler" I said going up to him.

He looked up at me then down on the ground. "She knows doesn't she" Tyler mumbled.

"No duh. You're her mate if you have any sexual activity with anyone she knows. She feels the pain when she knows you're doing something you shouldn't do" I explained to him.

He didn't say anything,He just looked down. "Did you really love her or were you playing around with her emotions! You know shes fucking dying and you did this to her. She could get weaker because of this! SHE COULD DIE SOONER BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID" I yelled the last part.

Again Tyler didn't say anything. "If she dies its all you're fault. Also you better watch your back if she does because I will come after you" I threatened.

I punched him as a warning. He looked at me and growled. He got up and pushed me really hard where I lost my balance and fell.

My eyes turned red and I felt my fangs come out. I got up and hissed at him. Then I attacked him. By the time I got to him he already turned into a wolf.

He came at me and pinned me down. Then I flipped him over. He flew back and hit a tree. I jumped up and Tyler looked at me then ran to me. Before he could reach me someone pushed him out of the way. I realized that the person was Nikki. He got in front of me. Tyler tired running at us again but Nikki Stopped him "Tyler stop. We don't have time for this. Sj needs you" Nikki said looking into his eyes.

Tyler turned back into his normal self. He looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes and I could read his mind. All I could hear him say was I Love Shane.

I knew he still loved her. He walked away and soon I couldn't see him. Nikki turned to me. "How did you know where I was at" I asked.

"I had that feeling"Was Nikki needed to tell me.

I really know that me and Nikki are mates and that Tyler and I are enemy's again.

New Year Secrets... ~Tyler burgess and Nikki misery~Where stories live. Discover now