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Tally P.O.V

I was walking down the hallway walking by my self. Shane was staying home because she was still a little to weak.

I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff for the first 4 periods. I closed my locker and Nikki was standing there. I didn't know he was there so I jumped back a little. "What's the matter you scared" Nikki smirked.

I just rolled my eyes and started walking. "Look the guys are going to be pissed that I'm telling you this but get ready. There planing on attacking soon. Matter of fact when Sj is super weak there going after her and attacking her and everyone else"Nikki warned.

"You're telling me this because" I asked.

Nikki grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Because I actually do like you. I don't want to see you get hurt" Nikki said.

I blushed a little bit. Nikki was about to say something before the bell rang. "I have to go"I said.

I walked away from Nikki and went to my first class. Nikki likes me. The enemy likes me. Is it crazy to say I like the enemy back. But it doesn't matter cause we can never be together.

The whole class time I sat there thinking. Thinking who could be Shane mate and I think I know who it could be. As much as I don't want to admit it it's Tyler. That little mutt. I need to talk to him at lunch. It will be hard to get to talk to him alone without his pack around.

Later at lunch I went over to Tyler and his friends. Nick took one look at me. "Eww nobody invited you"Nick said.

"I don't even want to be around you mutts you guys smell like wet dog but I need to talk to Tyler" I said.

He groaned and got up. We went to the corner of the cafeteria. "What"Tyler said.

"Look Last night Shane got hurt really bad and She is slowly dying. She has a month maybe two weeks to live. She can only live if she finds her mate and I know your her mate"I said.

I can see hope in his eyes. "What makes you say that" Tyler asked.

"Because Shane never felt this way over a person. Trust me She only dated a couple of guys but she never thought it looked at a guy the way she looks at you" I explained.

Tyler smiled then turned around and looked at his friends. He turned back around at me and smirked. "Do you really think I would love a bloodsucker. No think again"Tyler said before he walked away.

I stood there. I looked at him and started reading his mind. Lets just say I know he loves Shane. He has always loved her. Tyler just never said anything because he doesn't want to get punished for liking a vampire. I know Tyler is upset about Shane being hurt and he really wants to find a way to help her but can't.

I sat there thinking of an idea Intel it came to me. I smirked at Tyler then walked out of the Cafeteria.

I was standing next to Nikki locker. He was walking over then looked at me. He Waked over to me. "Can I ask you for a favor"I asked.

"What is it"He asked.

"You and Tyler meet me at the front of the school make sure Ash and Nick don't find out "I said.

"I can do that"Nikki said.

"Thank you your the best" I said.

I gave him a kiss then pulled away."I'm sorry" I said quickly.

"It's Ok"Nikki said.

I look over his shoulder and saw Ashley growling at me. I smirked and winked at her. I walked away and went to my next class.

At the end of school I was waiting outside the front of the school. I waited intel everyone was gone. Finally Nikki and Tyler came up to me."Look I can say this in front of Nikki cause I know he won't anything back to Ashley or anyone one of your guys mutt's. But I know you have feelings for Shane. Stop lying to yourself I know you love her. She need's you. I need her and I need her to live. Without her I would be a wreck and so would you" I said.

"What if I don't. What I don't want to help" Tyler asked.

"You know that will only put you threw more pain" I said.

"Fine."Tyler answered.

"Alright let's go" I said.

We started walking back to her house. "You know once Shane gets better I'm going back to hating you" I said to Tyler.

"Good cause I don't want to be friends with a bloodsucker"Tyler said.

Nikki smacked him on the back of his head."But mean while you want to date one"Nikki shot back.

"So do you"Tyler said.

I looked at Nikki and he just looked at me. "Yea but at least I can admit I have feelings for her and I wouldn't be a little wolf and be scared to tell Ashley about it"Nikki said.

"Nikki if I were you I would shut up!You know I can take you down in a second" Tyler said.

Nikki rolled his eye's. "Yea right. In case you didn't know I have been a wolf longer than you have so that means I have been around longer and I know more than you do"Nikki said.

I just rolled my eyes. These boys are so fucking annoying. I do got to give Ashley a round of a applause for dealing with these idiots. "I suggest both of you shut the fuck up before I take both of you down" I said.

"Please you can't take us down you're a girl" Tyler said.

I felt my eyes turn red. I hate when people understate me. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. I learned some things since I have been a vampire and if there is one thing I know it's that I have a bad temper so I get angry very fast. I turned to Tyler. "Wait Intel Shane get's better" I growled.

" What do you think you are going to hurt me. You would never hurt your best friend mate"Tyler smirked.

I could feel myself getting more mad. "Tyler knock it off"Nikki said.

"Shut up Nikki you are only deafening her because you care about" Tyler snapped.

I looked down and blushed. We finally got to Shane's house. I really hope this worked.

New Year Secrets... ~Tyler burgess and Nikki misery~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя