He doesn't care..

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Tyler P.O.V.

I sat there holding her hair while she coughed up more blood. It was sickening and it was my fault because I called Nikki to come save the day. He hurt her...and now it's up to me to save her....but I can't because I already have a girlfriend. Sure the girl isn't my mate but I don't have the heart to hurt her. I looked around as Shane weakly laid back down. "Stay with me?" She asked. "I'll be right back. I have to do something." I said and kissed her head and walked out. I had to go and talk to Kelly(girlfriend). She lives here in California and it won't take that long since she doesn't live that far from here... I morphed and ran towards the valley of California And made it to Kelly's home town. I knocked on her front door and waited for her to answer. "Tyler! I missed you baby!" She exclaimed and hugged me. I didn't hug back. "We need to talk." I said. She smiled and nodded, letting me into her home. "What is it?" She asked excitedly. Why was she excited? "Listen...it's over...ok? I don't love you anymore and-" she cut off with sniffles. "Oh my god...wait, so you weren't going to propose?" She questioned with tears. "I'm only eighteen...why would I ask you to marry me?-" she cut me off with a kiss. I found my self kissing back. Oh no....what am I doing?

Shane P.O.V.

I started to gasp for breath as my throat closed up. What's happening?! Everyone was downstairs and I couldn't scream for help. I'm dying...why?! Tyler doesn't love me? Of course he doesn't...I kept gasping. I started to cough and I heard feet running around. A few moments later Andy, jake, and CC ran in. "Whats wrong?! Where's Tyler?!" Andy's asked. I couldn't answer as I kept coughing and gasping. "Tally! Nikki!" Jake shouted. They ran in. "Find Tyler...now!" Jake growled. Nikki sighed and nodded. Him and tally took off. I finally was able to breath and I was coughing still. Blood was mixed with my mucus. "When did Tyler leave?" CC asked. I took a gulp of water. "About an hour ago...I thought he was downstairs with you guys...why was I unable to breath?" I asked. "Because Tyler did a horrible thing." My father growled. "Found him." Nikki said breathlessly as he ran in. "Where?" Jake questioned. Tally looked disappointed. "His girlfriends..." Nikki mumbled. "I'm gonna kill him." Jake growled and stormed out. I stood up and weakly chased after jake. "Stop him...it isn't worth it..." I said. Andy and CC went after him. "He was having sex huh?" I asked Nikki and tally. "Yeah..." Tally muttered. "Sj...I'm sorry..Tyler-" I stopped Nikki. "It's fine...I just wanna be left alone...I'm dying anyways...it's obvious that I can't be saved...please go..." O told them. "Don't say that!" Tally scolded me. "Why?! Because it's true?! I'M DYING TALLY AND ONLY ONE PERSON CAN SAVE ME! HE ISN'T EVEN TRYING TO! HE DOESNT CARE?! OK? HE DOES NOT FUCKING CARE! Even if he did....it would be too late because by the time he gets his head out of his ass...I'll be six feet under..." I shouted at her but muttered the last part and shut my door. My energy was now gone so I laid down and sleep quickly consumed me. He doesn't care...why would he? We're from two different worlds...we're on the run from the council...so why should anyone even care about my death? I'm the reason we're in this mess...

New Year Secrets... ~Tyler burgess and Nikki misery~Where stories live. Discover now