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Shane P.O.V.

It was Tyler...he's one of the wolves that killed Colleen. The sad thing is, I still like Tyler. Me and tally were waiting for everyone to arrive. Tally told our colony she has news. I was scared. Once everyone found out who killed Colleen, Tyler and his friends....
Would be dead.

I sat there shaking my foot. Everyone soon arrived and looked at tally. "I found the wolves. They...go to our school." Tally announced. Everyone gasped. "Who did it?!" CC growled. "Tyler and his friends." Tally growled. "We'll send a search party for them tonight. Who is volunteering?" Andy's dad asked. Without thinking, I raised my hand. Andy smiled and CC smirked. Tally, Andy, jinxx, jake, CC, and Ashley purdy volunteered after. "Ok it's getting dark now. You guys head out. The rest of us will search other places. Some will stay here." My father said. We nodded and started to walk. Everyone started to run. I was hesitant but I soon started running. I stopped in the middle of the forest. "Your in a dangerous place sweety." I heard a female voice say. I looked around. "Haha...you're not one of them....and you know it." The voice said again. I looked around. A wolf with a beautiful black fur coat and a red streak down the head appeared. Ashley Costello...
"Shane?!" I heard Andy call. Ashley growled before taking off. "I started to run in the direction of Andy's voice. I found him. We were in the flower field. The flowers were covered in snow so you couldn't see them. I now seen tally, Ashley purdy, jinxx, Andy, jake, and CC lined up. Right across from them is Ashley Costello and six other wolves. Our teams were even. I lined up with a grey wolf. "You bloodsuckers are weak!" Ashley Costello roared. The wolves charged towards us. Everyone was fighting. The grey wolf stood in front of me. "Nice to see you again. I liked you until I found out you were a bloodsucker....such a shame..." Tyler said. He was the grey wolf. "Come on, fight me!" Tyler growled. "Tyler-" I started. He chuckled darkly. "You're weak!" He roared and charged at me. I seen one glimpse of fur before I was ran onto the forest. Tyler was above me. We were all alone. He had me pinned to the ground. "We have to get out of here." He whispered. "What are you-" I started. "No time to explain...this war is going to get ugly....and I don't want you in the middle of it." Tyler said. I was angry. Why is he trying to protect me when he was angry with me! He starts this war! They killed Colleen. My eyes turned red and I kicked Tyler off of me. Tyler eyes turned green and he charged toward me. I threw him and he hit a tree. He yelped. I was blind sided by a wolf with all black fur and purple eyes. I screamed when the wolf bit my arm. I seen Andy, jinxx, and Ashley purdy charge the wolve. Tyler glimpsed at me before him and the other wolf took off. "Sj!" Jinxx screamed. "We have to get her to my father." Tally exclaimed while running up. "She's dying." CC said. Andy picked me up and started running with me in his arms. "Stay with me." He said. We made it to my house where everyone was outside. My mom stood up and started crying. Andy set me on the kitchen table. I was trying so hard to breath. "What happened?!" Tallys father asked. "She was fighting...and a wolf we haven't seen before...it blind sided her, ripping her arm open." Jinxx said. I finally started being able to breath again. "It....it hurts s-s-so ba-bad." I choked. "Her body's shutting down wicker than normal." My father said. "Don't die on us!" Tally sobbed. "What can we do? How long does she have to live?" Jake asked. I was looking around. "We have to find her mate. He can save her...he'll know how and as soon as he sees her the information will be given to him...as for home long she has? A month maybe two weeks...I don't know." Andy's father said. "Where do we find her mate?" Ashley asked. "It can be anyone...Sj's dying...we'll have to ask Elizabeth." My mom said. "She'll show us who her mate is then we can find him." Tallys mom said. "Give her some medicine to sleep." I heard CC say. I felt a small pain in my leg then my eyes started to shut. I seem Andy and everyone crowd closely around me.

I'm dying.....all because I didn't have the heart to kill Tyler in the first place....I had to let him anger me....why do I still like him?!

New Year Secrets... ~Tyler burgess and Nikki misery~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora