What could go wrong?..

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Shane P.O.V.

I sat there, coughing up more blood. Andy and the guys haven't left my side. My parents, tally's parents, and Andy's parents left to the head of council an hour ago to find out my mate. That's the only thing that can save me. I was shivering. "This...is insanity." Andy growled. "I could kill them..." Jake hissed. The guys piled next to me to keep me warm but it was no use, their bodies were cold. I heard shouting downstairs and my mom and dad ran in. "The council...they're coming to kill us." My mom whispered. Andy stood up. "Why?!" He asked. "Tally and Sj...they're mates..they aren't vampires...they're...wolves..." My father mumbled. Jake was choking on the water he was drinking. "That's impossible!" CC shouted. "It really isn't. It happened twice before this.." Andy's father said while coming in. "We have to all leave.! Now! Someone find tally...we have to find those wolves because the council are planning on killing them...and one of them is Sj's mate." Andy's mom said as our parents walked out. "We'll find tally." Jake and jinxx said while running out side. "I weakly tried sitting. "Lay down and rest while we all get everything figured out." Andy mumbled softly before kissing my forehead and leaving. I closed my eyes. "You know...tally came up and talked to me today." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Tyler on my balcony. "I didn't believe her when she said you were dying...I also didn't believe her when she said I was you're mate...but I seen some weird pale creeps in the forest. They tried to kill ash(Costello).We of course saved her along with the help of you're friends. They're actually downstairs...everyone...Nikki, and so on. Ashley and Ashley(purdy and Costello) took a liking to each other...we all agreed on a peace treaty...." Tyler muttered. He sat on the end of my bed. My door opened to see Andy's father. "We all have to go...now..." He said. Tyler stood up. "Come on." He said and picked me up bridal style. He wrapped me in his jacket along with a blanket. He carried me downstairs and set me on the couch. Everyone had bags and shit. "I packed your bags." Tally said and smiled. Nikki smirked at the two Ashley's flirting. I sat there looking around. Andy looked pissed off. Until Juliet walked in. She...wasn't a vampire...or a wolf...she was a witch...she had both black magic and good magic...she forgive me when any told her about the one night stand thing. She knew we didn't feel for each other. "Ok, unfortunately...were going off the grid for a while...as we do...no kids will be driving or hunting until we say or do....."Andy's dad announced Tyler picked me back up and carried me to one of the cars. He set me in it and then climbed in next to me. It was so cold until his arms were around me. Everyone loaded bags, tents, food(wolves and Juliet), blood(vampires), supplies, and other things we'd need. Everyone got in the cars and started to drive away. I laid my head against Tyler's chest. "What happens to Sj? She's with her mate now...she should be better, right?" Tally said. "It doesn't work like that...they have to fall in love...then...get married or have kids...you see, it's going to be very hard having a kid by a wolf for a vampire...it will be normal...a mortal human...because it can't be both...it..can also kill Sj..." My mom explained. Tyler tensed up at these words... "Why can't the get married and her get better.?" Nikki asked. "Their hearts have to truly and fully be in love..." My mom replied. "What if they don't fall in love in time?" tally asked, panicked. "Then there's nothing we can do." My father said, his voice cracking. I started coughing. I grabbed my rag and coughed into it. Blood was soaking the rag. Tyler looked at it and threw it out of the window. I drank some water and fell asleep against him while my dad drove down the highway towards California. I'm dying...my mate is my enemy...and I'm running from the council....what could go wrong?

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